Sunday, December 8, 2019

In 2019, Chanukkah begins at sundown on Sunday, December 22nd. We celebrate Chanukkah like at Korczaks Dom Sierot.

The photographs are from the first pages of Korczaks newspaper, the Mały Przegląd (Little Review), that was a weekly attachment to the daily Polish-Jewish newspaper Nasz Przegląd (Our Review). Here about Channukah and Yom Kippur.

In 2019, Chanukkah begins at sundown on Sunday, December 22nd.
We celebrate Chanukkah like at Korczaks Dom Sierot by lighting the menorah, each night we light one additional candle.
Jewish holiday observances – including High Holiday services and Chanukah and Purim celebrations – were a natural part of life at Dom Sierot. Korczak offered the children the opportunity to study Hebrew and the siddur and set aside the room at the orphanage specifically for Jewish prayer where, if a child was saying kaddish, Korczak was known to don a yarmulke and recite the prayer along with him.