Thursday, December 7, 2017

Janusz Korczak´s influence on professor Zygmunt Bauman, Bronisław Baczko and on Włodzimierz Brus.

Earlier, I wrote here, on my blog about my "Uncle Bronek", professor Bronisław Baczko who asked me just before he died (2016) to look for the articles he wrote as a child in Korczak`s Mały Przeglad - The Little Review. 
His articles were signed Bronek from Gesia Street. However, I found, just a note about his first article. Now. I found however, numerous Zygmunt Bauman writings, and now I am actively looking for "Beniamin from Cegielna (street)" - Beniamin from Cegielna is Włodzimierz Brus, the third professor from the University of Warsaw that left Poland after antisemitic wave that started in the mid-sixties called in Polish Marzec 1968.

Professor Bronisław Baczko asked me just before he died (2016) to search for the articles he wrote as a child in Korczak`s Mały Przeglad - The Little Review. His articles were signed Bronek from Gesia Street.

Professor Zygmunt Bauman, one of the most renowned and prolific figures in the sociology field, died this year in January at 91. 

Bauman was as well, as a child both reading and writing in Korczaks newspaper. Here, see below, is one of his articles/letters entitled Kubeł zimnej wody dla Dyci z Zamościa. It was published in the section Free Tribune (Wolna Trybuna). He is rather upset that Dycia wrote the story about Korczak knowing that he is the editor of The Little Review.

In the part of The Little Review called FREE TRIBUNE Zygmunt Bauman wrote:

.....I do not want to plagiarize the words of Rabbi Akiba. So I will say as follows: As I already noted, you are undoubtedly a talented writer; however, this only makes the matter worse. With abilities such as yours, you simply should not have written an article such as your “My Heroes.” The editors did not award you the first prize – even though they offered you some consolation because you are a regular contributor. Yet, I think – as well as probably every other reader who thinks objectively about the matter – that the contest submission by Wat was much better, even due to the simple fact that the editors were not involved in this subject. I think you go too far. I admit and I agree with you that Janusz Korczak is a truly outstanding man and I am not the one to tell you who should be your personal hero. However, your own conscience should prevent you from sending praise of a man who created and served as editor-in-chief of a paper to the same paper as a contest submission! It’s not only about the editors, but what does that make you look like in the eyes of other readers? I don’t want to blame you or point my fingers at your obvious fault. I only call upon your conscience to address the issue and I am looking forward to reading its answer. 
Zygmunt Bauman (Poznań)

Zygmunt Bauman uses the title A BUCKET OF COLD WATER from The Little Review from 1933. It was a special article about The Little Review editorial staff. The article is the criticism of numerous, named, co-workers (see below).

The Little Review team - 10th anniversary: Leon - Georg Glattenberg (top row, second from the left), later known as Ze'ev Harari, Edwin Markuze (top row, third from the left),  Lejzer Czarnobroda (top row, fourth from the left), Madzia Markuze (top row, fifth from the left), Igor Newerly (top row, sixth from the left), Ludwig Mirabel (top row, seventh from the left), Kuba Kirstein (top row, on the right), Shlomo Kurzbard (top row, second from the right), Efraim Rozen (top row, fourth from the right), Dycia Goldgraber (bottom row, second from the left), Dorka Goldgraber (bottom row, third from the left), Renia Herszenfus (bottom row, fourth from the left), Stefa Reif (bottom row, fifth from the left), Aneri - Irena Librader (bottom row, second from the right), and Maurici Kotler.

DYCIA FROM ZAMOŚĆ was Dycia Goldgraber, a writer for the youth and children's newspaper "Maly Przeglad." In the photo: Goldgraber is on the left. Photographed in 1935. Dycia Goldgraber was a regular reporter and a member of the editorial board (as a youth representative) between the years 1935 - and 1939. She perished in the Holocaust.

Aneri. Zygmunt Bauman mentions Aneri at the beginning of this article. Aneri - Irena. Librader, later Smigielska. She was among the editors during the first ten years of Maly Przeglad. She survived the Holocaust.

Link below:
More about Dycia and her sister Dora Goldgrabber and the editorial board of The Little Review

Summary in Polish
Gomułka, Moczar i Werblan chyba nie zauwazyli ze Bauman, Baczko i Brus byli czytelnikami/wspólpracownikami Małego Przegladu Korczaka w latach 30-tych.
Pisze, "chyba" albowiem Polski Komitet Korczakowski z siedziba na ulicy Jasnej 24 w Warszawie został jednak w 1968 roku zamkniety a drzwi zapieczetowane. Ostatnim przewodniczacym Komitetu Korczakowskiego, po Igorze Newerlym, był Michał Wróblewski - Pan Misza.
Przepraszam ze tekst po angielsku.