Sunday, January 23, 2022

S/S Kastelholm, S/S San Basilo, S/S Ulua (San Miguel?) - Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence [mikroform] : Palestine, 1947-1948.

New Jew-Transport on its way from Gothenburg according to London.

New Jew-Transport on its way from Gothenburg according to London wrote Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet..

26-FO 371/68515. E 820/2/31/48 : Jewish illegal immigration into Palestine. 2. Covers illegal Jewish immigration from,France, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece. Includes intelligence updates on suspect ships; Panama consideration of revocation of suspect ships' registries; U.S. State Department on illegal Jewish immigration; British efforts to prevent illegal Jewish immigration; and return of L. J. Perry from working committee in Italy on prevention of illegal Jewish immigration. Also covers fate of Jews detained in Cyprus camps and transport to Palestine by Jewish Agency for Palestine after British evacuation from Palestine; and other related issues -- 26-68515:2. E 870/2/31/48 : Jewish illegal immigration from Italy. Ambassador to Italy, Jan-21-48 (Dec-31-47), S., 32 s. -- 26-68515:31. E 877/2/31/48 : Jewish illegal immigration Roumania. Minister to Romania, Jan-21-48 (Jan-20-48), 2 s. -- 26-68515:33. E 906/2/31/48 : S.S. Las Tamplas. Cairo Embassy, Jan-22-48 (Jan-14-48), 5 s. -- 26-68515:37. E 908/2/31/48 : Jewish affairs, Roumania. Bucharest Legation, Jan-22-48 (Jan-14-48), 3 s. -- 26-68515:39. E 970/2/31/48 : Sette Fratelli. Consul-General at Marseilles, [Jan-22-48] (Jan-22-48), S., 2 s. -- 26-68515:[40a]. E 978/2/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jan-48], 1 s. -- 26-68515:41. E 992/2/31/48 : Illegal immigrant ships. Minister to Panama, Jan-23-48 (Jan-13-48), 3 s. -- 26-68515:44. E 993/2/31/48 : Illegal immigration, Bulgaria. Sofia Legation, Jan-23-48 (Jan-17-48), 6 s. -- 26-68515:50. E 995/2/31/48 : 100,000 Jews to Palestine. Caracas Embassy, Jan-23-48 (Jan-12-48), 2 s. -- 26-68515:52. E 1010/2/31/48 : Illegal immigration. Washington Embassy, Jan-23-48 (Jan-23-48), 2 s. -- 26-68515:54. E 1065/2/31/48 : S.S. Kastelholm. Stockholm Embassy, Jan-26-48 (Jan-16-48), 2 s. -- 26-68515:[55a]. E 1075/2/31/48 : Documents retained in departmen
Feb-24-48 (Feb-19-48), S., 5 s. -- 26-68517:63. E 2569/2/31/48 : S.S. San Basilio, S.S. San Spyridon and S.S. San Eusebia. Stockholm Embassy, Feb-24-48 (Feb-17-48), S., 3 s. --

S/S San Basilio had several owners and names before it was bought by Cia Cerro Pando de Nav. SA, Panama.  When it came for reparation to Gothenburg in February 1947 it was reported by British Intelligence as possible ship for illegal transports of Jews

S/S San Basilio had several owners and names before it was bought by Cia Cerro Pando de Nav. SA, Panama.  When it came for reparation to Gothenburg in February 1947 it was reported by British Intelligence as possible ship for illegal transports of Jews to Eretz Israel that was administrated by Great Britain as Mandat of Palestine. The information was send to all the countries from where transport could easily reach the Israel coast. Also information was sent to Swedish newspapers by London corespondents.

S/S San Basilio 

1934 - 1939. Insatt mellan Stockholm - Härnösand - Holmsund - Umeå.

1940 09 26 - 1946 03. Rekvirerad av Marinen och ändrad till logementsfartyg med beteckningen H 78.

1946 03 06. Återlämnades till Svea.

1946 09 02. Såld till Cia Cerro Pando de Nav. S A , Panama. Omdöpt till SAN BASILIO.

1946 12 01. Avgick Stockholm.

1946 12 05. Gick på grund i Drogden rännan utanför Köpenhamn.

1947 02. Sprang läck i isen i Kattegatt.

1947 02 06. Ankom Göteborg och lades upp.

S/S San Basilio had several owners and names before it was bought by Cia Cerro Pando de Nav. SA, Panama.  When it came for reparation to Gothenburg in February 1947 it was reported by British Intelligence as possible ship for illegal transports of Jews. Here it is reported together with another Swedish ship X/S Kastelholm.