Friday, March 20, 2020

Jews, the Germans and the Nazis In the Same White Boat - S/S Kastelholm

Who is on the former White Boat on the way from Malmö? Germans?, former DPs?, Repatriands?

The title, "Jews, Germans, and the Nazis in the Same (White) Boat” alludes to the saying that “being in the same boat” means being essentially in the same predicament with no recourse. Here it was the reverse: the very same boat, S/S Kastelholm, carried on its routes, separated only by short periods of time, the refugees who were poles apart: the Jewish Holocaust victims on one route, the Holocaust perpetrators on another, including also Nazi murderers. On some later trips the cabins of S/S Kastelholm were filled with former concentration camp prisoners on their way to home countries and to Eretz Israel, the promised land now with the official name Mandate of Palestine.

Considering above, I was thinking about the cabin nr. 37 on deck C of S/S Kastelholm. I know who traveled in it for 4 days between 5-8th of July. Her name was Grete Lorie, (her right name was Gertruda Lorieova), the Holocaust survivor from Bergen-Belsen. She was almost unconscious, had high fever around 40°C when leaving Lübeck. Her cabin, deep in the ship on the starboard side, third from the for was the hell for the first two days of the journey from Germany as special devices against acoustic mines were fitted close to the cabins. These mechanical devices produced a terrible chattering sound for countering acoustic influence mines. When in Stockholm, Gertruda Lorieova was taken by the ambulance directly to the hospital. She died there after some days and was buried in the K-quoter at the North Jewish cemetery. During the following trip of S/S Kastelholm from Lübeck to Stockholm, Eva Jakubovitz was laying in the same cabin. Both Gertruda and Eva died within the days after arrival to Stockholm. On the deck B in cabin no. 31 was Vera Krèmer transported. Vera was the first Holocaust victim that died in Stockholm. All three girls are buried in the same row at the North Jewish cemetery in Stockholm!

Six months later, the same cabins at S/S Kastelholm in which dying Holocaust survivors were transported from Lübeck to Sweden were filled by German militaries that were going in the opposite direction. Among them, probably also the SS and Gestapo members that were on duty in Norway when WWII ended.  On duty means that they might also be responsible for sending 768 Jews from Oslo to Auschwitz. Only 28 of them survived.

The predators and their prey in the same berth, with just six months time difference.

Later, in 1946-1947, the cabins of S/S Kastelholm saw again Jewish Holocaust survivors that were brought to Sweden by White Boats and White buses. Now, they were leaving Sweden for Eretz Israel and some as well for Poland after getting an unbelievable information, that someone survived. Two Jewish survivors groups, heading later for Israel, borded S/S Kastelholm on its trips to Antwerpen and Calais. Here in May they are leaving for Calais. Among passangers there were boys and girls former inmates from Kinderheim in Bergen-Belsen that were brought on UNRRAs White Boat, S/S Kastelholm to Sweden.

Later, in 1946-1947, the cabins of S/S Kastelholm saw again Jewish Holocaust survivors that were brought to Sweden by White Boats and White buses. Now, they were leaving Sweden for Eretz Israel and some as well for Poland after getting an unbelievable information, that someone survived. Two Jewish survivors groups, heading later for Israel, borded S/S Kastelholm on its trips to Antwerpen and Calais. 

Many of the Jewish refugees that ended in Sweden by different actions, wanted, after they got the health back to move to Eretz Israel. Transportation between Sweden and Eretz Israel was the biggest problem. Europa was not save for the Jews.  On January 24th, 1947 the Aliyah boat S/S Ulua departed successfully from the Trelleborg with 650 Jews. The final destination for S/S Ulua was Israel. The trip was the part of Aliyah Beth, illegal entry to Israel. After the S/S Ulua left, there were still hundreds of young Jews that wanted to go to Israel.

S/S Kastelholm was never used to transport Jewish survivors to Haifa in Israel as it is stated by The Living History Forum run by Swedish Government.

Red Cross Boat S/S Kastelholm, cabin no. 37 on deck C, starboard side, is marked. Was this cabin, the area of the boat especially dedicated to the most ill patients?
The medical journal from the Red Cross Boat Kastelholm, cabin no. 37 2. 5-8th July 1945. Puls and fever data of Grete Lorie are shown. Many of the patients were in a very bad condition, suffering from severe malnutrition and tuberculosis, and, in fact, a few of them did not survive the voyage and numerous died after arrival to Sweden.
The medical journal from the Red Cross Boat Kastelholm, cabin no. 37 2. 11-15th July 1945. Puls and fever data of Eva Jakubovitz are shownMany of the patients were in a very bad condition, suffering from severe malnutrition and tuberculosis, and, in fact, a few of them did not survive the voyage and numerous died after arrival to Sweden. Eva died few weeks after arrival. Two of her sisters that survived left later Sweden.
The medical journal from the Red Cross Boat Kastelholm, cabin no. 31, deck B. 2. 5-8th July 1945. Puls and fever data of Vera Krémer are shown. Vera Krémer was the first Holocaust victim that died and was buried in Stockholm. Her daughter survived the Holocaust in hiding and lives now (2020) in Budapest.

December 1939 - June 1945. Until mid June 1945, the steam ship S/S Kastelholm was parked at Old City, next to the Royal Palace in Stockholm. No one wanted to use it for the Baltic trips. Throughout entire WWII, S/S Kastelholm was posted at the there. Suddenly, the situation drastically changed!

Below some of the activities of S/S Kastelholm 1939-1946.

December 1939- June 1945
Until mid June 1945, the ship S/S Kastelholm was parked next to the Royal Palace in Stockholm. No one wanted to use it for the Baltic trips. Throughout entire WWII S/S Kastelholm was posted at the there. Suddenly, the situation drastically changed!

June-July 1945
In June and July 1945, the cabins were filled in several rounds by Holocaust survivors who, under UNRRA aid, went under the Red Cross flag to Sweden to receive care. S/S Kastelholm, with Captain Dahlbom, was then part of a fleet of five vessels administered by the Navy (through Civilförsvaret) and was subsequently painted as Red Cross ship belonging to White Boats. S/S Kastelholm was chosen to transported survivors from Lubeck in Germany to Stockholm in Sweden. It was rather confortable ship which was important as most of the survivors brought to Stockholm were in rather poor condition.
The very first trip for S/S Kastelholm as a White boat was to bring exhausted and ill Holocaust survivors liberated in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Numerous of them although they were treated for almost 10 weeks at field hospitals. Most of them were still were seriously ill and very weak when they boarded the S/S Kastelholm on June 28th 1945. Boarded means they were takan onboard on stretchers.  
S/S  Kastelholm did three trips between Lubeck and Stockholm. The last trip under UNRRA's direction was thus from Lubeck on July 25, 1945 with approximately 170 Norwegian children and 46 mothers. 

December 15th, 1945
S/S did several trips with Polish and Jewish refugees to Poland, a.o. on December 15th, 1945 from Malmö to Poland. Some of the Holocaust survivors from Sweden were onboard. Some of them to reunite with the families in Poland and some of them just using Poland as transit land when going to Eretz Israel. Thus legally as they had visa to enter Eretz Israel issued by British authorities. However, the number visas of was very limited and it resulted in Aliyah Beth, an illegal immigration.

S/S did several trips with Polish and Jewish refugees to Poland, a.o. on December 15th, 1945 from Malmö to Poland. Some of the Holocaust survivors from Sweden were onboard. Some of them to reunite with the families in Poland and some of them just using Poland as transit land when going to Eretz Israel. Thus legally as they had visa to enter Eretz Israel issued by British authorities. However, the number visas of was very limited and it resulted in Aliyah Beth, an illegal immigration.

January 27, 1946
Almost 6 months later, the cabins of S/S Kastelholm (Captain Kallenberg) were filled by German militaries (probably also the SS and Gestapo people). They were about to leave  Trelleborg for Lubeck. It was part of the last act of the Baltic and German extradition from Sweden. Therefore, in January 1946,  stood two vessels in Trelleborg harbor. One was a Russian ship S/S Beloostrov and the other a Swedish ship S/S Kastelholm. I do not know if Swedish ship was again chartered by the Swedish Military. The Marine Administration's documents state that S/S Kastelholm was, after it was transporting former concentration  camp prisoners "delivered back" to SAL (the Swedish America Line) on late July or August 3, 1945.
Back to Trelleborg. What is known is that on January 25, 1946, the Soviet ship S/S Beloostrov left Trelleborg with about 150 Balts along with 230 Germans on board. Balts and Germans were soldiers. It was actually the third and the final transport to the Soviet Union. In total, over 2,500 Germans were extradited to the Soviet Union. The destination of the Soviet vessels was Libau in Latvia.
The Swedish ship S/S Kastelholm departed Trelleborg harbour just two days later, on January 27, 1946 with about "200 German military refugees" going to the western zones. I do not know who exactly decided about the fate of 200 Germans directed for Lubeck. Most probably it had to do with the principles decided by the Alien forces. It implies that refugees in uniform would be returned to the zone where they were at the time of Germany's military capitulation on May 8. Thus, soldiers from the eastern front would be extradited to the Soviet zone. Among the German soldiers returned to Soviet there were balts serving in the German army, among others in SS.

On May, 13th, 1946, S/S Kastelholm left Helsingborg with 100 of the youngest Jewish refugees, born around 1930. This time  to the French port of Calais.  It is likely that all of Jewish refugees had a permit to entry the Mandate of Palestine as this information was in the "Card for facilitating the passport control on departure from Sweden". There were supposed to go further to Eretz Israel but first after 1 year stay/learning in France according to Aliyah office in Paris. Here the back of the Swedish entry card with the information of whereabout since the person came to Sweden with the White boat in July 1945.

May, 13th, 1946
S/S Kastelholm did another trip with Jewish refugees, 100 of the youngest ones, born around 1930. This time to start with to the French port of Calais. S/S Kastelholm left Helsingborg on May 13th, 1946. It is likely that all of them had a permit to entry the Mandate of Palestine as this information was in the "Card for facilitating the passport control on departure from Sweden". There were supposed to go further to Eretz Israel but first after 1 year stay/education in France according to Aliyah office in Paris.

August 1946
Again, S/S Kastelholm that transported first former concentration camp prisoners (June-July, 1945) was the solution. The ship was departing in August 1946 for Antwerpen and Aliyah Beth peoples in Sweden succeeded to get 130 adult and 30 youth ombord. The idea was that another boat was taking them further to Israel. However, the group get stranded in Holland and left for Israel in April 1947.

S/S Kastelholm was built 1929 by Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstads ab., Göteborg for Swedish America Line. After 1952 it was sold several times after that without change of name. Year 1975 the ship was scrapped.

M/S Kronprinsessan Ingrid was also used to transport DPs to Sweden during June-July 1945. Later in October-November 1945 the ship was to transport to Poland so called repatriandi. Repatriandi were person that were returning to their home countries. Concerning Jews Polan was not the country to return to as most of the Jews and their homes were not there any more.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Chmielnik - Skarzysko - Ravensbrück - Bergen Belsen - Lidingö - Fiskarudden - Eretz Israel - Cypern - Israel

Tidigare har man spekulerat i att det var två tågsätt som kom den 24 januari 1947 till hamnen i Trelleborg. Men det tycks ha varit enbart bara ett tåg då antalet angivna passagerare på tåget var 600 och antalet emigranter på S/S Ulua var totalt 650. Många resande med båten kom från områden runt Trelleborg så det måste ha varit bara ett tåg,

Tidigare så kunde man segla förbi Fiskarudden på Lidingö och väster om Duvholmen när man seglade Lidingö Runt. Det var en "short cut" men man riskerade där en stiltjebälte, ett område där vindarna permanent är växlande och svaga.

Ibland gav risktagandet en utdelning, ibland stod jag och tittade på Lidingöborna som tittade på mig. Vad jag inte visste var att jag stod vid Fiskarudden precis där unga judiska flickor, Förintelsens överlevanade bodde strax efter kriget. Många av flickor där kom med Vita Båtar eller Vita Bussar till Sverige.

Sommaren 1945 stod Fiskaruddsvillan tom. Militären som disponerade huset och området innan gav sig av. Dåvarande ägaren Föreningen för bistånd åt lytta och vanföra, lyckades hyra ut huset till Statens Utlänningsnämnd. Nämnden i sin tur upplät huset åt grupper med ortodoxa (?) judiska flickor, totalt 200 stycken, som räddats undan Förintelsen. Det blev en blir flickskola. Dessa flickor fick nu bo i villan och ha den provisoriska baracken, som OSS byggt för förvaring av sprängmedel, som matsal. Flickorna hade ingen familj eller släkt kvar i livet, och hade av en rabbin samlats upp från olika förintelseläger efter Tysklands kapitulation. På Fiskarudden erbjöds de en strängt ortodox skolning och uppfostran. De flesta flickorna hade ingen utbildning alls, då de hade suttit internerade en stor del av sitt liv.
En spioncentral fanns på Elfvik under och efter kriget, där man hade behov av att få agenter körda till Estland. Någonstans i systemet verkade det dock finnas en läcka, så flera av agenterna avslöjades av ryssarna och fängslades.
Där förekom i största hemlighet signalspaning och kodknäckning riktad mot både den tyska och den sovjetiska krigsmakten. Fiskarudden var samtidigt en av flera hemliga platser för uppsamling av norska ”vidarereisende”, dvs flyende norrmän som skulle flygas till Skottland för att senare sättas in i fortsatta strider mot ockupationsmakten i Norge. Dessutom användes Fiskarudden som depå för lagring av högexplosiva sprängmedel från USA till hjälp för motståndsrörelserna i Norge och Danmark. Man byggde till och med ett särskilt magasin ute i trädgården för att inte behöva ha de kraftfulla sprängmedlen inne i bostadshuset. Bakom verksamheten under täcknamnet Twinkle låg den svenska Försvarstaben och senare Försvarets Radioanstalt FRA. Från USA:s sida styrdes verksamheten från OSS, senare CIA. Flygplan landade under stort hemlighetsmakeri nattetid på Bromma flygfält där man lastade över sprängmedlen, som kom från från USA via England, till lastbilar som körde ut det till några depåer i mellansverige, där Fiskarudden utgjorde depå nr 3.
Verksamheten av en annan typ som utgick från den gamla villan på Fiskarudden, efter kriget år det ytterst få känner till. Direkt efter kriget kom Fiskaruddsvillan att användas som internatskola för föräldralösa judiska flickor som räddats från utrotningsläger nere på kontinenten. Många av de kom till Stockholm med Vita Båten S/S Kastelholm och vistades att börja med vid beredskapssjukhuset i Sigtuna. 
Fiskaruddsvillan blev nu flickornas hem och skola under tre år. De fick lära sig ett gemensamt språk, hebreiska, och ett strängt judiskt ortodoxt levnads- och betraktelsesätt. I september 1948 upplöstes skolan och flickorna slussades vidare till det hägrande landet Israel. De blev kända som ”Lidingöflickorna” och har genom åren behållit sin vänskap.
Fiskaruddsvillan blev nu flickornas hem och skola under tre år. De fick lära sig ett gemensamt språk, hebreiska, och ett strängt judiskt ortodoxt levnads- och betraktelsesätt. I september 1948 upplöstes skolan och flickorna slussades vidare till det hägrande landet Israel. De flesta lämnade dock villan på Fiskarudden redan den 23 januari 1947 och tog sig till Centralstationen i Stockholm där de väntade på ett judiskt natt-tåg från Falun. Tåget förde de till Trelleborgs hamn.

De flesta lämnade villan på Fiskarudden den 23 januari 1947 och tog sig till Centralstationen i Stockholm där de väntade på ett natt-tåg från Falun. Det var inget ordinarie tåg.

Ra 20 akten i SJ arkiv. Transport av 600 judar Centralstationen-Trelleborgs färjeläger 23-24/1 1947. Tyvärr, så vet jag inte om det var samma tågsätt som kom från Falun. Troligen så var det så. Tågsättet bestod av klass 3 vagnar. Sovkupéerna i 3 klass innebar 3 tre sängar. I sittvagnar fanns enbart träbänkar som var oklädda.
I Statens Järnvägars arkiv, närmare bestämt Trafikbyrån (Tbr). sökte jag information om tåget som anlände till  Trelleborgs färjeläger den 24 januari 1947. I diarieregistret C1b för 1946-1947 fanns under sakgrupp Utländska resenärer ett antal dossier- och diarienummer med rubriken "Tp av judar" (dvs Transport av judar). Tyvärr, i huvuddiariet där det står vilken korrespondens som förekommit, fanns bara info med stämpeln "Utgallrad enl. K. B. 14 maj 1915" (...enligt Kungligt Brev....), dvs tjänstemännen på SJ hade enligt detta brev rätt att gallra i handlingarna enligt vad som står i brevet.
Att det var den sökta handlingen som försvann tyder förkortningarna som står gäller för Ra 20 akten. Transport av 600 judar Centralstationen - Trelleborgs färjeläger 23-24/1 1947.

Leaving Sweden after UNRRA and Red Cross action in 1945

1945 influx of Jewish DPs to Sweden resulted in numerous activities concerning the work.
DPs that were healthy were almost directly, read after two weeks of karantän start working at the factories and in the fields. Many stay permits in Sweden do have an annotation about the need of workers. That was the case prior to summer 1946 when there was lack of agriculture workers, especially in Southern Sweden there beet harvest needed many hands.

Jewish DPs group in Sweden was not an uniform group. Numerous DPs brought from the concentrations camps were dying in the Swedish Hospitals. A big group of Jewish DPs worked at the different factories in southern Sweden. Many of the knew exactly about the fate of their family. They saw them to go to the area of the camp where gas chambers and crematory were located. This group of peoples were not waiting fro messages from home countries, they wanted to leave Sweden, to leave Europe as for them it represented just a grave yard.

Many of them wanted to emigrate to Eretz Israel - British Mandate of Palestine. The reasons for that were numerous. First, as mentioned above, they wanted to leave Europe and their home countries for ever. The immigration to Eretz Israel was popular already before WWII and many of survivors were stopped from the legal and illegal emigration to Israel. Of course the Holocaust in Europe that Jews need own country and can not rely on the own countryman that actively and passively took part in in murder of 6 000 000 Jews. It was, however, difficult to reach Eretz Israel. Moving through entire Europe to the Mediterranean ports was dangerous. Further trip, crossing the sea was dangerous as well. British intelligence was all the time looking for ships all over the Europe that could bring Holocaust survivors - illegal immigrants to the Mandate of Palestine. There were regular fights on the ships like Welfare and Ulua. It is likely that S/S Ulua was already spotted in December 1946 in Marseille where the ship was rebuild for the mission of bringing Holocaust survivors from Sweden. British tried  to stop the ship on the was to Sweden, a.o. in Denmark. After January 24th, 1947 when New York Times reported that survivors left Sweden, British were more or less sure about the final destination. After one month trip S/S Ulua was spotted by Lancaster, British reconnaissance aircraft. Thereafter British destroyers followed S/S Ulua and intercepted the ship on February 27 near cost of Bat Galim: just south of Haifa. The captain succeeded to put the boat on ground. Some refugees jumped of the boat into the water but they had no chance to escape as barbed wire surrounded the beach and was watched by British paratroopers. Survivors of the Holocaust were sent to the camp again, this time British detention camp no. 66 in Cyprus. The Time Magazine wrote about in in the issue of March 10, 1947.

Many of Jewish DPs had already families in Israel so their choice was simple. Of course many, especially youngsters were easily influenced by Zionism. Both prior WWII and now, after the war in Sweden.

Prior WWII there were numerous Jewish organizations in Sweden that were dedicated to the agricultural training, Jewish education of Jewish youth. They plan continuous migration of trained youngsters to Mandate of Palestine. These organizations operated also in other European countries. Just prior to outburst of WWII in mid June 1939, 50 youngsters arrived to Hälsingegården, just 4 km from Falun in Dalarna. It is possible that some of the youngsters were part of the Kindertransport evacuation to Sweden in January 1939. About 500 children who were officially allowed to Sweden.

After WWII the biggest problem was the transportation of trained youth from Sweden to Eretz Israel.

Some of the youngsters from Sweden were legally allowed to enter Eretz Israel. However, the number of the was very limited.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

650 gröna och 650 röda stämplar - Idag om den skrattande flickan från koncentrationslägret.

Jag är så stolt, imponerat och ibland känner jag mig lite skamsen när jag tänker på de 650 gröna och de 650 röda stämplarna. Stämplarna finns på svenska Inrese- och Utresekorten. Datumet på de gröna stämplarna varierar. Från april 1945 till juli 1945. De röda, 650 stämplarna har dock samma datum - den 24 januari 1947.

Öden av innehavarna av de gröna och röda stämplarna är olika. Innan de gröna stämplarna trycktes på deras gula inresekort har samtligas liv varit en kamp mot döden. Det handlar naturligtvis om Förintelsen.

Det är därför som födelseorter och vistelseorter på innehavarnas inresekort till Sverige är olika. Födelseorter är utspridda nästan över hela Europa. "Vistelseorter" däremot innehåller oftast namn på getton och koncentrationslägren såsom Auschwitz, Ravensbrück, Bergen-Belsen.

De röda stämplarna med datum 24 januari 1947 markerar en viktig dag i innehavarnas liv. Denna dag steg 550 flickor/kvinnor och 94 pojkar/män ombord på en båt. Båten avseglade från Trelleborg strax innan shabbaten. Destinationen var Eretz Israel.  

Idag skall jag prata med den skrattande flickan genom internet. Hon minns fortfarande mycket! Hennes gröna och röda stämplar är exakt som ovan.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Research: White Boats and White buses - Name and age change during and after the Holocaust

A kennkarte was a sheet of thin cardboard, measuring about 30 by 14 cm (12 x 5.5 inches).The color of a Kennkarte was based on ethnicity. Poles had green-gray ones; Jews and Romas, yellow, etc. Many kennkarte seen nowadays on internet had a stamp duplicate, so it is likely that the war a market for both forged and original kennkarte.

Field Medical Card of Zofia (not Sophia) Mandel, 17 yers old. She survived Lodz ghetto and three concentration camps. Last X-ray was done on July 10th 1945 in Bergen-Belsen. Probably after that day she was transferred by ambulance train to Lübeck and Swedish Transit Hospital. She left Lübeck onboard White boat S/S Kastelholm that arrived to Stockholm early in the morning on July 15th. Her Lübeck nummer var L: 4084. She died on August 8, 1945 and is buried in Stockholm.

Researching the history of White Boats and White Buses one needs to be fully aware that the names and age of the survivors might have been changed both during and after the Holocaust. In my own family, my mother born in Lipno in 1918 as Perla Lucyna Rozental became Zofia Dabrowa during the war and remained that after the war when I was born. With the changed identity, her birthdate has also changed. And paradoxically her parents murdered 1942 in Treblinka also had their names changed after the war to match the new identity of my mother.

Many of the changes were done during the Holocaust and some soon after. Obtaining somebody else’s birth certificate was necessary for Jews trying to survive outside the ghettos. It usually meant getting someone else birth certificate, be it authentic or forged, and obtaining a German kennkarte based on the certificate. The Kennkarte was a basic identity document in use inside Germany during the Third Reich and in occupied incorporated territories during the war.

Kennkarte was a document printed on a sheet of thin cardboard paper, measuring about 30 by 14 cm (12 x 5.5 inches). To start it had two parallel folds with text on both sides, making it a six-page document. The color of a kennkarte was based on ethnicity: for instance, for Poles it was gray, for Jews and Romas, it was yellow. Many kennkarte were stamped “duplicate", strongly suggesting the existence of secondary market for both the forged and the original ones .

Your age, both on paper and in habitus at the time of deportation was often a matter of life or death. Wielka Szpera whose name in Polish came from German, Allgemeine Gehsperre (or prohibition to leave homes ) was a mass deportation to the extermination camp and one of the most tragic moments in the history of the Łódź Ghetto . The deportation was directed mainly at children under the age of 10 and the elderly over the age of 65. During Wielka Szpera, from the 5th to the 12th September 1942, more than 15,000 people were sent to the death camp in Chełmno.

Inspecting the documents issued after Bergen-Belsen was liberated, one finds numerous age discrepancies, indicating changes of age as well. According to the survivors, in this case the motivation was the desire to be asigned to the the same group in which one was hospitalized and later to the same group to be send by UNRRA to Sweden for hospital care and convalescence.

Several documents from that time display two different dates of birth, demonstrating that the age of the survivor most likely was changed. And in many cases, victims of starvation were so emaciated weighing as little as 20 kg, that it was almost impossible to be establish their age. The first document the survivors received was FMC, Field Medical Card issued by British, directly after the first medical examination. The age there is written like 17 y. Besides the age and the nam there nationality is indicated, for Jews JEW or just J. Inside FMS there is short medical history often accompanied by a simple drawing of the lungs with the diseased areas marked. The second document the survivor received was DP-Index Card issued by Allied Expeditionary Force with registration number and the cardholder signature.

The second document the survivor received was D.P. Index Card issued by Allied Expeditionary Force with registration number and the cardholder signature.

The former Bergen-Belsen prisoners with FMC and DP-cards were prior to transfer to Sweden registered by the Swedish Transit Hospital: The hospital was established in Lübeck in mid June. Here, the survivors on the way to Sweden received new identity cards (Identitetskort) with new numbers which were also printed on the entry cards to Sweden and also appeared on the White Boat ship lists for each transport.

These entry cards were actually the first Swedish document the survivors that were transferred from the new Bergen-Belsen emergency hospital for the displaced persons to Swedish Transit Hospital, got.

Finally, Mandel Zofia (Not Sophia), see above her FMC and Identitetskortet (below) got her name changed from Zofia to Sophia. The country she was born was Poland, not Tjeckoslovakia as it is written on her grave at Jewish cemetery in Stockholm.

The former Bergen-Belsen prisoners with FMC and DP-cards were prior to transfer to Sweden registered by the Swedish Transit Hospital: The hospital was established in Lübeck in mid June. Here, the survivors on the way to Sweden received new identity cards (Identitetskort) with new numbers which were also printed on the entry cards to Sweden and also appeared on the White Boat ship lists for each transport. Zofia (Sofia) Mandel got the card number 4084. This number will appear thereafter on her hospital documents.

Diagnosis card from Sigtuna Emergency Hospital with Zofia Mandels right name. Sofia died 3 week after she came with White Boat to Stockholm.

Finally, Mandel Zofia, got her name changed from Zofia to Sophia. The country she was born was Poland, not Tjeckoslovakia as it is written on her grave at Jewish cemetery in Stockholm. Is Chevra Kadischa in Stockholm going to redo her gravestone?

Sunday, March 15, 2020

"Ile godzin dziecko winno spać? — Akurat tyle, ile śpi"! - Gadaninki radiowe Janusza Korczaka - WCZEŚNIE SPAĆ.

Pedagogika żartobliwa - Janusz Korczak

Beryl (Leon) Gluzman, wychowanek Domu Sierot, zachował dwanaście pocztówek, które dostał za wczesne wstawanie w latach 1925–1929.

Mój Ojciec, Pan Misza, bursista a pózniej wychowawca w Domu Sierot nazywał wczesne wstawanie - Higienicznym trybem życia. Podejrzewam że ten mój, własny, higieniczny tryb życia, wczesne wstawanie, został przeniesiony "z pokolenia na pokolenie" z Domu Sierot Korczaka. 

WCZEŚNIE WSTAWAĆ to również WCZEŚNIE SPAĆ co jest tematem radiowej Gadaninki wydrukowanej w "Pedagogika żartobliwa".

Beryl (Leon) Gluzman, wychowanek Domu Sierot, zachował dwanaście pocztówek, które dostał za wczesne wstawanie w latach 1925–1929. Chociaż napis na każdej widokówce jest taki sam, obrazki są inne: w zimie – krajobraz zimowy. Wstawałeś wcześnie wiosną – dostawałeś widoczek wiosenny opowiadał Gluzman.

Janusz Korczak

 Niełatwa sprawa. Zdaje wam się, że jeśli ja powiem, to zaraz tak już będzie. Przeceniacie mój autorytet (posłuch, zasięg mojego tu wpływu). Trzeba ostrożnie i dyplomatycznie. Bo jeżeli powiem, że „dzieci nie kury, żeby spać z kurami, jak kury w kurniku — żeby musiały wcześnie spać“, — zapewniam was, że nic z tego nie będzie, i przegramy.

 Zaraz powiedzą, że spać zdrowo, że cały dzień i tak dosyć i za wiele, wieczorem mgła i goła szyjka, rosa i bose nóżki, że promienie ultrafioletowe, ubędzie na wadze, gruczołki, że wieczorem ciemno, nie widać, więc można gałęzią w oko. — Powiedzą, że dorosłym należy się też odpoczynek, bo w dzień wrzaski i trzeba ujadać się, i dorośli chcą wieczorem w spokoju bez dzieci, bez tych promieni ultrafioletowych.
 Jeżeli dwie nawet mamusie życzliwie, to inne: że ten za mały, ten słaby, ten przepracowany (bo praca szkolna i postępy szkolne, więc trzeba na wsi siły na cały szkolny, uciążliwy rok). — Powiedzą, że ja teoretycznie, bo nie miałem własnych dzieci, że wiedza zmumifikowana, a teraz postęp, prądy, kierunki, że jestem naftalina i mucha w przedpotopowym bursztynie.

 Zresztą wcale nie z kurami, bo trzeba się umyć gruntownie, i marudzenie, więc i tak późno. I wybije się ze snu, więc bezsenność i sine podkrążenia, zamglone oczki i nie jedzą szpinaku z krwiotwórczym żelazem. — Ja oś, dwie mamusie, albo trzy i ja — oś, a reszta koalicja, i sprawa przegrana. — Trzeba bez kur, inaczej, ostrożnie i nie zaraz.
 Trzeba grunt przygotować. Naprzód tu i tam balon próbny i propaganda. Tu coś powiem, tam szepnę. — Na przykład: że jeśli nie zacząć teraz hartować, potem już samodzielny i wyzwolony na narty, saneczki, i wychuchany kręgosłup skręci, albo oczko w głowie — strzeżony — zasiądzie przy kierownicy, straci panowanie i rąbnie w słup albo stertę kamieni przydrożnych. (Orientację najlepiej za młodu i po ciemku). — A drugiej mamusi powiem, że w najświeższym zagranicznym numerze lekarskim czytałem najnowsze odkrycie, że właśnie rosa wieczorna radioaktywna i hydroklimatobalneologiczna. — A trzeciej powiem, że poezja wiejskich wieczorów wyzwala z podświadomości wzniosłość i elektrony, na całe życie niezapomniane wpływy i wrażenia. A czwartej, że mówił mi jeden chłopak, że wcześnie w łóżku nie śpi i zły, i przychodzą mu do głowy różne „draczne“ myśli. Naprawdę powiedział: „ja czasem lubię poleżeć w łóżku i pomyśleć, ale jeżeli po awanturze zły muszę zaraz iść spać, przychodzą do głowy różne sprzeczne (to znaczy złe) myśli“.
 Więc dopiero układy i rokowania przy okrągłym stole, żeby opór skruszyć i obrót pomyślny; no i różne warunki, ograniczenia, zastrzeżenia i targi.
 „Nie oddalać się?“ — Dobrze: zakreślimy granice. — „Trepki?“ — Zgoda, i pończoszki też. — „Mleko bez grymasów?“ — Ile: jedna, dwie szklanki, jarzynka na dokładkę? — I termin prekluzyjny, żeby już bez ociągania. — „Robi się: raz, dwa, na pierwsze zaraz wezwanie, bez ociągania, myją (nawet ząbki) — i siup — do łóżka, głowa do poduszki — moment — chrr, śśś, — chrr, śśś“.
 A opieka ma ręce rozwiązane.
 Ale — umowa nie świstek papieru. Bo co z tego, jeżeli dwa wieczory święcę dyplomatyczne zwycięstwo, a potem — świstek i elementy niechętne cofają koncesję — i święcimy porażkę — i klapa. Znów spać? — A na moje rano uprzejme: „dzień dobry“ — otrzymuję mroźne: „dzień dobry“, bo jestem obca interwencja i nieproszony wtrącam się.
 Serdecznie chcę wam pomóc, ale nie dziś i ani słowa o kurach. Drażniący argument.
 Ale i wy nie zasypiajcie bananów w popiele. — No bo „potrzebne wam wieczory do wypracowań z polonistyki“: „Jak spędziłem wakacje“. Nie można pominąć wieczorów, bo temat nie pogłębiony. Albo: „praca wieczorna rolnika w związku z charakterystyką Tadeusza“. Albo: „las i rzeka wieczorem w pełni księżyca“.
 A ot. — Wspomnienie dawnych lat i zdrowego bez nerwów rozsądku.
 Późny wieczór. Na wsi. Siedzimy przy stole, rozmawiamy. — Pytam się: „gdzie chłopak-junior, gdzie pociecha“? — A jego ojciec: „lata obwieś: albo w stajni, albo na żaby poluje“. — A mama: „dół jakiś kopią, od obiadu go nie widziałam“. — A ojciec: „wróci do miski“. A na stole stoi i czeka miska wystygłej kaszy na mleku. — No i chłopak-pociecha wraca; śpieszy, słania się na nogach i woła ostatkiem sił: „skończyliśmy, mamo, jeść“. — Siada — i energicznie — raz, raz, raz — łycha za łychą — zajada, pałaszuje. — Nagle oparł się łokciem o stół, ostatnia łyżka kaszy sterczy znieruchomiała, zwisa nad głową. — Zasnął. — Łyżka przechyla się, kasza mu z mlekiem ciurkiem na czuprynę, a on przez sen szeptem: „dawaj łopatę“.
 Więc tata go na ręce. — Cichy teraz, bezwładny, posłuszny, ani drgnie (Sen dziecka — to jeden z najpiękniejszych cudów życia). A potem mama go na łóżku mokrym ręcznikiem śpiącego, — łapska, jak czarne nieszczęście, portki, jak klęska, w strzępach, nożyska pocharatane, — ręcznikiem mokrym tę kaszę mu ze łba, i serdeczną, kochaną, przemiłą mordę umorusaną mokrym ręcznikiem. — A on pije, żłopie sen zawiesisty, rzęsisty, — sen kopiasty, sumiasty, — przepaścisty, pożywny, — spartański sen.
 Możesz teraz postawić lekką i ciężką artylerię, działa oblężnicze, zenitowe — salwa ze wszystkich naraz; a on — ołów, beton, nic, — nie drgnie, śpi.
 W nocy pchły (bo pies też) i komary, od świtu muchy bezczelnie w oczy, uszy, w nos. — Kichnął, przewrócił się na drugi bok, mruknął, westchnął, kołdrę kopnął — śpi.
 Dopiero kiedy już niemylnie, matematycznie wymierzył, że akurat, że dosyć, — wtedy dopiero skrzywi się, przetrze pięścią powieki, otworzy oczy, zamruga, rozejrzy się zdziwiony, podrapie, — patrzy, — patrzy, — już widzi, — i uśmiecha się dopiero.
 (Bezsenność dziecka — też wymyślili).
 Alee... Zlał się... O wa, — nie utonie, — wyschnie, — już sucho.
 Czy to słomy brak? — Pożałuje mu ziemia ojczysta? — Czy ci kawałka mydła żal, żeby wyprać ten twój skarb, kuse prześcieradło, koszulinę, — wykąpać ten młody las, — wody brak? — to młode pokolenie, tę przyszłość narodu i tajemnicę jutra?
 Niech leje, szanowna pani, — na zdar! — na zdrowie — banzaj. Ani ujma ni hańba, ni szkoda — żałoba. — A cóż ma robić innego i lepszego? — Wieczorem zapomniał lekkomyślnie, a w nocy zaspał pracowicie. — Rośnie, kochana pani, a to nie lada wysiłek i trud.
 Staroświecki jestem, niedzisiejszy. — Wiele byłoby do gadania.
 Pamiętam na kolonii. — Upał, żar. — Sto chłopaków. — Nie mogli w dzień, nie jedli. A wieczorem chłodek i mleko zsiadłe z kartoflami. — Uprzedziłem, że będzie miało powodzenie. — No i rano, — aż sześciu, proszę ja was — jezioro pod łóżkami. — Sześć na sto — to za dużo? — Według moich ścisłych obliczeń — powinny być dwa — trzy sienniki, które należy suszyć. — Mówi się: trudno. — A urwis tłumaczy złośliwie: „oni dziś, panie doktorze, takie święto morza”. — Więc ja: „daj spokój, bo im będzie przykro”.
 Wiem — badałem — znam sprawę.
 Za długo byłoby mówić, ale stwierdzam, że każde dziecko ma niezłomne prawo do dwóch rocznie katastrof. Na kolonii, w niedomowych warunkach, należy odsetek zwiększyć. Twardo mówię to.
 Wygodny dziś, niecierpliwy, zarozumiały dziś człowiek. Wszystkiemu chce łatwo zaradzić, zapobiec; gniewa się i psioczy na każdą niewygodę, przeszkodę; śpieszy się, żąda zaraz.
 Drzewku potrzebne lata, zanim dojrzeje. — Niedoświadczony sen niedoroślęcia, naiwny i niesprawny. — Pieniactwo jakieś takie: procesował się będzie o prawa natury?
 Żądacie ode mnie, żeby później chodzić spać, nie z kurami? Nie o kury chodzi wcale, ale o ducha czasu, ekscelsiory wiedzy. Prąd. Trudno przeciw prądowi. — Boją się ludzie. — Zaraz tężec zadrapany, zardzewiałe zakażenie krwi. — Wiem, no przecież wiem, że właśnie wieczorem i podchody, i Rinaldo, i chowanki. — Wiem, że o chłodzie najlepiej. — Kiedy kto chce, — padnie pod chojakiem i zaśnie. — Potem dopiero oni, dorośli — to jest my — wyruszamy na poszukiwania — i grzybobranie; znajdujemy was, znosimy śpiących, rozmieszczamy dopiero do odnośnych łóżek zmorzonych, snem zaskoczonych.
 Ale proszę was, marzenie marzeniem, życie życiem. Ideał i twarda rzeczywistość. Plan, a jego wcielenie. I odpowiedzialność. — Bo zważcie tylko bezstronnie: niech tylko coś się nie uda, — jakiś gruczołek, kaszel i 37,3, — wszystkie zaraz demarsze i interpelacje na moją biedną głowę. — A wtedy gdzie mój spokój i wypoczynek, praca w terenie i studia; wakacyjne podciągnięcie się wzwyż, własne dźwignięcie się (bo właściwie szelki się podciąga), dźwignięcie się i równanie w górę?
 Nie sądźcie, że pragnę wykręcić się. Nie. — Zaraz jutro powiem, że wieczory i gwiazdy dla dzieci, że Towarzystwo Naukowe, zebrania naukowe, właśnie rozmowy najlepiej, bo w dzień czasu nie ma i szkoda — i czasu nie ma w dzień, więc wieczorem.

UWAGA: Przekarmianie dzieci snem prowadzi poprzez niestrawny sen do znieprawionego snu, zwyrodniałego snu, rozchełstanych nerwów. — Ile godzin dziecko winno spać? — Akurat tyle, ile śpi.

Słowo Gadaninka było chyba wtedy powszechnie używane bo znajdujemy je np. w tygodniku dla dzieci i młodzieży wydawanym w Poznaniu - Nasz Dzienniczek. Warto podkreślić że w tym ostatnim numerze przed wybuchem wojny nie ma najmniejszej wzmianki o wojnie.

Słowo Gadaninka było chyba wtedy powszechnie używane bo znajdujemy je np. w tygodniku dla dzieci i młodzieży - Nasz Dzienniczek. Warto podkreślić że w tym ostatnim numerze przed wybuchem wojny nie ma najmniejszej wzmianki o wojnie.