Monday, October 21, 2024

The typical search for the blog owner of Jim bao Today - SHMA website -

The typical search for the blog owner of Jimbao Today may look like follows:

Hi Roman,
I found you by doing internet searches for “Kastelholm + 11 July 1945" after finding a list in the Arolsen Archive that contained Marianne’s name, headed "DISPLACED PERSONS LEAVING ON KASTLEHOLM [sic] II-7-I945”. My searches led me initially to one or more of the pages of your "Jim Bao" blog but I could not work out who "Jim Bao” might be or identify any way of contacting him. Then I found another web page entitled "Systrarna Jakubowitz" at A "MAIL" link was at the bottom of that web page. I clicked on that link, which opened an email with your address but I did not know who you were then because I had not read the introductory page for the SHMA website, which I now see contains your name.

Actually, for 18 years I was not aware of the fact that my e-mail address was just visible to me when writing but not to the readers.
I was not aware of that because there was (is) a continuous stream of people finding me and asking for help to find or send information about their relatives who came to Sweden at the end of WWII.

Cameron wrote: I already know quite a lot about Marianne but nothing about the period of her convalescence in Sweden in 1945/46. She was born in Jihlava (Iglau) in Moravia (also my mother’s hometown) in 1924. Her family owned a glassware factory there. She was deported to Theresienstadt in November 1942 and then to Auschwitz in May 1944, where she spent several weeks before being sent to Christianstadt (a sub-camp of Gross-Rosen) for seven months. From there, she was sent on a death march to Cheb, on the German/Czech border, before being taken by rail to Bergen-Belsen. Her parents and younger brother were killed at Auschwitz. Above, the Anamneses, a preliminary case history of a medical patient, Marianne, written the day after arrival in Stockholm.

After her arrival in Sweden, Marianna was hospitalized at Berga's home—Sigtuna Emergency Hospital—July 1945 - SHMA archives.

Berga - Sigtuna - July 1945 - SHMA archives.

Berga—Sigtuna—July 1945 - SHMA archives. Marianna is second from the right in the front row.

Below are some of the articles on Jimbao using ss kastelholm jim bao.