Thursday, April 18, 2024

Ma´apilim (Maapilim) - 75 years anniversary of leaving detention camps at Cyprus.

Ma´apilim (Maapilim) - were the Holocaust survivors who tried to reach Eretz Israel during and after WWII. Most of the ships with Maapilim were, however, captured by the British Navy, and Maapilim - the Holocaust survivors were sent to detention camps in Cyprus or Palestine. 
The last Maapilim left detention camps in Cyprus in 1949, 75 years ago.

The biggest group of Holocaust survivors - Maapilim was the one that left Sweden on January 24, 1947 (see enlarged red stamp in the middle showing the place and the date of departure) on the vessel called Ulua. 650 people left Trelleborg on that day heading to Haifa. Entry card (Entry information Card) of Madowicz Pola (L:2762) who came to Sweden from Lübeck. She traveled with a younger sister, Maria (L:2761) who was also an inmate in Bergen-Belsen. The green stamp 8 July 1948 is the entry date to Malmö. On the back of that card, there is information (from the Swedish police) about where she has been during her stay in Sweden. Everyone who was going with the S/S Ulua had to fill out the Exit Card. The historic date 24 January 1947 was stamped on it. The L-number can be found on Pola's Entry Form at the top right. The number was assigned just before the departure with White Boats from Lübeck during the summer of 1945. The Madowicz sisters came with the White Boat "Crown Princess Ingrid".

Detention camp in Cyprus.

Detention camp in Cyprus.