Saturday, July 29, 2023

Den 23 juli 1967 kom till Sverige som ett ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Således var jag under 18 år.

År 1967Jag kom till Sverige som ett ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Således under 18 år. Min flykt med turistvisum för skedde genom Ystad. Polskt pass med stämpeln bara för inresan till Sverige - 23 juli 1967 har jag kvar. Rubriken bredvid, "Utresestämpeln" för återresa till Polen förblev aldrig stämplad. Tre födelsedagar i rad utan föräldrar. 

År 1969 fick jag ett långt brev från föräldrarna på min födelsedag. Därefter kom det historiska kortet postat på min födelsedag den 20 september 1969 med ett i vänstra hörnet tillskrivet meddelande: "det senaste  - vi har fått samtycke". Något kamouflerat meddelande att de har till sist fått utresetillstånd från Polen och kan, berövade det polska medborgarskapet, således som statslösa, lämna landet.

År 1970. Kunde jag igen fira min födelsedag med föräldrarna! 
Visa mindre

Torah, Bibel och Koran bränning används som Flugpapper - en klisterfälla för den svenska och utländska massmedian (och regeringar samt religiösa samfund).

Numera används systemet med flugpapper för att på ett smart sätt samla massmedia och framföra sina diverse åsikter. Man sätter en numera erkänt märke på flugpappret och lämnar det till den lokala polisen. Det erkända och beprövade märket är "Vill ordna en sammankomst och bränna en helig skrift".

Flugpapper är något gammaldags sätt att fånga flugor och andra insekter. Efter användning kan flugpapperet kastas ut tillsammans med hushållsavfall. Flugpapperet är inte giftigt, innehåller inte några hälsovådliga kemikalier, luktar inte, men fungerar.

Numera används systemet med flugpapper för att på ett smart och numera välbeprövat sätt samla massmedia och framföra sina diverse åsikter. Man sätter en numera erkänt märke på flugpappret och lämnar det till den lokala polisen. Det erkända och beprövade märket är "Vill ordna en sammankomst och bränna en helig skrift". Polisen sätter själva klistret på detta flugpapper genom att godkänna ansökan om en allmän sammankomst. Redan vid ansökningstillfället börjar klistret fungera. Massmedia sprider det fort. Regeringar och trossamfund över hela världen reagerar och överreagerar.

Vid sammankomsten finns huvudsakligen massmedia, SR skickar reportrar från flera redaktioner samtidigt, GP, DN, SvD, TV4 och SVT m.fl. finns på plats. Alla de lyssnade snällt till flugpappersproducentens historia.  Media som kom till Strandvägen fick höra om flugpappersproducentens problem med Socialtjänsten i Sverige bl.a. om hennes problem då hon fick förbud att få träffa sin, nu 12-år gammalt son. Först efter 90 minuter började massmedia surra om en koppling av sammankomsten till Torah bränningen. För att få tyst på det massmediala surrandet tände kvinnan på ett tomt A4 pappersark som föll brinnande på henne. Det massmediala surrandet upphörde och flugorna satt fast i klistret som de själva tillverkade eller rättare sagt aktiverade.

Polisen beviljade en allmän sammankomst utanför Israels ambassad i Stockholm igår. Kvinnan bakom ansökningen uppgav att hon planerade att tända på en Torah men tände enbart en A4-linjerat papper som föll på henne. Media som kom fick höra om hennes problem med Socialtjänsten i Sverige och hennes problem då hon fick förbud att få träffa sin, nu 12-år gammalt son.

Enligt uppgifter i svensk media var kvinnan straffad för bl.a. kidnappning.

Vid sammankomsten finns huvudsakligen massmedia, SR skickar reportrar från flera redaktioner samtidigt, GP, DN, SvD, TV4 och SVT m.fl. finns på plats. Alla de lyssnade snällt till flugpappersproducentens historia. 
Flugpapper aktiveras när ansökan om sammankomst lämnas till Polisen. Vid sammankomsten finns huvudsakligen massmedia, SR skickar reportrar från flera redaktioner samtidigt, GP, DN, SvD, TV4 och SVT m.fl. finns på plats. Alla de lyssnade snällt till flugpappersproducentens historia. 

För att få tyst på det massmediala surrandet tände kvinnan på ett tomt A4 pappersark som föll brinnande på henne. Det massmediala surrandet upphörde och flugorna satt fast i klistret som de själva aktiverade.

Flypaper is an old-fashioned way of catching flies and other insects. The flypaper will work best if you're dealing with large flies After use, the fly paper can be thrown out with household waste. The flypaper is non-toxic, does not contain any harmful chemicals, and does not smell, but works. Nowadays, the flypaper system is used to gather the mass media and present their various opinions in a smart and now well-proven way. You put a now-recognized mark on the fly paper and hand it over to the local police. The recognized and proven brand is "Want to organize a gathering and burn a holy book". The police themselves put the sticker on this flypaper by approving the application for a public assembly. Already at the time of application, the adhesive begins to work. Mass media spread it fast. Governments and religious communities all over the world are reacting and overreacting. At the gathering there are mainly mass media, SR sends reporters from several newsrooms at the same time, GP, DN, SvD, TV4, SVT, and others. in place. All of them listened kindly to the fly paper maker's story.

The media that came to Strandvägen heard about the 50-year-old female "flypaper producer's" problems with the Social Services in Sweden, among other things. about her own problems as she was forbidden to see her now 12-year-old son. First after 90 minutes, the mass media begin to buzz about a connection of the gathering to the Torah burning. To silence the mass media buzz, the woman lit a blank A4 sheet of paper, which fell on her burning. The mass media buzz stopped, however, the flies (read media) were stuck in the glue they themselves manufactured or rather activated.

The police granted a public gathering outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm yesterday. The woman behind the application stated that she planned to light a Torah but only lit an A4 lined paper that fell on her. The media who came heard about her problems with Social Services in Sweden and her problems when she was forbidden to see her now 12-year-old son.

Friday, July 28, 2023

The best photo of women that wanted to “light the Torah with a lighter". Stockholm police have granted a woman in her 50s permission to hold a public gathering outside the Israeli embassy on Friday during which the woman plans to “light the Torah with a lighter". New Swedish Flypaper to catch Swedish Media.

The best photo of women that wanted to “light the Torah with a lighter". Stockholm police have granted a woman in her 50s permission to hold a public gathering outside the Israeli embassy on Friday during which the woman plans to “light the Torah with a lighter".

It was far from the Israeli embassy and the entire public gathering was about her son and Swedish social workers.

Flypaper is an old-fashioned way of catching flies and other insects. The flypaper will work best if you're dealing with large flies After use, the fly paper can be thrown out with household waste. The flypaper is non-toxic, does not contain any harmful chemicals, and does not smell, but works. Nowadays, the flypaper system is used to gather the mass media and present their various opinions in a smart and now well-proven way. You put a now-recognized mark on the fly paper and hand it over to the local police. The recognized and proven brand is "Want to organize a gathering and burn a holy book". The police themselves put the sticker on this flypaper by approving the application for a public assembly. Already at the time of application, the adhesive begins to work. Mass media spread it fast. Governments and religious communities all over the world are reacting and overreacting. At the gathering there are mainly mass media, SR sends reporters from several newsrooms at the same time, GP, DN, SvD, TV4, SVT, and others. in place. All of them listened kindly to the fly paper maker's story.

The media that came to Strandvägen heard about the 50-year-old female "flypaper producer's" problems with the Social Services in Sweden, mainly about her own problems as she was forbidden to see her now 12-year-old son. First after 90 minutes, the mass media begin to buzz about a connection of the gathering to the Torah burning. To silence the mass media buzz, the woman lit a blank A4 sheet of paper, which fell on her burning. The mass media buzz stopped, however, the flies (read media) were stuck in the glue they themselves manufactured or rather activated.

The police granted a public gathering outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm yesterday. The woman behind the application stated that she planned to light a Torah but only lit an A4 lined paper that fell on her. The media who came heard about her problems with Social Services in Sweden and her problems when she was forbidden to see her now 12-year-old son.

Polisen beviljade en allmän sammankomst utanför Israels ambassad i Stockholm idag. Kvinnan bakom ansökningen uppgav att hon planerade att tända på en Torah men tände enbart en A4-linjerat papper som föll på henne. Media som kom fick höra om hennes problem med Socialtjänsten i Sverige och hennes problem då hon fick förbud att få träffa sin, nu 12-år gammalt son.

Polisen beviljade en allmän sammankomst utanför Israels ambassad i Stockholm. Kvinnan bakom ansökningen uppgav att hon planerade att tända på en Torah men tände enbart en A4-linjerat papper som föll på henne.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Om du vill vara lycklig och uppleva ett mirakel, var en trogen dotter till det judiska folket - Om Esther som ville åka till mammas Lövsätra där barn som överlevde Förintelsen fick vara under skolåret 1946 .

Chcesz być szczęśliwa i doznawać cudu, bądź wierną córką żydowskiego ludu - Om du vill vara lycklig och uppleva ett mirakel, var en trogen dotter till det judiska folket. Lövsätragården den 7 mars 1946, från Hela. Ur minnesboken där Hela tillskriver en önskning till Sala Frenkel.

Lövsätras stämpel med bild av Chaim Weizman utgiven av Keren Kajemet.

Lövsätra-Täby. Barn från Bergen-Belsens Kinderheim vilka kom till Sverige under juni-juli 1945 inom ramen av UNRRAs aktion Vita båtar. Här under en pågående lektion, 1946. Flera av barnen kom till Täby från en förlängning på Visingsö.

Sala Frenkel, tredje från höger, var ett av barn från Bergen-Belsens Kinderheim vilka kom till Sverige under juni-juli 1945 inom ramen av UNRRAs aktion Vita båtar. Här, år 1946, under en pågående lektion med läraren Egon Kux. De flesta av barnen på bilden har varit i Piotrków Trybunalski getto och därefter i koncentrationslägren, Ravensbrück, Buchenwald och Bergen-Belsen.

Den 15 april 1945 var många barn i detta klassrum fångar i koncentrationslägret Bergen-Belsen. Efter befrielsen tillbringade de 3 månader på ett sjukhus där. De anlände till Sverige från Lübeck i Tyskland under den absolut sista dagen av UNRRA White Boat aktionen och den 26 juli 1945 till Malmö. På bilden är barnen samlade på barnhem/skola i Lövsättra eller Billesholm under sin första och för många sista vinter (1945-1946) i Sverige. Läraren är Yehudit Bergmann och vid svarta tavlan står Mirjam Stern (född 1937 i Piotrków). Pojken som tittar rakt in i kameran Sewek Goldhersz (född 1934 i Piotrków) och den skrattande flickan Blanka Margulies (född 1934 i Warszawa). Miriam Stern var således bara 2 år gammal när gettot i Piotrków skapades den 8 oktober 1939, strax efter att staden ockuperats av Wehrmacht den 5 september 1939. Det var det första nazistiska gettot i det ockuperade Europa.

Förflyttning av två av barnen från internatskolan i Kjesäter till Lövsätra. De två nämnda barnen var kusiner.

Inrese- och utresestämpel för de barn sam anlände den 26 juli 1945 till Malmö med Vita Båten S/S Kastelholm. Många av barnen lämnade Sverige den 13 maj 1946 med samma båt som hade som destination Calais i Frankriket.

I mitten av juli (2023) besökte mig i Stockholm Esther från Jerusalem. Jag guidade henne och hennes man i hela Stockholm. Precis före avresan ville Esther åka till "mammas Lövsätra". Nästa gång Du kommer till Sverige så åker vi dit, lovade jag för det var knappt om tid och jag visste inte om "Internatbyggnaden" var kvar. Hennes mamma, Sala Finkler bodde nämligen där som barn. Lövsätra var nämligen en internatskola för judiska barn som överlevde Förintelsen och kom till Sverige under juni-juli 1945 med UNNRAs Vita Båtar. I Lövsätra bodde barnen tillsammans med sina lärare och undervisningen omfattade flera ämnen. Hela elva ämnen var upptagna i skolbetyget. Föreståndaren, (huvudläraren) för internatet var Egon Kux.

Egon Kux beskrev Lövsätra internatskola och dess barn i en tjänsterapport* från den 31 maj 1946. Internatskolan i Lövsätra startade i february 1946 då en liknande skola i Bergsjö stängdes och barnen där förflyttades till ett antal internatskolor, bl.a. till Lövsätra. Denna uppdelning var huvudsakligen en åldersuppdelning. Barnen i Lövsätra bodde där bara ett antal månader och skulle redan i oktober åter förflyttas till skolan i Torekull. I rapporten* beskrev Egon Kux bara kortfattat de dagliga undervisningslektionerna för huvudsakligen polska-judiska barn, som var mellan 6 -14 år, var överlevande från BergenBelsen. Kux beskriver också några av barnens fritidsaktiviteter, som att arbeta i huset (hushållsarbete), plantera blommor och grönsaker i trädgården, sjunga och spela tillsammans på kvällen. Alla dessa aktiviteter kan naturligtvis tolkas som ett verktyg för rehabilitering. Lektioner i Erec Israel historia, goeografi och hebreiska förberedde barnen inför en eventuell flytt till Israel.

De flesta barn i gruppen har nästan direkt efter att skolåret i Lövsätra var slut åkt till Hälsingborg där de tog båten till det franska hamstaden Calais. Därifrån, genom Paris åkte gruppen vidare till Villete de Anton, ett internat i ett gammalt slott där det redan fanns andra förälralösa judiska barn. Där väntade alla för visering till Erec Israel.

Först i mars 1948 kom beskedet om en eventuell visering och alla barn flyttades till ett transitläger nära Marseillet. Med båten Kedmah kom barnen till Haifa den 3 april 1948, bara 6 veckor innan staten Israel föddes på nytt föddes.

Lövsättras historia innan dess.

Lövsätra - namnet är en sammansättning av förleden löv- och efterleden -sättra. Sät(t)ra betyder skog.

Lövsättra utgjorde under historisk tid en by med två gårdar. Skattegårdar om vardera 12 öresland, sammanlagt 3 markland. Lövsättra karterades första gången storskaligt år 1637 (A9:18-19). Det årliga utsädet var då 10 ¾ tunnor och ängsskörden var 36 lass.

Göran Axel-NiIsson** skrev i slutet av sin artikel LÖVSÄTRA EN LITEN HERRGÅRD OCH DESS TREVNAD utgiven i Nordiska Museets och Skansens årsbok 1946: Det nuvarande Lövsätras huvudbyggnad, som för tillfället tjänstgör som barnhem, ligger som sagt på Västergårdens mark och torde vara identisk med den ”inspektorsbostad” från omkr. 1800, som omtalades i Svenska gods och gårdar. Norr om detta vitrappade, reveterade och ganska tråkiga trähus, vars tvenne flyglar borttagits, utbredde sig en något förvildad engelsk park.

* Riksarkivet Marieberg. RA. SUK F4 B/3, Statens Utänningskommission, Sociala byrån, Handlingar rörande skolverksamheten bland flyktingar. Kux, Egon, Lövsätra report, 31 May 1946.
Riksarkivet Marieberg. RA. Statens utlänningskommission, Statens utlänningskommission Andra världskrigets lägerarkiv, Lövsätra, Lövsätra, SE/RA/420393/12/57/1 1 1946-1947
Riksarkivet Marieberg. RA. Statens utlänningskommission, Statens utlänningskommission Andra världskrigets lägerarkiv, Myckelby, Myckelby, SE/RA/420393/12/58/

** Göran Axel-NiIsson, LÖVSÄTRA EN LITEN HERRGÅRD OCH DESS TREVNAD utgiven i Nordiska Museets och Skansens årsbok 1946.

"Löfsätra gård i Roslagen". Lavyr av Fredrik Gustaf Felt 1760. Tilas samling, Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm.

Karta över skattegårdarna Östra och Västra Lövsätra 1637—3S (detalj). Det var ö. Lövsätra. som vid mitten av 1600 talet omvandlades till säteri. Lantmäteristyrelsens arkiv. Bild 2. Karta över Ö. och V. Lövsätra 1746—47, upprättad av Magnus Kiällström (detalj). Stockholms läns lantmäterikontor.

Troligen var Lövsätra internatet beläget i denna byggdnad som byggdes om år 1956.

 Yeshyahu - Sewek Goldhirsch (Goldhersz) - till vänster; Reuven Rosenblat och hans bror Josef. Kanske är bilden tagen i Lövsätra.

"Repatriandi" from Piotrków Trybunalski in Sweden.

The total number of Polish citizens, Jews, and Poles staying in Sweden in the middle of 1945 was around 17,000. Jews, the Holocaust Survivors came to Sweden mainly by UNRRA action known today as White Boats

Quickly, the Swedish authorities understood that in the case of Jews, the question of "repatriandi" (repatriates) was difficult as Jews had, in reality, no countries to return to. Therefore, there was no pressure or encouragement to repatriate Jews to their countries of origin. However, to move out of Sweden the Holocaust survivors needed valid identification, the passports. To receive an alien´s passport (Swedish främlings-pass) one has to show that one was stateless like German Jews who were officially been as group deprived of their citizenship in the late thirties.

Most of the Holocaust survivors who landed in Sweden at the end of WWII came from concentration camps without any identification documents. Most of them carried DP-2 cards issued by allies in Europe and/or Swedish Inresekort. On the Inresekort there was often a blue stamp that the holder of it had no such documents.

There was no problem to apply and receiving national passports from Polish, Hungarian, or Tjeckoslovakian consulates.

Several Jews, also Piotrków Jews applied to the Swedish authorities for the possibility to visit their countries of origin and thereafter to return back to Sweden. The reason for such trips was the hope to meet a relative or see if something was left of their homes. The main part of the Holocaust survivors who witnessed the departure of the trains to Treblinka, like these in October 1942 from Piotrków Trybunalski knew exactly what the departure to the death camp was and understood that they would never see those relatives alive.

Altman Ruta from Piotrków Trybunalski did not search for her parents, she knew exactly their fate. To a UNRRA official in Lübeck, she stated in July 1945 that her parents, Moszek and Frania Altman, were murdered along with her sister in Treblinka. Those who remained in Piotrków after the great deportation of 1942 knew exactly what it meant, death in the gas chambers of Treblinka. In most cases, Holocaust survivors who came to Sweden wanted to leave Europe - the largest Jewish burial ground. L 7857 was Ruta Swedish Lübeck number.

The lower part of Altman Ruta DP-2 card. She knew exactly the fate of her parents, Frania and Moszek Altman and also of her sister that was together with her parents in the cattle wagons heading to Treblinka. To a UNRRA official in Lübeck, she stated in July 1945 that her parents were murdered along with her sister in Treblinka. Ruta Altman described also two last places of her imprisonment, concentration camps Ravensbrück and Bergen-Belsen.

Altman Ruta from Piotrków Trybunalski did not search for her parents, she knew exactly their fate. To a UNRRA official in Lübeck, she stated in July 1945 that her parents, Moszek and Frania Altman, were murdered along with her sister in Treblinka. Those who remained in Piotrków after the great deportation action in October 1942 knew exactly what it meant, death by suffocation in the gas chambers of Treblinka. In most cases, Holocaust survivors who came to Sweden wanted to leave Europe - the largest Jewish burial ground.

Children that survived the Holocaust, came to Sweden at the end of the war. Mainly with UNRRA's campaign White Boats. The very youngest children came from Bergen-Belsen's Kinderheim and arrived to Malmö with the S/S Kastelholm, the last White boat from Lübeck, on July 26, 1945. The very special thing is that the same boat was later used for departures from Sweden, both for Jewish children and young people on their way to Eretz Israel and so-called "repatriandi", returning Polish and Dutch concentration camp prisoners who came to Sweden at the end of the war. Photo taken on departure in May 1946. The boat in the picture is actually S/S Kastelholm which was part of the White Boat fleet during the summer of 1945.

Actually, from November 1945 until June 1947 more than 8 000 Polish citizens had left Sweden which was just half of all Polish citizens residing in Sweden in June 1945. The Polish consulate set up a registration campaign. It was announced that the consulate would offer help only to those who had been registered whereas many of Polish immigrants had not applied for a residence permit. By the end of 1947, 63 percent of Polish citizens had been registered.

To Poland and thereafter not return to Sweden but to DP camps.
To Poland and return to Sweden and thereafter legal and illegal transport to Eretz Israel
From Sweden thanks to national passports

Polish "repatriandi were moved to Poland from Sweden on one of the former White Boats KP Ingrid. During nine trips (October and November 1945) between Malmö and Gdynia, 2 828 passengers with Polish citizenship were returned. Also, another former White Boat, S/S Kastelholm was involved in this action.

Monday, July 24, 2023

One page from SUK - STATENS UTLÄNNINGSKOMMISSION - Swedish National Tracing Bureau tells almost the entire history of the Holocaust.

One page from SUK - STATENS UTLÄNNINGSKOMMISSION - Swedish National Tracing Bureau tells almost the entire history of the Holocaust. The page contains data about the children that arrived in Sweden with UNRRA White Boats in July 1945.

Jewish children that were liberated in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp were brought to Sweden by UNRRAs action in June-July 1945, later known as White Boats. One of the first places they had to stay during the 14-day karanteen was Sundsgården.

DP-2 card from Lübeck 

DP-2 card from Lübeck -  Observe (20) Signature of Registrand EGON HOL.  Egon was just 6 months when WWII started. Egon Holländer’s mother Elisabeth died 1945 in Bergen-Belsen of typhus; she was 34 years old. Probably she was the one to teach Egon to write. Egon was one of the Jewish children, liberated in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and brought to Sweden by UNRRAs action in June-July 1945, later known as White Boats.

Medical card from Sundsgården

Läkarkort - Medical card from Sundsgården of Holländer Egon born 1938 L/7897. He and Sigmund Sigmund Baumöhl that was a friend of Egon arrived in Malmö together with Kinderheim group of children. Boys were inmates first in Ravensbrück camp and later in Bergen-Belsen.
Thereafter both were at the Dr. Collis Children's Ward at Round House in Bergen-Belsen. Dr. Robert Collis wrote the following in his book Straight On:
A little white-skinned Slavonic person of about six years old lay very quietly in his cot. He neither moved nor spoke. He had had typhus; he was all skin and bones.

Egon Holländer (born in Martin, today’s Slovakia, in 1938) after his liberation from Bergen-Belsen. Egon Holländer’s mother Elisabeth died in Bergen-Belsen of typhus; she was 34 years old. Egon left Sweden after one year and moved to Czechoslovakia. As the troops of the Warsaw Pact suppressed the 1968 Prague Spring, Egon Holländer, who had a degree in engineering, fled to Zurich. He became a corporate executive in the technology industry. He is married and has two daughters and three grandchildren.

At the end of Spring 1944, the Baumöhl family and other Jewish families from Prešov ed to a small town nearby, Spišské Vlachy, thus hoping to survive the war. When they tried to go into hiding in a neighboring villagetheir plans were thwarted and the fugitives had to return to Spišské Vlachy. There seemed to be no way to avoid deportation and their luggage was ready when, in the early days of October 1944, German soldiers came looking for them. They were rounded up in trucks and taken to Prešov. From there they were sent by cattle train to Ravensbrück.

Soon after his arrival at camp, he witnessed two events that would remain engraved forever in his memory. The first episode he remembered was when men, women, and children were separated, and when an SS officer allowed his father to hand over the blanket draped around his shoulders to his son. Sigmund Baumöhl then watched him kiss his mother and line up with the men’s column. The second occurred when, sometime later, while he was waiting inside a room, he caught a glimpse of the blue sky through the window, like a little corner of freedom. «I would always think of that moment, not only in the concentration camp but also later on in my life, during difficult times», he admits. Both his grandmothers died at the camp. Apart from a few happy moments, like playing with his friend Egon Holländer, who lives in Zurich today, and the birth of a little girl inside their barrack, their daily life was dominated by hardship and pain. Hunger was a steady companion and unbearable images have stuck to his mind to this day. Marta Baumöhl and her son were evacuated to Bergen-Belsen. Before leaving Marta Baumöhl was able to see her husband again… but young Sigmund did not recognize his father, because he was wearing a prisoner’s suit. Henrik Baumöhl was bound to die during a death march leaving Sachsenhausen concentration camp. In Bergen-Belsen, the child got weaker and weaker. Given that the only food available was turnips from a nearby eld, he suffered from chronic diarrhea and could barely leave the barrack. Sigmund met other children from Prešov, such as Irma Grosswirth and Ivan Lefkovits, who now lives near Basel and with whom he is very close.

After the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, Sigmund Baumöhl’s mother disappeared from his sight. Later he was to learn that she had died of typhus shortly after the camp’s liberation. Sigmund was then looked after by an Irish pediatrician (Dr. Robert Collis) who had set up an improvised hospital inside the camp. He weighed 10 kg. Sigmund Baumöhl was sent to the seaside town of Malmö in August 1945, on the southernmost tip of Sweden, for convalescence and rehabilitation. He spent almost ten months there, gradually trying to nd his way back to life. He holds fond and grateful memories of the doctor, the nurses, and the children. He returned to Prešov in 1946, but because of his weakened condition, he was admitted to a sanatorium for children in the High Tatras for three years. «A chapter of my life was coming to a close,» he says.

One page from SUK - STATENS UTLÄNNINGSKOMMISSION - Swedish National Tracing Bureau tells almost the entire history of the Holocaust. The page contains data about the children that arrived in Sweden with UNRRA White Boats in July 1945. Here is a short story about Sala, just 7 years old when WWII started and she and her family were imprisoned in the Piotrków Trybunalski Ghetto.  In October 1942 started the deportations of the Jews from Piotrków Ghetto to the death camp Treblinka.  Salas's 4 sisters were transported to Treblinka. Salas's parents were shot in Piotrków.  The only survivor in the family was Salas's aunt Zerla Frenkel that before WWII started left for Palestine-Erec Israel.

One page from SUK - STATENS UTLÄNNINGSKOMMISSION - Swedish National Tracing Bureau tells almost the entire history of the Holocaust. The page contains data about the children that arrived in Sweden with UNRRA White Boats in July 1945. Here is a short story about Sala, just 7 years old when WWII started and she and her family were imprisoned in the Piotrków Trybunalski Ghetto. In October 1942 started the deportations of the Jews from Piotrków Ghetto to the death camp Treblinka. Salas's 4 sisters were transported to Treblinka. Salas's parents were shot in Piotrków. The only survivor in the family was Salas's aunt Zerla Frenkel that before WWII started left for Palestine-Erec Israel. Sala Frenkel left Sweden in May 1946, actually on the same boat that almost 1 year earlier brought her to Sweden, S/S Kastelholm, for Calais in France. Thereafter she went to southern France and from there to Erec Israel - Palestine.

SALA FRENKEL 4-4-1932, Petrikau, Polish Jew.
Father Kiva Frenkel 1895 Kielce. Shot in Petrikau 1942.
Mother Genendela Frenkel 1900, Zernow shot in Petrikau 1942
Estera Ita Frenkel, 1917, Petrikau, transported from Petrikau 1942.
Rivka Frenkel, 1921, Petrikau, transported from Petrikau 1942.
Faiga Frenkel, 1926, Petrikau, transported from Petrikau 1942.
Roza Frenkel, 1929, Petrikau, transported from Petrikau 1942.

Aunt Zerla Frenkel in Palestina.
Has been in Ravensbrück and in Bergen.

Went with "Kastelholm" to Calais 13.5.1946.