Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Prepandemic and post-pandemic studies of the Janusz Korczak-related artifacts at the archives of the Ghetto Fighters House in Israel.

Helenka Lewi-story. Here, is her own description of the photo of Janusz Korczak (P. Dr.) and "Pani Stefa". The girl in the photo is Cesia Grynbaum.

Prepandemic and post-pandemic studies of the Janusz Korczak-related artifacts at the archives of the Ghetto Fighters House in Israel.

Now, 2022, I know exactly what to do and how to limit my projects. Besides the photos, I have to analyze handwritten documents in Polish.

From Jurek Snopek and Roman Wroblewski book. Helenka Lewi-story. Here, is her own description of the photo of Janusz Korczak (P. Dr.) and "Pani Stefa". The girl in the photo is Cesia Grynbaum.
Great thanks to the Ghetto Fighters Archives in Israel for letting me continue my "pre-pandemic" project.
See You Again in January 2023