Consists of copies of typed and handwritten poems, some with modern photographs included, and photocopies of photographs of the Mydlarz family, originally of Łódź, Poland. The poems were written by Margalit Mydlarz Bar-On between 1973-1989. The poems describe her experiences in the Łódź ghetto, Auschwitz, Harburg, her liberation from Bergen-Belsen, and time in Sweden for recovery. She also describes her illegal immigration to Palestine, capture, and internment in Cyprus.
In November 1944, the Allies stipulated that DPs had to be registered. In the British and US occupation zones, they used two DP 2 cards per person to do this. After registration, the DPs took the original card with them when they moved to a different camp or returned to their country of origin. The duplicate card was sent to the ITS and other tracing services. Since multiple people added information to the cards during this process, many cards are strewn with stamps, abbreviations and handwritten notes.