Saturday, September 3, 2022

Korczak´s Bursa is not a Stock Market or the Stock Exchange! Bursa has a different meaning, not as the one used by Korczaks scholars and archives!

The first state-organized stock exchange in Poland, the Warsaw Mercantile Exchange (Giełda Kupiecka w Warszawie), was established in Warsaw by a decree of viceregent Grand Duke Constantine Romanov dated 12 May 1817. The first trading took place in the Old Town Hall on 16 May 1817 and moved in the same year to the Saxon Palace as the Old Town Hall was destroyed in the same year.

Dwieście lat temu, 12 maja 1817 r., w gmachu Pałacu Saskiego w Warszawie przy ulicy Królewskiej została otwarta Giełda Kupiecka. Ten pierwszy polski rynek papierów wartościowych, walut i towarów był świadectwem ambicji gospodarczych i politycznych Królestwa Polskiego.

Text under this photo in the archives: Members of the "Bursa" in Janusz Korczak's orphanage in Warsaw.
Photographed in 1935. Note: The "Bursa" ("Stock Exchange") was the nickname for the apprentice educators' program in Korczak's institution, where they taught and counseled the children in exchange for room and board.

Numerous photos in the archives have annotations like the following: "Members of the "Bursa" in Janusz Korczak's orphanage in Warsaw. Photographed in 1935. Note: The "Bursa" ("stock exchange") was the nickname for the apprentice educators' program in Korczak's institution, where they taught and counseled the children in exchange for room and board".

But bursa in the case of Korczak's bursa has nothing to do with the stock exchange or the stock market.

The word BURSA has numerous definitions in Polish: boarding school and also the facility providing accommodation and meals for young people studying outside their place of residence or student dormitory. Bursa in the Catholic liturgy is a flat bag, purse, or finally also stock exchange. Residential buildings for students and professors may also be called a bursa.

So, Korczak´s bursa translated to 
Stock Exchange is not a nickname. Numerous authors were using this wrong translation in the books about Korczak. Nickname is a substitute for the proper name of a familiar person, place or thing. Bursa at Korczak´s orphanage was the official name of the orphanage facility providing accommodation and meals for young people studying outside their place of residence.