The picture above was neither emulated with the digital photography software nor by chemical sepia toning. The yellow-brown color is due to the aging process of the photographic paper, se the back of the prints in the images below. |
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Normal and the reversed image. Many old photographs were reversed by means of printmaking techniques when the film negative was placed with the emulsion side up in enlarger or against photographic paper. This produce the images where the printed copy is reversed from the image made on the negative. |
Sepia toning is a method of changing the color of black-and-white photographs. In analog photography, it is a chemical process carried out on silver-based photographic prints. It is a darkroom process of replacing the metallic silver in the emulsion with a silver compound, such as silver sulfide (Ag2S). The effects of this process can be emulated with software in digital photography. Sepia is considered a form of Black and White or Monochromatic Photography. The picture above was emulated with the digital photography software.
The picture above is a scan from the wrongly printed analog photography. The photographer placed the negativ in the enlarger with emulsion side up, towards the light source. This mirrored picture is from my homepage published on the internet 1995. I feel guilty for this mistake, sorry!
This print published omn my blog Jimbao Today is most probably a scan I did from the print I got from Shlomo Nadel that was a child that survived the Holocaust.
Roman Wassermann Wroblewski showing for the Director of Photo archives - Zvi Oren at the Kibbutz of the Ghetto Fighters, the third, very smal photo that his father send to to Archives. Also this one has an handwritten description. Photo: Helena Brus.
I hope to use soon the Face Recognition techniques in my ongoing research
Who is Who on the pictures from the Janusz Korczak Orphanage. Face Recognition is a technique used to detect faces and recognize of individuals whose images saved in the data set. Despite the point that other methods of identification can be more accurate, face recognition has always remained a significant focus of research because of its non-meddling nature and because it is people’s facile method of personal identification. In all the projects one need several pictures. Even if used algorithms will identify the same person on numerous pictures it is of course the need of an primary identification of that person. See the work by late Shlomo Nadel and me on the photographs below.
Even if algorithms used in Face Recognition programs will identify the same person on numerous pictures it is of course the need of an primary identification of that person. See the work by late Shlomo Nadel and me on the photographs above.