Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cemetery where all died between July 23, 1942, and October 19, 1943 - it means Treblinka

From July 23 rd until December 31 st 1942, 713 555 peoples were murdered in Treblinka death camp.

Telegram from deputy commander of Aktion Reinhard, listing number of arrivals in the extermination camps. As we all know the trains were leaving the death camps empty!

Letter and 14 day report year-end report
                        14 day                       Year 1942
Camp i.d.            to 31.12.1942                     total
L  Lublin              12761                          24733
B  Belzec                  0                         434508
S  Sobibor               515                         101370
T  Treblinka           10335                         713555 *
total:                 23611                        1274166
(*) note - in the original reads 71355, but this is probably a typo as 713555 gives the correct total.

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