Thursday, December 2, 2021

From Bergen-Belsen Emergency Hospital to Swedish Beredskapssjukhus - Health Status of the Holocaust Survivors brought to Sweden by UNRRAs White Boat Mission.

Medical cards - Läkarkort often have several enclosures as here the X-ray photo of the lungs. The dark areas in both lungs are pathological.

Field Medical Card issued in Bergen-Belsen in May 1945 with an insert with patient status until June 13, 1945. Later the patient was transported to Sweden by UNRRA mission White Boats. His health status in Sweden, starting in July 1945, can be studied in the Swedish Läkarkort - Medical Cards.

Field Medical Card issued in Bergen-Belsen in May 1945 with an insert with patient status until June 13, 1945. Later the patient was transported to Sweden by UNRRA mission White Boats. Her health status in Sweden can be studied in the Swedish Läkarkort.

Swedish Läkarkort (Medical card) of the patient that was transported to Sweden by UNRRA mission White Boats. Her health status is described and also the day she died .

Holocaust and Nazi concentration camp survivors were subjects to prolonged and multi-dimensional trauma and stress. The food quality and quantity was low during several years when in ghettos, concentrations camps, during death marches and like in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp a total lack of food and water prior to the liberation in April 15.

Directly after the liberation most consistent diagnosis were dealing infections diseases, with lung disorders and stomach and intestine disorders.

Later it has been showed that Holocaust survivors have a minor but consistent increase in the risk of developing cancer, in particular colorectal and lung cancers. However, the "exposure to the Holocaust and World War II Concentration Camps is not Associated with Increased risk for dementia at Old Age.

Swedish Holocaust Memorial Association and its Medical Research group is presently studying Swedish and British medical cards of Holocaust survivors that were brought to Sweden at the end of WWII. 

Information about experiments on humans in Auschwitz can also be found on Swedish Läkarkort - Medical cards.