Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jimbao today blogg firarTRE ÅR

Jimbao today blogg firar 3 TRE ÅR

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jan Josefsz van Goyen och Förintelsen

Foto: Jan Josefsz van Goyen
Detail of View of the Oude Maas near Dordrecht, 1651
Oil on panel

Reclaimed reveals the remarkable legacy of Jacques Goudstikker, a preeminent Jewish art dealer in Amsterdam whose vast collection of masterpieces was almost lost forever to the Nazi practice of looting cultural properties. Between the two World Wars, Goudstikker's impressive and historically important collection rose to international acclaim. This exhibition presents rarely-seen Old Master paintings-including Dutch Old Master works and Italian and Northern Renaissance paintings-recently restituted to Goudstikker's family.

Forced to flee the Netherlands with his family in May 1940 immediately after the Nazi invasion, Goudstikker died in a tragic accident while escaping. He left behind approximately 1,400 works of art in his gallery, the bulk of which were looted by Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. After the war, over 200 of Goudstikker's paintings were found by the Allies in Germany and returned to the Dutch government to be restituted to the rightful owner. Unfortunately, that was not accomplished, and they remained in the Dutch national collection.

The small black notebook he used meticulously to inventory his collection was found with Goudstikker at the time of his death, and later became a crucial piece of evidence in the battle to reclaim his art. In February 2006, Goudstikker's family successfully reclaimed 200 artworks from the Dutch government in one of the largest restitutions of Nazi-looted art.

The returned masterpieces, alongside photographs and documents relating to Goudstikker's life, provide an intimate perspective and an opportunity to reflect on the consequences of Nazi looting. This exhibition brings to light Jacques Goudstikker's extraordinary story and celebrates the historic restitution of the artworks to the rightful heir.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

16 år och gröna väskan

Minęło 16 lat zanim wreszcie wyrzuciłem ojca ciemnozieloną walizkę która miał ze sobą, kiedy pojechaliśmy do szpitala. W walizce okulary, zdjecia, szczotka do włosów, pasta do zębów i lekarstwa.

Pamiętam ten dzień bardzo dokładnie. Pojechaliśmy naszym czerwonym Fiatem Uno. Zaparkowanlismy przy patologi i tata wszedł do mojego pokoju, który był najbliżej wejścia.

Pamiętam, że pomyslałem: to ostatni raz co tata jechał tym samochodem ....

Tata siedział chwile w fotelu w moim pokoju a ja dałem mu wodę do napicia. Był zmęczony. Potem poszlismy przez przepust do głównego wejścia i tata został zarejestrowany jako pacjent.

Zdjęcie mamy, wycięte z większego zdjęcia, wielkosci znaczka pocztowego - czy to moze było zdjęcie "frontowe" które mial ze sobą az do Berlina?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Girighetens ansikte visar sitt sanna jag ..

De mest fasansfulla ansikten som återspeglar girigheten tillhör mina sk bröder.

Deras girighet försvarar de med sin kärlek till föräldrarna. Sanningen är att de mest av allt har de älskat och älskar sig själva. När det gäller pengarna så älskar de dock även andras pengar.

De har deklarerat tidigare att de skall skicka till sin halvsyster pengar som lagligt tillhör henne som en del av arvet efter vår far. Ännu idag har pengarna inte kommit fram trots deras försäkran.

The most horrifying faces that reflect greed belongs to my so-called brothers.

They defend their greed by saying, it is due to their love to our common parents. The truth, however, is, that most of all, they do love themselves. When it comes to money so they love not only their own but also other people's money.

They have declared earlier that they will send to their half-sister in Poland money that legally belongs to her as part of the legacy after our father. Until today, the money did not arrived, despite their assurances.