Thursday, May 19, 2011

Synagoga i Warszawa 1941-2011

Top picture from 2011

Picure in the middle from ghetto time, when the synagogue was part of the Small Ghetto. Jew on picture have white bands with David star.

Picture showing Plac Grzybowski area. Many houses, like my grandparents (orange *) do not exist any more. Synagogue is marked with a blue *.

My mothers oldest sister, Sabina married in 1938 in Nozyk Synagogue at Twarda 6. On the wedding day she left her parents home at Twarda 3, on opposite side of the street in wedding wagon pulld by horses. To make the trip a bit longer , they surrounded Plac Grzybowski several times. There is no wedding picture!

Zalman Nożyk and his wife Ryfka financed that temple. The building was designed by Leandro Marconi, a son of the Italian-born architect Enrico Marconi. The façade is neo-romanticist, with notable neo-Byzantine elements. The building itself is rectangular, with the internal chamber divided into three aisles.

The synagogue was officially opened to the public on May 26, 1902

When the pictures change from colour to black and white

Umschlag, Warszawa. First deportations started from Umschlag to Treblinka 1942, 69 years ago. When I was there last week, I felt how my vision in colour, changed to black and white and suddenly the year was 1942....

View of the Umschlagplatz area year 1945. Stawki school/hospital building (Stawki 4-6) on the right and another school building at Stawki 8 where the school year 1939 was supossed to be the first one.... On Stawki street one can see the remnents of the wall surounding the Umschlagplatz. The area with 3 trees, now Monument, was so called selection area (S). Visible on the picture it is the deportation area (D) with numerous railway tracks.

My grandparents Gabriel Rozental and Helena Rozental went here. Janusz Korczak, Stefa Wilczynska and hundreds of children went here. The list of our family that went this way is about 120 persons.

265.000 Warsaw Jews were taken through Umschlagplatz to cattle cars and transported to the Treblinka and murdered in gas chambers.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ryfkiele och morfar och Dziadek och Наташенька

Tiden går så fort, plötsligt är jag morfar eller "Dziadek". Tänker på min pappa som var Ryfkieles mammas "dziadek". Tänker på hans stora kärlek och hur han kallade henne för sin Aleluja eller Наташенька (Natasjenka).

Sunday, May 15, 2011