Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The weekly of Orphan Home - Tygodnik Domu Sierot - Every Saturday from 1913 to 1942.

In 1913 Korczak started children's newspaper in the orphanage at 92 Krochmalna Street - "The Weekly of Orphans Home" (Tygodnik Domu Sierot) covered besides single independent stories also the court, the judgments and the week's activities. First issues of it were written by Korczak alone but later "The Weekly of Orphans Home" was co-created by children. This local newspaper became a prototype of The Little Review - "Mały Przegląd" that was published from 1926 until September 1, 1939. The Little Review), was as a weekly supplement to the daily Polish-Jewish Newspaper Nasz Przegląd (Our Review) which was one of its kind – it was written for children by children.

The weekly magazine of Korczak's orphanage was edited and typed every week but was read on Saturdays. This procedure was continued in the Warsaw Ghetto. "Please do not dirty or tear" was written on copies of "Tygodnik Dom Sierot".

Every Saturday at Korczaks orphanage, there was a ceremonial reading of the newspaper "The Weekly of Orphans Home" along with the information and announcements contained therein. Unfortunately, not a single original copy of this magazine has survived, only reprints in "W Słońcu" where only parts of the original newspaper from 92 Krochmalna were printed.

Although WWII stopped The Little Review, "The Weekly of Orphans Home" was edited until the last days of the Orphanage existence in the Warsaw Ghetto, August 1942.

One of the documents written by Korczak in the Warsaw Ghetto shown above was aimed to be read as a part of "The Weekly of Dom Sierot" at the Saturday meeting at Sienna 16. 

We cannot give bread, groats, coal, or clothing. But there is something we can and should give because we have a lot of it. I was in a boarding school at Śliska Street. I told the girls the story of Puss in Boots. I was in the boarding school on Twarda Street and I told a story about Waligóra. They were very pleased and I was glad I could also give something. It's nice to give without taking from anyone, without harming anyone. And it occurred to me that our middle and seniors, or our K.P.R. could introduce an obligation to make the time more enjoyable for children from other boarding schools - maybe at first only from the boarding houses on Śliska and Twarda, where there are fewer children, so there are fewer persons of staff, so the staff is busy, so there are few fairy tales and other entertainment. After fairy tales, there may come checkers and chess, games and crafts. - You can borrow a workshop. I don't know. There are more of you, so you may have more different thoughts, ways, and trials. 

Finally, Korczak wrote: 
I wrote this article for the newspaper because I want us not to be selfish people who take and give nothing.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Antysemickie artykuły na temat Żydów warszawskich w "Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung" już w grudniu 1939 r.

Warszawa skapitulowała 27 września 1939 r. i wojna w Polsce została wtedy praktycznie zakończona. Już w październiku wokół dzielnicy żydowskiej Seuchensperrgebiet pojawiły się tablice, Nur Durchfahrt gestatet – Dozwolony tylko przejazd - Obszar dostępny tyfusem

Już 14 grudnia 1939 roku ukazała się gazeta „Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung” – z obszerną, antysemicką doniesieniami z Warszawy, w której m.in. przedstawia Żydów ukrywających broń w grobach poległych polskich żołnierzy. Oczywiście to fabrykacja niemieckiej propagandy. Piszą też w Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung o getcie warszawskim, które w praktyce powstało dopiero rok później, w październiku 1940 roku.

Cytaty podpisy pod zdjęciami z artykułu w Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung:

Warszawscy Żydzi przechowywali broń w grobach polskich żołnierzy. Grób, w którym on i jego pomocnicy ukryli broń. Funkcjonariusze niemieckiej SB wielokrotnie natrafiają na groby, w których mieszkańcy getta ukryli broń, okazując brak szacunku zwłokom.

Obok zwłok (polskiego żołnierza) leżały ciężkie i lekkie karabiny maszynowe, pistolety automatyczne, pudełka na naboje. Żydzi zakopali broń przed wkroczeniem Niemców do Warszawy. Teraz zostaną odkopane pod nadzorem służb bezpieczeństwa. Niedługo potem schwytani staną przed niemieckimi sędziami. 

Polski nocny patrol zaalarmował funkcjonariuszy służb bezpieczeństwa o ukrytej broni. Wskazują na mapie dokładny dom w getcie, w którym mieszkali podejrzani Żydzi. 
Akcja w getcie śladami zbrodniarzy. Służba Bezpieczeństwa interweniuje szybko. W sklepie żydowskim aresztowano sześciu mężczyzn, którzy właśnie się tam poznali. 44 mężczyzn natychmiast przeszukuje Żydów w poszukiwaniu broni (zdjęcie po lewej). Następnie przechodzi do przesłuchań.


Królewska przy Giełdzie. 

Nowy Kurier Warszawski 1940, nr 243 (15 października). Na 4 stronie mapa przyszłego Getta Warszawskiego.

Antisemitiska artiklar om Warszawas judar i Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung redan i December 1939.

Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung från den 14 december 1939, första och tredje sidan.

Warszawa kapitulerade den 27 september 1939 och kriget i Polen var i praktiken över.

Redan i oktober kom upp skyltar runt om i de judiska kvarteren Seuchensperrgebiet, Nur Durchfahrt gestattet - Obszar zagrożony tyfusem.

Den 14 December 1939 kom tidningen "Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung" - med en stor antisemitisk reportage från Warszawa där man bl.a. visar judar som gömmer vapen i gravar av de nyfallna polska soldaterna. Naturligtvis en påhitt av den tyska propagandan. Man skriver också om Warszawa Gettot, som i praktiken bildades först ett år senare.

Citat ur artikeln, underskrifter vid de enskilda fotografierna:
Warszawas judar förvarade vapen i de polska soldaternas gravar. Graven där han och hans medhjälpare gömde vapnen. Säkerhetstjänstemän möter upprepade gånger gravar där gettobor har gömt vapen, utan respekt för liken.

Tunga och lätta maskingevär, automatpistoler, patronlådor låg bredvid ett lik. Det som judarna begravde vapen innan tyskarna tog sig in i Warszawa. Nu kommer de att grävas fram under säkerhetstjänstens överinseende. Kort därefter kommer de tillfångatagna ställas inför tyska domare.

En polsk nattpatrull larmade säkerhetstjänstens officerare om dolda vapen. Han pekar på det exakta huset i gettot på kartan där de brottmisstänkta judarna bodde.

Razzia i gettot i brottslingarnas spår. Säkerhetstjänsten ingriper snabbt i en judisk butik. Sex män som precis påträffats där är gripna. De 44 männen genomsöker omedelbart judarna efter vapen (vänster bild). Sedan går det vidare till förhör.
En polack visar graven av en nyfallen polsk soldat som judar använde för att gömma vapen.

Efter att en polack visade graven av en nyfallen polsk soldat som judar använde för att gömma vapen fick de gräva fram något som ser ut som en kulspruta.

Tyska officerare i synagogans lokaler.

Issue of the newspaper "Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung" dated December 14, 1939 - An antisemitic libel about Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto hiding weapons near the bodies of Polish soldiers, disrespecting the bodies in the cemetery near the ghetto, before the Germans' arrival: "Security Service officers repeatedly encounter graves in which ghetto residents have hidden weapons, disrespecting the corpses." The newspaper reports on the progress of the German army on the Eastern Front. A full page (p. 3) is dedicated to an antisemitic libel reporting on Jews who hid weapons alongside corpses in graves in the Warsaw Ghetto. The page's headline reads: "Weapons Hidden in Graves: German Security Service Raids the Warsaw Ghetto." Interestingly, the writer uses the term "Warsaw Ghetto" referring to the Jewish-populated area, months before the establishment of the ghetto walls and the actual closure of the Warsaw Ghetto. This page features photographs documenting how Nazi soldiers chase the Jews suspected of hiding weapons, capturing them, and as a last resort, leading them to the graves where the weapons were hidden alongside corpses: "A Polish night patrol alerted Security Service officers to hidden weapons. He points to the exact house in the ghetto on the map where suspected Jews lived together." Also: "Raid in the ghetto following the trails of the criminals. The Security Service intervenes quickly: In a Jewish store. Six men who had just met there are arrested. The 44 men immediately search the Jews for weapons (left picture). Then it moves on to interrogation." In one of the photographs, SS soldiers are seen in a synagogue where Jews were captured (large pictures of prominent Jewish figures can be seen on the wall), with the description: "In the Jewish place of worship: the first interrogation - the detainees are systematically questioned, with a member of the Jewish Council of Elders (right) serving as interpreter. The discovery of weapons is already based on the takeover." Next to a photograph showing weapons in graves, it reads: "Heavy and light machine guns, automatic pistols, cartridge boxes are laid next to a corpse. What the Jews buried in Warsaw before the Germans entered Warsaw will now be dug out from the ground under the supervision of the Security Service. Shortly after, those caught appear before German judges." Next to another photograph showing Jews near a grave, it reads: "The Jews of Warsaw stored weapons in the graves of Polish soldiers. The grave where he and his aides hid the weapons. Security Service officers repeatedly encounter graves in which ghetto residents have hidden weapons, disrespecting the corpses."

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Judisk Samling och Judiska församlingen i Stockholm är ansvariga för skändningen av Förintelsemonumentet i Stockholm.




Merparten av de judar som tillhör Judiska församlingen i Stockholm har inte röstat i förra valet (inom församlingen).

Idag finns omkring 20 000 judar i Sverige, varav ca 6 000 är medlemmar i någon judisk församling. Hur många av de är röstberättigade vet jag inte, kanske 50% (3 000). Om det är så, då betyder det att om mindre än 50% av församlingarnas medlemmar röstar så är det endast 7% av Sveriges judar som blir representerade i sk. Judiska Centralrådet.

Meddela mig gärna om jag har räknat fel och var.

Det betyder de som representerar Sveriges judar är inte alls representativa! Partiet Judisk samling likaledes!

Alla partier i församlingen heter faktiskt nästan likadant. Numera finns det bara fyra partier; Judisk Enhet, Judisk Mångfald, Judisk Samling och Judisk Framtid.

Partisystemet är polariserande sedan flera, flera decennier! Judisk Samling bidrar aktivt till en ökad polarisering bland judar som tillhör Judiska församlingen. Judiska församlingen betalade 70 000:- för stenarna. Kostander för Föreningen Förintelsens Minne var 250 000:-.

Skändningen - Ansvarig Aron Verständig och hans elitparti - Judisk Samling
En dotter till Förintelsens överlevande gick den 19 april 2020 till Treblinka-stenen vid Norra Judiska begravningsplatsen. Treblinkastenen är en av de 6 stenar med namn på dödslägren som tillsammans med Förintelsens offers gravar bildar ett monument. Hela hennes mammas familj har blivit mördad i Treblinka. Hennes pappas i Auschwitz. Det hade hon gemensamt med flera av de Förintelsens offer begravda runt Monumentet.

Hon la sin kantiga sträva sten bland de andra. Trots att Förintelsedagen, Jom Hashoa är rörlig i den judiska kalendern så för hennes del brukar hon alltid minnas sina närmaste just den 19 april. 19 april 1943 är nämligen dagen då Upproret i Warszawas Getto startade. Denna minnesdag initierades 1953 av staten Israels förste premiärminister, David Ben-Gurion för att hedra de sex miljoner judar som föll offer för den Förintelsen. Minnesdagen är kopplad till Upproret i Warszawas Getto som pågick under april-maj 1943.

Förintelsens offers gravar i Stockholm låter kanske konstigt för många men det handlar faktiskt om de fd. judiska fångarna från Bergen-Belsen som kom till Sverige med UNRRA Vita båtar under sommaren 1945. De skulle få vård och konvalescens här. Många av de var dock döende redan då de kom till Stockholms Frihamn.

Dottern till Förintelsens överlevande jag skrev om ovan, hade också ett annat datum, en annan egen minnesdag i sin minnes-almanacka. Den 2 augusti 1943 - dagen då Upproret i dödslägret Treblinka startade. När hon kom på minnesdagen av Upproret dödslägret, bara fyra månader senare gick till Treblinka-stenen så var minnesstenen borta. Hon kramade hårt den kantiga svarta stenen hon hade med sig så det gjorde ont så att hon skrek. Det var Judisk samling och Aron Verständig som var ansvarig för det. 

Platserna där de 6 minnesstenar stod har fyllts med ny jord och man sådde ny gräs där som inte ville växa. Hon hade faktiskt samma reflektion som jag tidigare - detta är precis på samma sätt som nazisterna gjorde i Treblinka efter att man ha mördat nära 1 miljon judar och avslutade verksamheten. I Treblinka, precis som i Stockholm har man tillfört ny jord och därefter såddes gräs över hela området. Det här är en ren skändning, vem har utfört det med samma precision som i Treblinka för att inget skulle synas och minnas.

Kommentarer till skändningen av Holocausmonumentet beordrad av Aron Verständig, Judiska församlingen i Stockholm.

It's so sad to see that prestige went too far, leaving humanism behind!

  • Obegripligt! Vad är anledningen till detta och har de förklarat tilltaget på något sätt? (Blir nog svårt att komma med en acceptabel förklaring).
    Fucken NAZI bastards burn in hell

    Ar det inte snarare fråga om ghetto mentalitet (gora vad som helst for att halla sig val med makthavande s+v+mp+c samt svenska s+v kontrollerade konventionella media), hos Verständig och hans krets ??

  • Om detta var ett samverkansprojekt med Judiska församlingen Stockholm, så undrar jag om de har en annan plan för dessa gravar och bevarandet av minnet efter dessa människor!? Det är obegripligt! 
  • When a Jewish organization defaces a Jewish memorial something is wrong. It is time the younger generation came forward and replaced the older communities and rebuilt the monuments higher. We are not ashamed.

    Verstandig ar feg samt varken forstandig eller moralisk. 

    Detta ar ej forsvarbart och amoraliskt !! 🤬😠😖

  •  Nä! Vad ledsen och förbannad jag blir

Głupota i arogancja nie omijają żadnej nacji. 

Nu ser det ut att maktfullkomlighet har drabbat ledningen för JF i Stockholm. Det har hänt tidigare men aldrig att man gav sig pà ett monument tillägnat Holocaust offer. Skamligt och rentav avskyvärt.

Thank you for sharing Mr. Wroblewski, it such a shame that so many people now and then refused to act.

  •  Ignorant thugsDölj eller anmäl detta
    The sad bloody world we live in😞🙏🏻. Humans will never stop their hateful behavior
    I know many survivors who were helped by Sweden at the end of the war. Sweden should be honored for that. This is an affront to that memory as well as an anti-Semitic act.

    Absolute disgrace

  • Är det inte snarare fråga om ghetto mentalitet (göra vad som helst for att hålla sig val med makthavande s+v+mp+c samt svenska s+v kontrollerade konventionella media), hos Verständig och hans krets ?

    Jewish Congregation in Stockholm was doing nothing for 75 years: Suddenly they changed their policy and removed the Holocaust Monument exactly in July when it was the 75th anniversary of the Bergen-Belsen prisoners transport with UNRRA White boats to Sweden. Disgrace.

     Idiot, ställ tillbaka det!

Monday, October 28, 2024

Korczak was thrown into the notorious Pawiak prison for not wearing his Star of David armband.

In October-November 1940, when Korczak protested to the Gestapo that his orphanage’s potatoes had been confiscated during its move to the ghetto, he was thrown into the notorious Pawiak prison for not wearing his Star of David armband. A court hearing took place and Korczak was sentenced to a few months in prison and a fine. He survived only because one of his former orphans had the contacts and funds to get him out. It was one of his former orphans “Harry” Kaliszer, who bribed a local Nazi collaborator for thirty thousand zloty. 

Janusz Korczak was finally released in late December 1940 and returned to the children in the orphanage at 33 Chlodna Street and was warmly greeted when he returned.

December 1940, Warsaw ghetto. 
An anonymous pupil or former pupil for Dom Sierot - Orphans Home run by Janusz Korczak, wrote an essay entitled "Welcome, Doctor". It is about the imprisonment and return of Janusz Korczak from Pawiak prison to the orphanage at 33 Chlodna Street in the Warsaw Ghetto. 

We've been in the new home for a month now, and it almost seems like years. We're almost used to it now. A different house, different windows and a different view from them, different classrooms, halls, bedrooms, stairs... and yet everything flows as before in his nice way. We are slowly taking root. One night only, Mr. Doctor he stayed with us, once in this house he watched and thought... And then he was in prison. Mr. Doctor is back – Good news – Welcome! No beautiful parties, without artificial and noisy shouts, without pompous faces and preparations, without flirting and imposing. We are simple and natural in simplicity. They all stood on the stairs and looked at the Doctor with smiles. And everyone had one and the same smile on their lips. Everyone was happy and satisfied and precisely because they love Mr. Doctor, they knew how to celebrate this moment quietly and nicely. We were touched. The whole day went on normally, without disturbing the celebrations. He ran, looked, smiled, and left for his duty, carrying deeply beautiful feelings. And it was a party. Not imposing, not bothering - peace and quiet for the Doctor, peace and warm rest.

"Welcome to the Doctor" was probably written by Janusz Korczak's pupil-

Janusz Korczak was thrown into the notorious Pawiak prison for not wearing his Star of David armband.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Masada - Janusz Korczak´s resistance in the Warszawa Ghetto in March 1941.

Masada - Korczak´s resistance in the Warszawa Ghetto in March 1941.

Michael Zylberberg "A Warsaw Diary".
Michael Zylberberg was born in Plotsk, Poland, in 1906, into a rabbinical family. He qualified to teach Hebraic history and literature in Warsaw and proceeded to work in several schools there, from 1933-1939. After the outbreak of World War II he was active in the Warsaw ghetto organising illegal schools for thousands of homeless children. During 1940-1941 he lived at 33 Chlodna Street, the same building where Janusz Korczaks Orphanage was located. After the Warsaw ghetto Uprising in 1943, he managed to escape to the Aryan side of Warsaw, where he lived for 2 years passing off as a Christian. Years after the end of the war he was contacted by someone who had discovered his manuscript diary and notes. He published his diary under the title A Warsaw Diary in 1969. There are numerous valuable historical details never before revealed. Several chapters and notes are on Janusz Korczak. There is detailed information about the Orphanage when at 33 Chlodna Street as well as numerous notes about 16 Sienna Street and activities there.

From Michael Zylberberg "A Warsaw Diary" - Masada Play.
Whilst conditions in the ghetto were tough, some inhabitants were determined to continue the cultural aspects of their previous life. Janusz Korczak was among them. Despite education being banned by Nazis at almost all levels, there were schools throughout the ghetto. Adults could also attend seminars and lectures, often led by those at the top of their field.

The historian Emanuel Ringelblum in collaboration with others resisted Nazi rule from within the ghetto by creating an archive documenting the Nazi crimes. Ringelblum’s collection became known as the Oyneg Shabes archive. Facing the threat of deportation to the Treblinka extermination camp, Oyneg Shabes buried their extensive collection in milk cans and metal boxes to prevent the archive from falling into the hands of the Nazis.
Jews also physically resisted the Nazi rule. The largest and most significant case of armed resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943.

It is a story about a Masada play performed in the Warszawa Ghetto while Korczaks Orphanage was located at 33 Chlodna Street.

The dramatic history behind one of the great landmarks of ancient Israel. In the spring of 73 AD, the rock fortress of Masada on the western shore of the Dead Sea was the site of an event that was breathtaking in its courage and self-sacrifice. Here the last of the Jewish Zealots who, for nearly eight years, had waged war against the Roman occupiers of their country made their last stand. The Zealots on Masada had withstood a two-year siege but with Roman victory finally assured, they faced two options: capture or death. They chose the latter, and when the Roman legions forced their way into the hill fort the following morning they were met only with utter silence by row upon row of bodies. Rather than fall into enemy hands the 960 men, women, and children who had defended the fortress so heroically had committed suicide. The story of the siege and eventual capture of Masada is unique, not just in Israeli legend but in the history of the world. It is a story of bravery that even the Roman legionaries, well used to death and brutality, could see and appreciate. It was a massacre but a massacre with a difference: carried out by the victims themselves. This book tells the story, covering the excavation of the remote hilltop site in the twentieth century.

From Michael Zylberberg "A Warsaw Diary"Korczak´s Ghetto Resistance in March 1941
But the evening did not end there. We suddenly noticed Dr. Korczak up on the platform during the tumultuous applause. We all thought he merely wanted to thank the guests and the artists, which he did, but he then asked us to bear with him while he read some brief poems he had very recently written. The concert seemed to be starting again. He drew a few sheets of paper from his pocket and started to read aloud. The poems were heavy with satire--they described a small black mustache, a large fat belly, a hunchback, and, finally, an elegant dandy. Amid the scorn and mockery was a pervading regret that these people should hold the fate of many millions in their hands. He mentioned no names, but everyone knew he was referring to Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, and our own hangman, Hans Frank, the boss of the "New Order" in Poland.
People listened and were horrified. Had Korczak gone mad? Some of them even slunk out of the hall and ran home in terror, but Korczak did not even notice. He went on calmly reading to
the few who had stayed behind - the house tenants.

Afterward, we asked Dr. Korczak how he could have done such a thing. Hadn't he noticed people leaving? Did he not realize that he was placing us all in terrible danger? He merely smiled and said, "The people who left are fools. What is there to be afraid of? Surely Jews can say what they think amongst themselves. Are you afraid of spies, or that someone will give me away? I don't think Jews would repeat any of this-they are all enemies of the 'New Order." Undoubtedly, Korczak believed what he was saying. He could not imagine that there were Jews willing to tell the Germans anything that would incriminate their comrades. This was typical of his character: his standards and values were high and based on loyalty and trust. But during those first few months in the ghetto, he had been in some ways a different person: he could never have done what he did at the concert.

But in time he changed completely, speaking frankly about "the
murderers and outcasts of society"
. The tenants' windows were
forgotten and he was not afraid to denounce his enemies in public.

Ale mentshn zaynen brider:
shvartse, vayse, broyne, gelbe
Andersh zaynen nor di faron
di natur iz dokh di zelbe!

White, Brown, Black, Yellow –
mix the colors all together!
All people are brothers,
From the same father, from the same mother!

And one God has created them all,
and one homeland: the world –
all people are brothers,
that is absolutely certain!

All people are brothers
Black, White, Brown, Yellow…
only the colors are different –
but their Nature is the same!

All human beings are brothers,
Yellow, Brown, Black, White…
nations, races, and climates –
it’s all an Enlightenment fiction!

“The periodical is like a bouquet made up of different flowers. There is no doubt that the bouquet is more beautiful when we can choose its flowers from a wider selection”.
Janusz Korczak, O gazetce szkolnej, Warszawa 1921.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Bob & Han - My Heros!

Dr Bob Collis, with a group of child refugees arriving in Ireland, is pictured holding Suzi Diamond.

As volunteers with the British Red Cross immediately after the war, dr. Robert (Bob) Collis and Han Hogerzeil tended to hundreds of young children who had survived Bergen-Belsen. After primary recovery at Bergen-Belsen Field Hospital, they went on UNRRA White Boats to Sweden with hundreds of children on July 26, 1945. Later, Bob and Han brought six of these children to Ireland and adopted two of them.

Only four children brought to Sweden during the UNRRA White Boat Mission were adopted in Scandinavia. Two of them to Finland, one in Sweden, and one in Denmark. It is likely that "Swedish Jews" were at the same time adopting Christian children born in Sweden.

Most orphans left Sweden during 1946-1947 heading for Eretz Israel.

Six of the children in the Bergen-Belsen Field Hospital – Zoltan and Edit Zinn, Tibor (Terry) and Suszi (Suzi) Molnar, Evelyn Schwarz, and Franz Berlin – became Bob’s ‘special charges’. Zoltan and Edit Zinn were of Slovak origin. Two of their siblings had not survived – their baby sister died in the cattle car on the way to the camps, and their brother, Aladar, died immediately after liberation, as did their mother. Bob and Han managed to nurse Zoltan through tubercular pleurisy and critical complications.

Tibor and Suszi Molnar came from a Jewish-Hungarian background. All of their family had been murdered by the Nazis and their mother, Gisella, died in Bergen-Belsen immediately after liberation in April 1945. Evelyn Schwartz was a little German-Jewish girl, and Franz Berlin was so-called because he had been picked up unconscious in the street in Berlin and brought to the hospital in Belsen.

After many of the children in the camp had been restored to health, they were repatriated to their different countries. The Swedish government invited hundreds of the remaining orphans to Sweden, where they could recuperate further. Since nobody appeared to claim ‘Bob’s children’, he eventually brought them home to Ireland. They stayed in Fairy Hill, a beautiful open-air hospital on the Hill of Howth near Dublin for some months for further convalescence. Bob and his wife made Zoltan and Edit part of their own family and the children added ‘Collis’ to their own names. Bob arranged the first formal adoption in Ireland when he organized for Tibor (Terry) and Suzi Molnar to be adopted by a Dublin Jewish couple, Willie and Elsie Samuels. Evelyn Schwartz was also adopted by a Dublin couple who later moved to Australia.