Friday, April 5, 2013

I stoped the recent Polin Museum forgery among the fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto

German photo from the Stroop Archives: Malka Zdrojewicz, later Hornstein (right) and her comrades, the sisters Bluma and Rachela Wyszogrodzka (center and left edge of the photo), members of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) in the Warsaw (Warszawa) ghetto, who fell into the hands of the Germans during the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Only Malka survived the Holocaust.

German photo from the Stropp Report shows Malka Zdrojewicz, later Hornstein (right) and her comrades, the sisters Bluma and Rachela Wyszogrodzka (center and left edge of the photo), members of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) in the Warsaw (Warszawa) ghetto, who fell into the hands of the Germans during the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Only Malka survived the Holocaust. None of the fighters on the photograph is carrying the band with the Star of David. The Jews throughout Nazi-occupied Europe were forced to wear this symbol in the ghettos and in some concentration camps. Therefore this symbol was so hated!

Fotografia trzech bojowniczek została zrobiona 13 maja 1943 roku chwilę po odkryciu przez Niemców bunkra, w którym się ukrywały. Od prawej: Małka Zdrojewicz, Bluma Wyszogrodzka, Rachela Wyszogrodzka. Zdjęcie z raportu Stroopa, gdzie nosi tytuł Mit Waffen gefangene Weiber der Haluzzenbewegung – Pojmane z bronią kobiety z ruchu chalucowego. Bluma została rozstrzelana, Rachela zginęła w komorach gazowych w KL Auschwitz. Tylko Małka przeżyła KL Lublin (Majdanek).
Kobiety walczyły w Powstaniu w Getcie jak mogły i potrafiły. Ramię w ramię z mężczyznami, rzucały koktajlami Mołotowa, strzelały z broni palnej. Były też łączniczkami, lekarkami, pielęgniarkami, sanitariuszkami, a także działały po tzw. aryjskiej stronie i pomagały w ucieczkach z terenu getta.

Jedną z kluczowych postaci Żydowskiej Organizacji Bojowej (ŻOB) była Cywia Lubetkin. Istotną rolę odegrała też Mira Fuchrer – aktywistka, działaczka Ha-Szomer Ha-Cair, prywatnie partnerka Komendanta Powstania, Mordechaja Anielewicza. Zginęła wraz z nim 8 maja 1943 roku w bunkrze przy ul. Miłej 18. Razem z nią śmierć poniosła wtedy także bojowniczka Rachela Zylberberg ps. Sarenka.

Powstanie przeżyła Cywia Lubetkin, Niuta Tajtelbaum oraz Tosia Altman. Niestety obie: Niuta i Tosia zginęły jeszcze w 1943 r. Powstanie przeżyły również Władka Meed, czyli Fejgele Peltel, Pnina Grynszpan-Frymer, Dorka Goldkorn, Masza Glajtman-Putermilch z ŻOB oraz Ziuta Hartman i Fela Szapszyk-Finkelstein, związane z Żydowskim Związkiem Wojskowym (ŻZW).

After the war, while incarcerated in Warsaw's Mokotów prison, SS-general J. Stroop told his Polish cellmate about the Jewish women in combat:
Agile as acrobats, shooting with a pistol in each hand . . . dangerous in hand-to-hand contact . . . when a woman like this was caught, she appeared scared as a rabbit, thoroughly despairing, and suddenly, when a group of our men was nearby, she pulled out a grenade hidden in her skirt or in her pants and threw it at them with a string of curses on her lips. . . In these instances we suffered losses, so that I ordered that these women not be held nor allowed to approach, but to finish them off with submachine guns."

As I wrote earlier in the Warsaw Ghetto there were no yellow stars of David. 265,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto who were deported and murdered in Treblinka had white armband with a blue star.

Also in Kraków ghetto the stars were of the same type as in Warszawa!

Forgery! Many Polish people and also many others will soon believe that Warsaw Ghetto Jews wore yellow stars!

The photo above on the left is taken in the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising in May 1943. It comes from German Stroop Report and has an original caption: "Hehalutz women captured with weapons." Three Jewish resistance women, among them Malka Zdrojewicz (right), who survived Majdanek extermination camp. On the photo on the right there is the occasional letter from Poland - 70 years after Ghetto Uprise. The Polin Museum and the Polish Post Office forced 70 years later, the resistance fighters, to carry the hated Star of David. However, I succeed to stop it!
Na zdjęciu członkinie chalucowej [ Hechaluc - Pionier ] organizacji syjonistycznej w getcie warszawskim. Pierwsza od prawej - Malka Zdrojewicz Hornstein, obok swoich przyjaciółek - sióstr Blumy i Rachely Wyszogrodzkich.  Bluma zastrzelona, Rachela zagazowana w Auschwitz. Malkę wywieziono do obozu zagłady na Majdanku. Przeżyła wojnę i wyemigrowała do Izraela (nosiła tam nazwisko po pierwszym mężu Zdrojewicz [Zedroywicz] a po drugim Goldberg). W 1967 r. nagrała wspomnienia.

Only Malka Zdrojewicz survived the Holocaust and moved to Israel. Malka Zdrojewicz która przeżyła wojnę i wyemigrowała do Izraela

The photo above on the right is the occasional letter from Poland - 70 years after Ghetto Uprise. On the Jewish resistance women breast the yellow Star of David is attached. Why star? Why yellow?  In the Warsaw ghetto, Jews were forced to carry an armband with a blue Star of David on white background. 

These women and most of the Jews during the Holocaust considered Star of David as a symbol of Holocaust and Doom! Their participation in the uprising was kind of a rebellion against this humiliation. None of the fighters wanted to carry this symbol when in the ghetto.

I do not know who decided to put the yellow stars on ghetto fighters, 70 years after they were captured by Germans. Who earned on this forgery story? 

Marek Edelman was one of the fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Once he became very upset in front of statue of his commandant Mordechaj Anielewicz. On that occasion, the bands with the Star of David were being distributed among the people that assembled there. 

Edelman said on this occasion:
Every authority likes to have its slave people, and apparently this government also likes to have its slaves; it pleases them to mark somebody with an armband (ed., with a Star of David), but it could not think of a stamp of freedom, or a stamp of a dove of peace, no instead it has to brand them with a German band which was forcefully imposed.

However, after Edelman passing, Polin Museum decided to reintroduce Star of David as the symbol of Warsaw Ghetto. This time with the yellow Star of David as it was used exclusively by the German Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto or in the Ghetto of Lodz.

The Polin Museum and the Polish Post Office forced 70 years later, the resistance fighters, to carry the hated Star of David. However, I succeed to stop it! The yellow star survived however as "zonkilek".

NAZI officials ordered that from December 1st 1939, the Warsaw Jews had to wear white armbands with a blue Star of David so they could be easily identified. This was about a year before Warsaw Jews were forced into the Ghetto.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprise, April 1943. Captured civilians. On the picture there is one women wearing white armband with a blue Star of David (blue circle).

Na zdjęciu członkinie chalucowej [ Hechaluc - Pionier ] organizacji syjonistycznej w getcie warszawskim. Pierwsza od prawej - Malka Zdrojewicz Hornstein, obok swoich przyjaciółek - sióstr Blumy i Rachely Wyszogrodzkich.  Bluma zastrzelona, Rachela zagazowana w Auschwitz. Malkę wywieziono do obozu zagłady na Majdanku. Przeżyła wojnę i wyemigrowała do Izraela (nosiła tam nazwisko po pierwszym mężu Zdrojewicz [Zedroywicz] a po drugim Goldberg). W 1967 r. nagrała wspomnienia.