Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Janusz Korczak monument - World Wide Concept - Symbols of Happy children - The future and happiness of mankind lies in a happy childhood

Symbols of the child and happiness. 
Korczak was bringing happiness to the lives of children through his novels, his education and throughout his entire life life. 
"The future and happiness of mankind lies in a happy childhood" he wrote. Children balloons and kits are symbols for a child and happy childhood.

"My idea of playing with kites did not succeed...

Perhaps I shall succeed yet"
—sentences from a letter of Korczak's that reached Israel the day Word War II broke out (September 1st. 1939).

Korczak wrote 

Every child has the right to have a swing
And every girl has the right to have a doll
But if the times are very difficult,
Let the wind give them a kite....

Just as the sea gives a child a toy - a boat, 
so the wind has to give him a kite