Rachelly Roggel´s art language is of buttons and buttonholes on fabric. Her decorative works ambush unsuspecting visitors of all ages who reveal the stories of Holocaust trauma. In her latest artwork about Janusz Korczak and Children that was on the Korczak exhibit last month in Israel, I could easily see that the artwork is highly connected with the Treblinka death camp.
In the similar way as in the Holocaust Memorial in Treblinka there are the names of the cities and towns from which Jews were transported to the Treblinka death camp. Rachelly Roggel has the children carrying the names.
There is also a direct memorial of Janusz Korczak - Henryk Goldszmit at the bottom om her artwork. It is represented by Korczak's spectacles. Korczak's spectacles were still on his desk when my father, Misha Wasserman Wroblewski returned in the evening to the orphanage, being working outside the ghetto on this day. My father gathered Korczak's papers, among others, Korczaks Diary and threw them into a suitcases together with Korczak's spectacles the only personal thing saved after him to the world.
Rachelly Roggel lives in Rehovot, Israel.