Friday, January 29, 2010

Pengar hos mina föräldrar

I pappas stora skrivbord som var det bästa gömställe fanns buntar med vad jag trodde det var - pengar.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kredytowa och Ada Hochman

Den första grundskolan jag gick låg vid Mazowiecka, Jasna, Kredytowa och Swietokrzyskagatan eller på backgården av dessa gator. Skolan (byggd 1952) eller egentligen två skolor låg i en dubbel byggnad lång som ett fotbollsplan. Skolorna hade nummer 38 och 75. Jag gick i nr 38 vars patron heter Marie Curie Sklodowska. Min första lärare hette Pani Zofia Salachowa. Hon var jätte gammal, vid den tiden troligen 45-50. Hon var en riktig gammaldag lärare som ingav oss skrämda 7 åringar riktig vänskap och skydd. Jag minns egentligen tre saker kopplade till den här skolan. Dels så var det inskrivning där man gick till sekretariatet där allt var stort och främmande och där satt skolans rektor som kände min mamma. Och så minns jag vägen till skolan. Jag tror att jag började gå ensam redan efter några veckor. Jag brukade korsa Królewska vid Plac Zwyciestwa.
Skolan av nybyggd men runtomkring och på väg till skolan fanns överalt ruiner. Hade jag på något speciellt sätt reagerat att det fanns ruiner runtomkirng? Nej, de hörde till den omgivning som jag föddes i. Kwarterets ruiner och det att det var just en kvarter gav möjligheter till cross country tävlingar. Vid sprang en bana från skolan genom ruinerna, mot kredytowagatan därefter en motsols sväng mot Jasna och tillbaka längs Swietokrzyska. Så småningom dumpade vi Swietokrzyskan och sprang längs en triangel.
Vid porten som ledde från ruinerna mot Kredytowa bodde min skolkompis Ada Hochman. I samma port fanns Tepepe-er TPPR - Towarzystwo Przyjaźni Polsko-Radzieckiej (inte Taxes Paid—Purchases Resold - också TPPR. Redan i grundskolan fick man gratis en vacker medlemskaps leg (först i papper och sedan i rött tyg)och kunde gå och fritt titta på ryska krigsfilmer. TPPR hade ca. 3 milioner medlemar, många av de inskrivna skolelever i 7 år åldern.

Sista som jag hörde om Ada Hochman var i början av sjuttiotalet. Någon sa till mig att hon sålde läsk någonstans längs (Rheov) Dizengoff i Tel-Aviv. Jag korsade gatan flera gånger men fick ingen syn på Ada.

Bilden: Skolans bakgård efter Warszawa upproret 1944.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Förintelsedagen - Holocaust Remembrance Day eller International Holocaust Remembrance Day

April 19
January 27


Warsaw Ghetto uprise
entering by Soviet troops of Auschwitz


יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany and its accessories, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. In Israel, it is a national memorial day and public holiday. It is held on the 27 Nisan (April/May). In other countries there are different commemorative days – see Holocaust Memorial Day
Holocaust Remembrance Day - Yom HaShoah was inaugurated in 1951, anchored in a law signed by the Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion. The original proposal was to hold Yom HaShoah on the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising (April 19, 1943), but this was problematic because the April 19th or in Jewish calendar 14th of Nisan is the day immediately before Pesach (Passover). The date was therefore moved to the 27th of Nisan, which is 8 days before Yom Ha'atzma'ut, or Israeli Independence Day.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which occurs on January 27, is the first universal commemoration in memory of the victims of The Holocaust. It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005 during the 42nd plenary session. January 27 is the date, in 1945, when the largest Nazi death camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland) was liberated by Soviet troops.

So we do have to days of Holocaust Remembrance.

One from 1951 connected to the Warsaw ghetto uprising April 19, 1943 and one from 2005 designated by the United Nations on January 21st, the day when the Soviet army entered Auschwitz and liberated more than 2,819 remaining prisoners, who were mostly ill and dying. 180 of them were children.

The day when the final battle - Warszawa Ghetto Upprise started. It was the eve of Passover of April 19, 1943, when a Nazi force consisting of several thousand troops entered the ghetto. The Germans entered the Ghetto planning to complete their Aktion within three days. However, they suffered losses as they were repeatedly ambushed by Jewish insurgents, who shot and launched Molotov cocktails and hand grenades at them from alleyways, sewers and windows. The Germans systematically burned and blew up the ghetto buildings. Block by block. Rounding up or murdering anybody they could capture. Significant resistance ended on April 23, but the Nazi operation officially ended first in mid-May. According to the official report, at least 56,065 people were killed on the spot or deported to German Nazi concentration and death camps, most of them to Treblinka.

Pictures - top two: The Germans troops in April 1943, puting on fire houses in Warszawa ghetto. Fire forced people higher and higher in the buildings. The Germans were on the street waiting with photographers to see the people to jump.
Picture bottom: View of ruins of the krematorium II after liberation in January 1945.

I feel strongly for "giving credits" to the brave, determined Jewish fighters in the ghetto rather than to Soviet troops that "entered" almost empty Auschwitz camp. Both Russians and Americans could, when flying over Auschwitz fell the bombs at least on the railway trucks.