Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Janusz Korczak murdered - When and how?

Recently, I found several mistakes in Lawrence Kohlberg's paper*, where he mentions Janusz Korczak.

Kohlberg wrote the following: 

Janusz Korczak ... died during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of World War II. For many years Korczak, trained as a pediatrician, had directed two orphanage schools in Warsaw, one for Christian children and one for Jewish children, expressing a universal concern that went beyond his Jewish heritage... 

On the morning of August 6, 1942, German and Ukrainian guards surrounded the orphanage as part of the plan for elimination of "non-productive elements" to the Treblinka death camp. Prepared for death, Korczak led the 200 children from his own orphanage to the train station where the freight cars waited.

Wrong: "died during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of World War II".

Right: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising took place in April-May 1943.

Wrong: "On the morning of August 6, 1942, German and Ukrainian guards".

Right: The deportation occurred on the morning of August 5th, 1942.

* Lawrence Kohlberg, The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of Justice (New York: Harper and Row, Publisher, 1981), pp. 402-403.

Monday, March 3, 2025

ChatGPT about Roman Wasserman Wroblewski

 Dr. Roman Wasserman Wroblewski is a Swedish Holocaust researcher, author, and chairman of the Swedish Holocaust Memorial Association (SHMA).

Born to Holocaust survivors, his father, Misza Wasserman, was the sole educator from Janusz Korczak's orphanage to survive the deportation to Treblinka in 1942.

Dr. Wroblewski has authored several significant works on Holocaust history. His book, "The Liberated 1945: White Boat Mission from Bergen-Belsen to Sweden," details the Swedish humanitarian effort that brought 10,000 former concentration camp inmates, primarily women and children from Bergen-Belsen, to Sweden after World War II.

He has also been involved in organizing exhibitions that preserve the memory of Holocaust survivors who came to Sweden post-liberation.

In addition to his research and writing, Dr. Wroblewski has actively worked towards restoring dignity to neglected graves of Holocaust victims in Stockholm. His proposal outlines a plan for the restoration of both marked and unmarked graves of Holocaust survivors and victims buried in Stockholm, aiming to honor their memory and provide them with the respect they deserve.

Dr. Wroblewski's dedication to Holocaust education and remembrance has significantly contributed to preserving the history and stories of those affected by the Holocaust, ensuring that future generations learn from these experiences.

Trzy języki w Domu Sierot Korczaka - Język polski -Język żydowski - Język hebrajski

Trzy języki w Domu Sierot Korczaka - Język polski -Język żydowski - Język hebrajski

Język polski był oczywiście dominujacy. Używany przez dzieci i nauczany w DS język żydowski był ważny gdyż większość dzieci to były pół-sieroty które na Szabat chodziły "do rodzin" gdzie panował ten jezyk. Język hebrajski był używany m.in. z myślą o emigracji do Erec. Prawdopodobnie Towarzystwo "Pomoc dla Sierot" miało także swoje idee na temat nauczania żydowskiego i hebrajskiego. Nauka ta jest wyraźnie podkreślana w "Sprawozdaniach".

Trzy języki występuja równiez w Małym Przegladzie. Oczywiscie nie całe teksty lecz poszczególne słowa. Jest to czesto spowodowane brakiem odpowiednika po polsku. Czesc slów takich jak szomrowcy (zydowska organizacja skautowa) i nazwy ich druzyn sa znane wiekszosci czytelników Malego Przegladu. Slowa zydowskie wystepuja czesto w artykulach reporterskich. 

Koncze bo musze zobaczyc co na ten temat napisala Anna Czaajka Landau!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Pierwsza zima na Siennej po zamordowaniu Korczaka, wychowawców i 239 dzieci. Budynek Domu Sierot, Sienna 16, trzeci od prawej.


Pierwsza zima na Siennej po zamordowaniu Korczaka, wychowawców i 239 dzieci. Budynek Domu Sierot, Sienna 16, trzeci od prawej. Foto: Stanisław Baranowski.