Saturday, April 3, 2021

The last photo and the message before leaving Sweden for Eretz Israel on Haganah and Bet Aliyah ship S/S Ulua.

The Holocaust survivors that came to Sweden with White boats, White buses and trains declared thet after recovering in Sweden they want to leave Sweden. Most of the survivors wanted to go to Eretz Israel (British Mandate of Palestine) or to home countries if they had families there that survived the Holocaust or to the America.

This story is to uncover still hidden information about the lives of the Holocaust survivors, in this case the contingent of 550 mostly women who came to Eretz Israel from Sweden in 1947. All of the 550 women and about 94 men were brought to Sweden from the concentration camps in the so called White Boats and White Buses at the end of the WWII (April-July 1945).

For my dearest, one and only cousin, Sali, before my departure to Palestine.

I feel your fate and your future so deeply in my heart and I wish that you will come to believe that I will still see you so happy and joyful about life like me in this picture and in reality. Full of happiness and joy I will come toward you.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Metody Korczakowskie po wojnie - Lublin 1945 - Mina Kapłan-Halberstadt - Korczaks methods in work with children carrying severe trauma.


Marysia Lotersztajn
4-5 years old from Karkuszów. The parents deported from Końska Wola to Treblinka. The Mother left the child for the care of a peasant. He took her to the forest. There she was found by the partisans who brought her back to the village. The village community kept the child until the arrival of the Soviets. For two years the child went from house to house, spending 8 days in each.
Marysia is well-formed for her age. She suffers from nasal catarrh. To differentiate her from the other Marysia, the children would call her "snotty Marysia". The child is disheveled and careless. She does not notice that her shoes are untied and she doe not care. I think that once her nose problem is resolved (she is under the doctor's observation, she will care more about hygiene. Marysia has a "heart of gold". She loves her Pani director. She worries when she is sick and she brings whatever she can find to her.

Metody Korczakowskie po wojnie - Lublin 1945.
Mina Kapłan-Halberstadt was an educator in the orphanage for children, Holocaust survivors in Lublin. She wrote a diary dated, June 26 - December 24, 1945. She wrote in Polish and in Hebrew.
Lublin was liberated already on July 1944. Mina wrote in her diary that she used Janusz Korczaks methods in her work with children carrying severe trauma.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

724 days in Sweden - A brief stop for Kinderheim Children from Bergen-Belsen on their way to Eretz Israel


On April 15 1945 numerous children in this classroom were inmates in the concentration Camp Bergen-Belsen. After the liberation, they spent 3 months at the hospital and DP-camp there. They arrived in Sweden from Lübeck in Germany during the last day of the UNRRA White Boat mission, July 26 1945. In the photo, the children are gathered at an orphanage/school in Lövsättra or Billesholm during their first winter (1945-1946) in Sweden. Teacher, Yehudit Bergmann, at the blackboard Mirjam Stern (born 1937 in Piotrków), the boy looking into the camera Sewek Goldhersz (born 1934 in Piotrków), the laughing girl Blanka Margulies (born 1934 in Warszawa). Miriam Stern was just 2 years old when the ghetto in Piotrków was created on October 8, 1939, shortly after the town was occupied by the Wehrmacht on September 5, 1939. It was the first Nazi ghetto in occupied Europe.  

DP-2 card of Mirjam Stern (born 1937 in Piotrków) mentioned in the previous photo. Her card issued in Lübeck is signed by her using three crosses. Mirjam was liberated in Bergen-Belsen together with her mother Nacha and her cousin Teodor Zajdman (Seidman) who was born 1933 or 1937 as stated in different documents. In December 1942 Teodor was, together with his father Abram sent from Piotrków to the concentration camp Buchenwald. Later he was transferred to Bergen-Belsen where he was liberated in April 1945. Teodor's mother was sent to Ravensbrück.

  DP-2 card of Sewek Goldhersz (born 1934 in Piotrków) "the boy looking into the camera" on the top picture.

724 days in Sweden Margolis Blanka again on the same ship S/S Kastelholm on the way to Calais. 

On November 5, 1947, SS Kedma קדמה sailed from Pellestrina (Italy), commanded by an Italian Captain and 8 Italian crew members, carrying 794 passengers, Holocaust Survivors. Among them numerous children from Kinderheim in Bergen-Belsen that were previously brought to Sweden by UNRRA mission White Boats. After 2 years in Sweden, the group of children and other Holocaust survivors left Sweden.  It was planned to transfer the passengers from SS Kadema on another ship, Albertina before approaching Eretz Israel, but the plan was abandoned because there were problems with radio communication.

724 days in Sweden.

It is of course about the group of small children and young people from Bergen-Belsen who came to Sweden with the very last White Boat from the "continent", from Lübeck. Among them were Mengele's twins from Auschwitz and children who knew nothing about themselves, what their parents' names were and where they were born.

A small part of the children was adopted in Sweden, some of the children with elder siblings left Sweden already in May 1946 using the same route for transfer to Eretz Israel. Only 6 months earlier, second big group of 650 persons left Sweden with the S/S Ulua ship (January 1947). 724-days group traveled almost in the same collective as they were in Bergen-Belsen, to Eretz Israel. The choice of the France as transit land was due to the fact that there was no boarders between Calais i north and Marseille in south. Another reason was that the chances to be spotted by the British Intelligence was smaller as in case of S/S Ulua.724-days group travel to Eretz Israel started on July 20, 1947. There are 96 names of children on the list from the Swedish authorities. Probably there is another document where accompanying persons are listed. Main part of children were born 1930-1933. That means 6-9 year old when WWII started. The group left Sweden for France actually on the same ship, S/S Kastelholm that was used in the UNRRA White Boat mission two years earlier. This time the boat was heading French port of Calais.

It is known that this particular group travelled further to Paris and thereafter south to the Chateaue Villete de Anton, run by Youth Aliya (a department of the World
Zionist Organization).  Former group from Sweden that left Sweden in May 1946 was placed at this spot earlier. 
Daily life at continued was similar to that in Sweden, however with increased emphasis to the study of Hebrew.

In March 1948 we were moved to a transit camp near Marseille and
from there we boarded the ship Kadema on her way to Haifa. We
arrived at our destination on April 3, six weeks before the Declaration of
the State of Israel on May 15, 1948.

On November 16, 1947, SS Kedma קדמה stopped 3/4 of a mile outside territorial waters, and requested assistance,.
The book, The Liberated 1945. White Boat Mission from Bergen-Belsen to Sweden (2020).

Ship, HMS Venus sent a boarding party across, arrested the passengers, and escorted her to Haifa, where the passengers were transferred to Cyprus.

Fuchs, Ajsik. The right birth date: 14 Sep 1938; Birth place: Tuszyn, PolandSource: Registry of Names of the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp Prisoners
Fuchs, Ajsik. The right birth date: 14 Sep 1938; Birthplace: Tuszyn, Poland Source: Registry of Names of the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp Prisoners

As mentioned above some of the children in Kinderheim in Bergen-Belsen came from the Buchenwald concentration camp. However, hundreds of children stayed in Buchenwald. The Buchenwald children were a group of approximately 1,000 Jewish child survivors found by American troops when they liberated the Buchenwald concentration camp on April 11, 1945. Most of the children were originally from Poland, though others came from Hungary, Slovenia, and Ruthenia. Unsure of what to do with the child survivors, American army chaplains, Rabbi Herschel Schacter and Rabbi Robert Marcus, contacted the offices of the OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants) Jewish children's relief organization in Geneva. They arranged to send 427 of the children to France, 280 to Switzerland, and 250 to England.After the liberation Group portrait of child survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The boys are dressed in outfits of German Hitler Jugend uniforms due to a clothing shortage. Among those pictured are the first row (left to right): Lolek Blum, David Perlmutter, Birenbaum, Joseph Schleifstein, unidentified, and Israel Meir Lau (middle row, far right). Middle row: Nathan Szwarc, Jack Neeman, Berek Silber, Jacques Finkel, unidentified, Marek Milstein (Milsztajn), and Salek Finkelsztein. Back row: Elek Grinbaum [or Grinberg], Chaim Finkelstajn [or Charles Finkel], Romek Wekselman [or Wajsman], and Abram Czapnik. I wonder if it is Marek Milstein on that photo as brothers Milsztajn were sent to Bergen-Belsen prior to liberation.
Numerous of the children from Buchenwald were sent through France to Eretz Israel.

724 dagar i Sverige - Bergen-Belsen Kinderheim barns korta uppehåll.

Första dagen i Sverige efter att ha lämnat Lübeck och Swedish Transit Hospital dagen innan.  

724 dagar i Sverige. 

Det handlar naturligtvis om gruppen av små barn och ungdomar från Bergen-Belsen som kom till Sverige med den sista Vita Båten från "kontinenten". Bland de fanns Mengeles tvillingar, systrarna Weiss och barn som inte visste något om sig själva, vad deras föräldrar hette och var de var födda som Jidele.

Barnen som tillbringade minst sju månader tillsammans, först på Kinderheim i Bergen-Belsen och därefter på sjukhuset där har vid ankomsten till Malmö delats de upp i små grupper. Även syskonen delades. Hertha Gross skickades till Manilla skolan då ho var döv medan systern Renee stannade i Södra Sverige.  En del barn hamnade på Sundsgården, en del i Bjärred, en den på Malmös Nya Lungklinik och en del i Landskrona.

Pojken Rudolf (Läkarkortet ovan) född i augusti 1944 hamnade med sin mor Berta (född 1909) och bror Milan på Sundsgården. Som jag nämnde tidigare var Baracken 211 uppdelad i två sektioner. I den ena fanns föräldralösa barn och i den andra så fanns unga mammor med små barn såsom Berta med två söner, Rudolf och Milan (född 1943).

En liten del av de barn som kom till Sverige adopterades i Sverige och i utlandet, en del lämnade Sverige tidigare med S/S Ulua båten i januari 1947 men de flesta reste vidare, nästan i samma kollektiv som de var i Bergen-Belsen, till Eretz Israel.

När gruppen kom från Bergen-Belsen till Malmö den 26 juli 1945 uppdelades gruppen i små grupper beroende på hälsotillstånd, ålder och kön.

De samlades igen, friskare, mognare den 20 juli 1947 och började sin långa resan till Israel.

Samma båt som de kom med från Lübeck, S/S Kastelholm förde de tillbaka till Europa till den granska staden Calais. Det tog flera månader innan de kom till Eretz Israel.

Utresan till Frankrike. De svenska myndigheter visste dock att gruppen skulle fortsätta till Eretz Israel

Barnen vid befrielsen i Bergen-Belsen med hemmets föreståndarinna Luba.

Boken om de som befriades 1945 och kom till Sverige utgiven av Föreningen Förintelsens Minne (FFM) år 2020. Finns på bibliotek och att köpa från FFM. 174 sidor.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Akcja żonkilki i inne - To chodzi o prawdę a nie o od lat uprawianą przez Muzeum Polin demagogię.

Mordechaj Anielewicz

A w Polsce Muzeum Polin w dalszym ciągu lansuje Edelmana - ten kult jest zastraszający. Najpierw o Berku Joselewiczu a potem nagle o Edelmanie mimo że dowódcą Powstania w Getcie był ANIELEWICZ. Anielewicz nie należał do KORu i Joselewicz też nie.
Powstanie w Getcie Warszawskim to powstanie Żydów podczas procesu „ostatecznego rozwiązania kwestii żydowskiej” - Zagłady.

To chodzi o prawdę a nie o od lat uprawianą przez Muzeum Polin demagogię. Demagogia po grecku znaczy to „prowadzący lud”, to sposób pozyskiwania zwolenników polegający na odwoływaniu się do ich emocji i argumentów i faktów bez pokrycia. Współcześnie demagogia wiąże się również z kłamstwem, służącym do osiągnięcia celu za wszelką cenę. Dla mnie akcja żonkilki to demagogia by zwrócić uwagę na Bund i Edelmana i poprzez to odwrócić uwagę od przywódców Powstanie w Getcie Warszawskiem Mordechaja Anielewicza Anielewicza i "Antka" Cukiermana, nie wspominając o ŻZW.

To samo dotyczy walki ŻOB w Powstaniu Warszawskim w 1944. Walczący oddział miał imię Anielewicza a dowódcą był Cukierman.

Demagogia po grecku znaczy to „prowadzący lud”, to sposób pozyskiwania zwolenników polegający na odwoływaniu się do ich emocji i argumentów i faktów bez pokrycia.