Friday, February 12, 2021

Two important documents concerning Jews who immigrated illegally from Sweden to Eretz Israel. White boats passengers that decided to build Israel.


One of the organizations that Swedish Holocaust Memorial Association - SHMA cooperate with are Ma'apilim in Israel.

Here, two important documents concerning Jews who immigrated illegally from Sweden to Eretz Israel during British control in the late 1940s, also called Aliyah Bet. Of course the group visa is a fake. However, it gave the Swedish authorities the legal possibility to "let my people go" and put the stamp UTREST in their Swedish Främlingspass. The group of Swedish Ma'apilim left Trelleborg on January 24, 1947. Most of Swedish Ma'apilim arrived to Sweden with UNRRAs White Boats in June-July 1945.

Biblical meaning of Ma'apilim: the group of the Children of Israel that went, unauthorized, to the Land of Israel after the episode with the spies