Friday, January 13, 2017

Lejb Arie Aryech Buchner was bursa student at Korczaks Dom Sierot

Lejb Arie Aryech Buchner was bursa student in Dom Sierot. Bursa student means an apprentice teacher (1924-27) at the orphanage while he was a student in Warsaw. He was studying at Państwowe Seminarium dla Nauczycieli Religii Mojżeszowej [State Training College for Teachers of Mosaic Religion in Warsaw. ]anusz Korczak was actually teaching at that college.

I do not know how and where Buchner survived the Holocaust. He ended, however, in Israel and there he did a great job by translating numerous of Korczak's books to Hebrew.

Please help me by providing more information about him.

You can easily locate him in these two photographs below as he is the only teacher there.
Buchner at Goclawek - sitting the first on the right.