Bergsjö förläggning |
Kinderheim children from Bergen-Belsen arrived on July 26 1945 on White Boat S/S Kastelholm to Sweden.
After the Liberation on April 15 1945, the group of children from Barrack 211 were moved to the Bergen-Belsen Hospital where a Children's ward was built up by dr. Collis.
After the meeting in Bergen-Belsen, dr. Collis med dr. Hans Arnoldsson that was responsible for the UNNRRA transport by White boats from Lübeck to Sweden, it was decided that this entire group of children and also children with mothers will be moved to Sweden.
First, they boarded the ambulance train on July 23, 1945. It took them from Bergen-Belsen to Lübeck and the UNRRA Centre there, also called Swedish Transit Hospitals. After registration there on July 24, they left Lübeck on July 25th and arrived to Malmö on the next day.
In Sweden, the group was, however, divided. Some of the children were directly sent to the hospital (Nya Lungkliniken). The others were divided into three groups, mothers with children, elder boys, and elder girls, and placed at different locations in and around the city of Malmö.
When the White Boat S/S Kastelholm arrived in Malmö after one night at sea all the passengers have to be registered and disinfected and checked for lice. All these procedures were done on the day of arrival, July 26, 1945. The sick children were transfered to Nya Lungkliniken i Malmö. Thereafter, 20 older girls and the mothers with small children were sent together with Hermina, Bonsel, and Ms. Fernandes to Sundsgården close to Helsingborg. Luba, and the older girls were transferred to Bjärred (north of Malmö and the older boys from the group to a house in Gåsebäck also close to Helsingborg. The children that were hospitalized at Nya Lungkliniken were thereafter moved to Welanderhemmet and sister May.
Upon arrival to Malmö port on July 26, 1945, the sick children were transferred to Nya Lungkliniken, the hospital in Malmö. Thereafter, 20 older girls and the mothers with small children were sent together with Hermina, Bonsel, and Ms. Fernandes to Sundsgården close to Helsingborg. |
When the White Boat S/S Kastelholm arrived in Malmö on July 26, 1945, after one night at sea, all the passengers have to be registered and disinfected, and checked for lice. All these procedures were done on the day of arrival. The sick children were transferred directly to Nya Lungkliniken i Malmö. Thereafter, 20 older girls and the mothers with small children were sent together with Hermina Kranzova, Annie Bonsel and Ms Fernandes to Sundsgården, close to Helsingborg. Luba Tryszynska, and the older girls were transferred to Bjärred (north of Malmö and the older boys from the group to a house in Gåsebäck also close to Helsingborg. Here Doctors cards of mother and daughter Rubinowicz Mindla and Dora (Dorota) that were examined on July 27. 1945 at Sundsgården.

When the White Boat S/S Kastelholm arrived in Malmö on July 26, 1945, after one night at sea, all the passengers have to be registered and disinfected, and checked for lice. All these procedures were done on the day of arrival. The sick children were transferred directly to Nya Lungkliniken in Malmö. Thereafter, 20 older girls and the mothers with small children were sent together with Hermina Kranzova, Annie Bonsel and Ms Fernandes to Sundsgården, close to Helsingborg. Here Doctors card of a lonely girl Morgensztern Awiwa, L:7878. What is special about the 11-year-old girl is a note about her closest relative, Sulamit Morgensztern, that was at the Emergency hospital in Karlstad, 450 km north of Helsingborg. Sulamit L:2574, was actually Awiwas mother and came 3 weeks earlier to Sweden on UNRRAs White Boat M/S Rönnskär. When mother and daughter reunited is not known.The biggest group of children landed finally in Bjärryd and were later moved to Bergsjö.
From Bergsjö to Lövsätra, Voxna, Visingsö
Kinderheim at Bergsjö Utläningsläger the list from 7 February 1946 presenting how the children were divided after closing Bergsjö camp.