Saturday, December 7, 2013

How BACCEPMAH (Wasserman) could be changed to Wajserman.

Pinsk fell to the Russian Empire in 1793 in the Second Partition of Poland. According to the Russian census of 1897, out of the total population of 28,400, Jews constituted 21,100 (approx. 74% percent), making it one of the most Jewish cities in Eastern Europe. My fathers family, BACCEPMAH (Wasserman) lived there.

German troops wearing Prussian spiked helmets entering Pinsk during WWI. On the left, a Jewish merchant in a horse cart.

Pinsk became part of the independent Poland in 1920 after WWI and a very short Polish-Soviet WarOn March 5, 1919 the city fell to the Poles. Before that Germans were there for several years so my father had the opportunity to learn as a young boy, German as a fourth language. 

Pinsk became part of the independent Poland in 1920 after WWI and a very short Polish-Soviet War.

In 1939 Pinsk and the surrounding territories were occupied (again) by the Red Army of the Soviet Union's part the Hitler-Stalin pact that started World War II. At this time, the city's population was over 90% Jewish.

Many family names were changed when Poland become "independent" and Pinsk was again part of Poland. Many documents were written in Russian and Jiddish. When they were changed to Polish numerous changes appeared. 

So BACCEPMAH Wasserman could be changed to Wajserman... etc. The modern Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters uses letters from the Cyrillic script. Polish alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet, but includes certain letters with diacritics! So the changes from Russian to Polish were no straight forward!

My fathers and his sisters name was changed from Wasserman to Wajserman. The rest of the family had no "j" in their names.

In A Polish Declaration of Admiration and Friendship for the United States of America there are signatures of both my father and his sister as Wajserman
Volumes 7-13, bound in linen and adorned with Polish and American emblems designed by Jastrzebowski and Lenart , contain an estimated 500,000 signatures of teachers and students of about 1,000 secondary schools. Each sheet is decorated with a letterhead that reads "USA, 1776-1926, Szkolnictwo polskie w holdzie narodowi amerykanskiemu na pamiatke 150-lecia niepodleglosci Stanow Zjednoczonych" [The Polish Educational System in Tribute to the American Nation on the Occasion of the 150th Year of American Independence]. Many of the sheets are adorned with drawings and photographs of schools, students, and teachers.

Perhaps there has never been a more extraordinary gift given by one nation to another than the 111 volumes presented to the United States by Poland on the 150th anniversary of American independence. These volumes consist of a declaration of admiration (figs. 3 & 4) signed by an estimated 5,500,000 Polish citizens, representing more than one- sixth of the total population of Poland in 1926.

The idea of having the Polish people participate in celebrating America's holiday was introduced in February 1926 by the American- Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Poland, established in 1921, and the Polish American Society, founded in 1919 by renowned Polish composer and statesman Ignacy Paderewski. These two organizations invited various government departments, the municipality of Warsaw, and other important Polish institutions and associations to appoint thirty delegates to a national Sesquicentennial Committee to determine an appropriate tribute.
The Committee decided to present the United States with a declaration expressing the esteem, gratitude, and friendship of the people of Poland. This remarkable document would include the signatures of the president of the republic, national and regional officials, religious authorities, members of social organizations, and faculty and students of the major universities, as well as millions of Polish schoolchildren.

A Polish Declaration of Admiration and Friendship signed a.o. by Polish the secondary schools in Pinsk

A Polish Declaration of Admiration and Friendship signed by Polish secondary schools in Pinsk. Fourth from the bottom Mojzesz Wajserman, klass III.

A Polish Declaration of Admiration and Friendship signed by Polish secondary schools in Pinsk. Fourth from the bottom, middle row, Chana Wajserman, klass II.

Document from the Warszawa University informing that Chana Wajserman will start her studies at the Department of Chemistry year 1932.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Origin - Ursprung - en fotografisk resa bland upplevelser och minnesbilder

Fick igår i min hand en intressant bok av Otmar Thormann.

Det speciella med boken/fotoalbumet är, liksom min blog, minst trespråkig och att Thorman försöker i den återskapa något som inte finns men ändå finns.

Det intressanta med honom är att han har tidigt "fotograferat i minnet" och lagt massa bilder i sitt minnesarkiv. Således många hans gråcellbilder framkallades aldrig. Trots att de exponerades för första gången för flera decennier sedan så har de efterexponerats och framkallats först i nuet, flera år efteråt.

Normalt efter att ha gjord en exponering så framkallar fotografen negativet. Den så kallad latent bild blir synlig. Otmar har haft massa latenta gråcellbilder inom sig.  Hans sett att få fram de är genom fotografin med en riktig ljuskänslig negativfilm. Han gör det dels att åka tillbaka till sin barndoms- och ungdomsstad, dels att avfotografera  egenkomponerade stilleben.

På samma sätt som Otmar Thormann har haft i minnet många bilder så har min mor burit en bild av sin far. Inga, inga bilder av honom har överlevt Förintelsen. Det fanns dock en bild av honom i min mors minnesceller. Hon har försökt ett flertal gånger förmedlat bilden av min morfar. Det skedde på gatan eller så pekade hon ut en programledare från vetenskapsredaktionen i svensk TV.

Otmar Thormann nya/gamla bilder handlar om portvakter, slakteri och köttaffärer med grishuvuden i skylt fönster. Han tar nya bilder med sin kamera och ser till att de är kopior av bilder i hans huvudet. Han slutar dock inte där, han övergår till stilleben som skall göra honom fri från sina tidiga upplevelser.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tonight 80 068 hits

Tonight Jim bao Today passed 80 068 hits.

Korczak - New Photograph - Where and When?

Janusz Korczak (first on the left), Jerzy Zawieyski and Nela Samotyhowa in Zalesie. May 30, 1935.

Janusz Korczak (first on the left), Jerzy Zawieyski and Nela Samotyhowa in Zalesie. May 30, 1935. Biblioteka Narodowa, Polona.

One of my FB friends sent me a link to a new website with scanned old books by Korczak. Among the books, I found one (!) photograph of Korczak and two other persons.

The first found description of the photo was: Janusz Korczak, Nela Samotyhowa, and Jerzym Zawieyski in Zalesie. May 30, 1935.

There is Zalesie Górne and Zalesie Dolne, a place close to Warszawa. Who are the other persons in the picture? Whom were they visiting?

Nela (Aniela) Samotyhowa (1876-1966), born Miłkowska was a Polish writer and educator working with art and writing books about the art and understanding of the art.

Jerzy Zawieyski, born Henryk Nowicki, (born 2 October 1902, Radogoszcz - Lodz) died 18 June 1969, Warsaw) was a Polish playwright, prose writer, Catholic political activist, and amateur stage actor. He wrote psychological, social, moral, and historical novels, dramas, stories, essays, and journals. During the first peak of the official Polish Governmental antisemitic campaign in 1966-1969 Zawieyski was, as MP, trying to stop it. His criticism against leaders is well known. This campaign was thereafter accompanied by a Jewish mass emigration 1968-69.

Here we got Nela Samotyhowa, Jerzy Zawieyski, and Janusz Korczak at the same place called Zalesie.

Zawieyski and Korczak worked as lecturers at the National Institute of Teacher Training
(Państwowy Instytut Nauczycielski, PIN) in Warszawa. It was led by the famous Maria Grzegorzewska. In the thirties due to national policies and fascist tendencies, Maria Grzegorzewska was canceled from the post of director of the Institute. Along with her ​​many others left PIN among them, Korczak, Elzenberg, Suchodolski, Zawieyski, and Władysław Radwan.

Back to Zalesie. We know that the place in Zalesiu was not the place that belonged to Korczak, Samotyhowa, or Zawieyski. Whose place was it? A friend suggested Radwan. Władysław Radwan was a common friend of them and lived in Zalesie Dolne. His house survived the war and is still in good shape. The house "Willa Siedziba” at 10 Anny Jagiellonki Street is likely to be the place. In the picture from Zalesie, there are cobblestones. If there are cobblestones at the Władysław Radwans house in Zalesie Dolne that might be the place. Of course, one can ask Radwan's relatives for other old pictures from that time. Maybe new pictures of Janusz Korczak will appear soon?

Earlier I wrote: How to recognize streets and houses in the former ghetto in Warsaw. First, we have to look down, on the street. What kind of material was the street covered with and if the street has tramway tracks.

In the picture from Zalesie, there are cobble- or boulder stones.

Władysław Radwans house in Zalesie Dolne.

If You have any information about this photograph or Janusz Korczak in Zalesie please contact me at or:

Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Zalesia Dolnego
Jodłowa 5
05-501 Piaseczno
 22 757 25 88
 22 757 25 88

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Korczak - Mały Przegląd - Chanuka

Mały Przegląd to pismo dzieci i młodzieży założone przez Janusza Korczaka w październiku 1926.

Mały Przegląd to pismo dzieci i młodzieży założone przez Janusza Korczaka w październiku 1926.
Wydawane pomiędzy 1926–1939. Było bezpłatnym piątkowym dodatkiem do dziennika Nasz Przegląd z którym Janusz Korczak współpracował.

Wybitne osobistości stale współpracujące z Naszym Przeglądem.

Początkowo Mały Przegląd miał objętość czterech stron a następnie sześciu. Od 1930 roku redaktorem został Jerzy Abramow-Newerly. Z Małym Przeglądem współpracowała, była wychowanka Domu Sierot, Barbara Abramow-Newerly, która była sekretarzem redakcji. Pismo było pisane przez dzieci dla dzieci. Pismo organizowało spotkania i dyskusje.

Dzięki artykułom w Małym Przeglądzie którego wszystkie numery się zachowały się. Również wiele numerów Naszego Przeglądu zawiera informacje i zdjęcia Korczaka i Domu Sierot.

O tym ile nowych informacji można znalezć w Małym Przeglądzie świadczy wspaniała pionierska praca, naukowa, Marty Ciesielskiej, kierowniczki Korczakianum. Dla mnie osobiście najciekawsze są tam "Przypisy" i "Indeks osób związanych z Domem Sierot. Jej praca, została wydana w 1997 roku pt. "Dom na Krochmalnej na łamach Małego Przeglądu. Polecam!!!

O tym ile nowych informacji można znalezć w Małym Przeglądzie świadczy wspaniała pionierska praca, naukowa, Marty Ciesielskiej, kierowniczki Korczakianum. Dla mnie osobiście najciekawsze są tam "Przypisy" i "Indeks osób związanych z Domem Sierot. Jej praca, została wydana w 1997 roku pt. "Dom na Krochmalnej na łamach Małego Przeglądu. Polecam!!!

Mały Przegląd : pismo dzieci i młodzieży: tygodniowy dodatek bezpłatny do nr... "Naszego Przeglądu"., R.[5], nr 50 (19 grudnia 1930)- Wydanie Chanukowe.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

SL och Förköpsremsornas Död

Förköpsremsorna stämplades fram till hösten 2013.  Rabattremsor introducerades den 18 februari 1973. Förköpsremsorna såldes fram till och med 31 mars 2013.Från början var det tänkt att man skulle ha stämpelklockor monterade i bussar och på tunnelbanestationer där man själv kunde stämpla sin remsa men det blev aldrig av. Ett temporärt provisorium med stämplar i spärrar fungerande i 40 år.

Nästan alla jag känner han inte utnyttjat sina förköpshäften fullt ut och gav en stor vinst till SL. Den här på bilden med 8 kuponger som blev outnyttjade har givit SL 60 kronor...

Ett förköpshäfte från 2013,  en reducerat remsa  med 18 kuponger, pris för ett normalt remsa var 80 kr dyrare, således 200 kr.

Ett förköpshäfte från 2013 ed 4 utnyttjade resor. 40 år  tidigare, år 1973 kostade en normal remsa (inte en reducerat remsa som på bilden ovan) med 18 kuponger endast femton kronor.