Monday, January 27, 2025

Number 56 from Janusz Korczak's Orphanage tells the story of "Two doctors at war".

This first doctor is apparently very nervous and shouts about anything. The second doctor is apparently bald and has a red mustache and a pointed beard. Izaak Eliasberg and Janusz Korczak in orphanage "Dom Sierot".

Number 56 from Janusz Korczak's Orphanage tells the story of "Two doctors at war".

March 28 1917: The older children keep talking about two doctors who are at war. One is the president of the society caring for the "Orphanage", the other is the director.
    This first doctor is apparently very nervous and shouts about anything. He can even shout at p. Stefa (no?), but he has a good heart, only he's so fast, impatient. He always looks at the girls' heads and most often orders them to cut their hair. Without mercy and without appeal!
    And I've just got a polka. You can even divide it with a parting and tie it with ribbons on both sides. They still stick out a little, but they're always similar to braids.
    The second doctor is apparently bald, has a red mustache and a pointed beard. When he likes someone, he calls them a "jerk" and a "dumbass" and pretends he doesn't care about the child. But everyone knows perfectly well that of the older ones he likes Regina best, and of the younger ones he likes Natka best.
    This doctor is apparently just as important, H mm, even more important than Ms. Stefa. Is it possible for someone to have more to say than Miss Stefa?

Mały Przegląd: pismo dzieci i młodzieży : tygodniowy dodatek bezpłatny do nr 279 "Naszego Przeglądu" R.10, nr 39 (4 października 1935)