Friday, July 2, 2021

Vad ger tjänster som ordförande och generalsekreterare inom Judiska Församlingen - Inte bara det som står skrivet i annonsen, långt ifrån!

Förintelsemonumentet 6 stenar - 6 miljoner som har skändats år 2020 av Judiska församlingen under tiden då Itzhok Avraham Reichel och Aron Verständig var de högsta drivande cheferna där. Skam!

2019. Avtäckning av Förintelsemonumentet 6 stenar - 6 miljoner som har skändats år 2020 av Judiska församlingen under tiden då Itzhok Avraham Reichel och Aron Verständig var de högsta drivande cheferna där. Deras direkta order!Skam! Skändningen har utförts på 75-årsdagen då de begravda Förintelsens överlevande kom till Sverige. De flesta dog kort tid efter ankomsten och blev Förintelsens offer.

Att sparka en har dock konsekvenser - samma gäller avsaknaden av den befogade kritiken av svenska massmediala rapporteringen om terrorismen i Gaza och effekterna, en växande antisemitism i Sverige.

De senaste åren har alla ordförande och generalsekreterare som har skött sig, dvs. varit PK-trogna fått höga tjänster inom Staten. Ordförande Verständig som senior utredare på Finnans inspektionen och Ingrid Lomfors och Itzhok Avraham Reichel som myndighetschefer med löner mellan 100 - 120 000:- i månaden.

Således den som svarar på nedanstående annonsen och "uppför sig" kan räkna med att staten inte glömmer det. Vad betyder att man uppför sig? Det handlar om att man officiellt följer den socialdemokratiska regeringens politik. Både inrikes och utrikes. Regeringens hatiska tendenser gentemot den enda demokratin i Mellanöstern, staten Israel som slår i förlängningen gentemot svenska judar eller borde ha skrivit judar i Sverige, har pågått länge. Det klart pro-palestinska engagemanget åtföljs dagligen av starkt vinklad information om Israel. Senast när det gäller Hamas terroristattacker från Gaza så försökte men massmedialt göra det till ett nytt palestinskt uppror. Massmedias rapportering, numera ökänd, börjar alltid med: Israel bombade hus i Gaza. Att det var ett svar på raketbeskjutning från just de hus i Gaza City eller att huset hade varit Hamasterroristernas ledningscentral för raketattackerna läggs ofta till på slutet av rapporteringen eller inte alls. Allt detta göder antisemitismen och antisionismen. Därför fruktar judar i Sverige hat och hot och det börjar redan i grundskolan. Allt detta sker med regeringens goda minne och fortsätter år efter år. Snart kan man säga från generation till generation.
Judiska församlingarna och det sk Centralrådet agerar inte när det gäller missinformation om Israel. Detta trots att staten Israel betyder oerhört mycket för de flesta judarna i Sverige och världen över och att bönen de ber i synagogan börjar med Shma Israel. Hyckleri!
Judiska församlingarna har övertagit från Föreningen Polska Judar en tradition att ihågkomma Förintelsen. Tidigare under sjutiotalet var de emot det och motvilligt gick med att det skulle ske i deras synagoga. Nu, bjuder de in alla betydelsefulla (fula). Den oftast halvtomma synagogan blir t.ex. bristningsfylld om Viktoria Bernadotte vistas där. 

Detta speciella ställningstagande tycks gynna ledningen av Judiska församlingen i Stockholm på flera sätt. Inte mins att judar som flyr från Malmöregionen kommer till Stockholm. Att det växer nya generationer av Israel- och judehatare tycks inte bekymra Judiska församlingens (Centralrådets) ledning. De har det på det torra.

Naturligtvis bjuder de in kontroversiella politiker att delta i olika evenemang, särskilt till minne av Förintelsen. Att det var Förintelsens överlevande, som kom bl.a. från Sverige som byggde upp Israel efter andra världskriget nämns ej i väntan på de åtråvärda myndighetstjänsterna..

Trots att bara 18% judar i Stockholm tillhör den Judiska församlingen så vill JF vara den enda absoluta maktfaktorn.


Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm, JFST, söker en ny generalsekreterare.

Internt innebär det den verkställande högsta chefen för medlems­verksamheten och medarbetarna.Externt företräder du – i samverkan med ordförande – JFST och Judiska Centralrådet, JC. JC är en sammanslutning av judiska församlingar och föreningar i Sverige.

Judiska församlingen söker därför en person med kunskaper, erfarenheter och god prestationsförmåga inom ett antal vitt skilda områden, exempelvis:
- motiverande modernt ledarskap
- engagerande medlemsverksamhet
- effektiv styrelseadministration
- dialog med stat, kommun, organisationer och media
- barn­ & ungdomsverksamhet samt äldreverksamhet
- demokratifrämjande och kulturella verksamheter
- judendom och villkoren för judiskt liv i Sverige och omvärlden, utan krav på expertkunskaper.

Death stamps and death symbols on Prisoner Registration Card in concentration camps during WWII - Cross build by four 'T' shapes (potent cross) was used to mark the death on inmates cards.

Part of Prisoner Registration Card with hand written mark of death that looked almost like svastikas.

Prisoner registration card from Buchenwald with two potent cross marks..

Enlarged potent cross from the registration card below.

Prisoner Registration Cards. These cards were created for concentration camp prisoners in all of the main camps. At first glance, the cards look very diverse as they come in various colors. They were filled out by prisoner clerks either by hand or on a typewriter, and sometimes by the prisoner. These cards were used for all age groups, nationalities and prisoner categories. There was no registration in the death camps for the groups of Jews that were send to gas chambers after the selection (directly after arrival).
On many Registrations cards one can find kind of marks or stamps composed by 4 'T' shapes, kind of the potent cross. Potent is an old word for a crutch. Similar crosses are known as the "Jerusalem crosses". On some cards there is also 'T'. 'T' comes toten, in German death.

The registration card of Anne Frank with the "Death mark".

The registration card of Margot Frank with the "Death mark" at two places and overwritten letter T at the top.

Does anybody know the origins of the "4 x T" sign or "Potent cross" (here in red) which appears on the documents from the concentration camps?

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Kinderbaracke number 211 - Kinderheim - Mothers with children - Bergen-Belsen - UNRRAs White Boat Mission to Sweden.

From the Ghetto in Piotrków Trybunalski mother Bajla Goldhersz and her son Sevek were deported to Ravensbrück and thereafter to Bergen-Belsen.  At the same time Bajlas husband Herszgold Herszel was deported to Buchenwald. On the photo Bajla Goldhersz and her son Sevek Goldhersz on the way to Eretz Israel. Actually they travel on the same boat that as UNRRA White Boat brought them to Sweden in July 1945.

There are numerous testimonies by Bergen-Belsen Child Survivors. I was trying to find out how the Kinderbaracke number 211 was established and how it was functioning. It is known that most of the children arrived at the lat 1944 and the begining 
of 1945.
Bergen-Belsen camp was not an uniform camp with the same condition for the inmates. Besides POWs and slave workers it was used for neutrals and other ‘exchange Jews’. As the camp was insepcted by Red Cross it is likely it was the reason that the Kinderbaracke was established there. Kinderbaracke in hut number 211 was placed in the proximity of the camp close to the woods on other side of the wires.

Bergen-Belsen. April 1945. Children barrack and newly dug mass grave.

Who were the children and teenagers in Bergen-Belsen? There were actually two main groups of children, one East-europeen group 50 children from Poland, Slovakia and from Hungary and Dutch children of the same size. Dutch children were from Jewish families involved in diamond trade. They arrived as a group to Bergen-Belsen in December 1944. The fate of this group has been well described.

Where did they East-europeen group of 50 children come from, and how did they survive until 1944? The bitter truth is that there was little chance of survival for Jewish children in Nazi-occupied Europe. This explains why there were so few children at the concentration camps at the time of liberation. It is difficult to come up with exact numbers!
Most of the children and young people were at the camp at the time of liberation, however, numerous had arrived there with the massive influx of survivors of other camps in the last months of the war. They all had experienced the Nazi hell as children in ghettos and in camps. Many had matured early and had seen much, and their testimonies enable us to see these experiences through children’s eyes. They also demonstrate the unique and intense nature of the few weeks spent in Bergen-Belsen during those last weeks of the war.
Many of the children were veterans of ghettos, and concentration camps like Auschwitz, and also survived like twin sisters Weiss the death marches before they entered Bergen-Belsen. The children


Family Zajaczkowski Father: Jozef Mother: Maria Son: Lolek, Daughter: Lusia

Fake Mothers with Fake Children - Holocaust Daughterhood
As I wrote earlier, numerous new families were built in the camps and thereafter in the hospitals and DP camps. This situation actually continued later and I had during my childhood numerous uncles and anties. None of the were blood-related. In many cases there numerous fake cousins and as well mother-daughter relations were given as status to Allied authorities. "Holocaust daughterhood" is a fake state of being someone's daughter without blood relation.
Below is the story of Paulina and her Holocaust mother, Rywka-Regina Rundbaken. Regina was born in Lodz and moved to Piotrków Trybunalski (German: Petrikau) in September 1939. Her husband was in Polish Army in Africa and was killed in December 1941 in Tobruk. Regina escaped Piotrkow Ghetto in October 1942 together with Paulina and Regina's sister Rut. Paulina's father followed them later and reunited with them in Austria where they lived with forged papers as Polish workers.

DP-2 card of Paulina Janaszewicz (below) and her Holocaust mother, Regina Rundbaken (above).  This DP-2 card was issued in Lübeck, one day before departure to Sweden by White boat S/S Kastelholm.  At number 8 on this DP-2 card, there is the clear statement that Regina Rundbaken was traveling with her daughter Paulina.

DP-2 card of Paulina Janaszewicz and her Holocaust mother, Regina Rundbaken (above). This DP-2 card was issued in Lübeck on July 24, 1945, one day before departure to Sweden by White boat KS/S Kastelholm.

Other mothers and children:
Mother Fajner Janka with Fajner Tusia (Estera) och Fajner Rachela. Mother died after the liberation of the camp. All from Piotrków Trybunalski. Stayed in Sweden.
Bajla Goldhersz and her son Sevek Goldhersz left Sweden for Israel.

Not all mothers with children in Bergen-Belsen were accommodated in the Kinderheim. See the history of family Rubenlicht.

There is a book by Federica Clementi (2013) entitled Holocaust Mothers and Daughters: Family, History, and Trauma that focuses on the real mother-daughter bonds and experiences prior to, during, and after the Holocaust.

Numerous children from Kinderheim in KL Bergen-Belsen were transported first to Sweden in July 1945 during UNRRA White Boat Mission. After recovery, they left Sweden for France and thereafter Eretz Israel. The trip from France on S/S Kedmah to Haifa ended on April 3rd, 1948.