Thursday, February 25, 2021

Barnsjukhuset i det Runda huset i Bergen-Belsen

Många av Förintelsens överlevande som kom till Sverige vid krigslutet minns "Runda huset" i Bergen-Belsen. I detta hus rymdes det allra första Bergen-Belsen sjukhuset. Det startade sin verksamhet tre veckor efter befrielsen, den 4 maj 1945.

Många av Förintelsens överlevande som kom till Sverige vid krigslutet minns "Runda huset" i Bergen-Belsen. I detta hus rymdes det allra första Bergen-Belsen sjukhuset. Det startade sin verksamhet 3 veckor efter befrielsen. Den 4 maj 1945 fylldes huset med sjukhussängar som fanns i alla rum, förråd och skrymslen och naturligtvis i den stora balsalen. Tiden för starten av sjukhusverksamheten stämmer väl överens med första de anteckningarna i patienternas Field Medical Card. Jag har inte sett några FMC-kort från Belsen med anteckningar gjorda i april-1945.

FMC-kortet av Zofia Mandel från Lodz, 17 år gammal vid befrielsen. Från Swedish Holocaust Memorial Association Arkiv. Zofia kom till Stockholm med UNRRAs Vita Båtar och dog strax efter ankomsten..

Man uppger att totalt fanns över 13.000 sjukbäddar i sjukhusområdet.  Runda huset tömdes på patienter 3 veckan av juni då de återstående patienterna flyttades till en annan lämpligare byggnad. Troligen så var den enorma balsalen i den fd Officers Mess som föll de unga överlevande i minnet. De har troligen aldrig tidigare sett en så stor och två våning hög sal, nu omvandlad till en sjukhussal fylld med ett par hundra sjukhussängar.

Eva Fischer från Ungern hade troligen sin sjukhussäng i den stora salen i det Runda Huset. Hennes säng hade nummer 18 i den sjätte raden - F. Swedish Holocaust Memorial Association Arkiv.

När lägret övertogs av den brittiska armén 15 april 1945 så används huset för olika administrativa ändamål av Brittiska 'Belsen Garrison". 17 - 19 april 1945 satt fängslad i Runda husets källare Bergen-Belsen kommendant Hauptsturmführer Josef Kramer. 

Efter att sjukhuset flyttade till en annan byggnad användes Runda huset som samlingspunkt och administration i DP-lägret. Många överlevande som hittade sin partner i DP-lägret gifte sig i Runda huset.

Chefsläkaren för barnsjukhuset hette dr. Robert Collis.
Efter att barnsjukhuset upplöstes  tog med sig sex sjuka, mestadels judiska, föräldralösa barn till Irland för adoption och institutionell vård. Collis, med sin fru Phyllis, adopterade två av dem. Senare Robert Collis gifte om sig med Han en tidigare holländsk volontär på sjukhuset.

Något sam man inte beskrivit särskilt mycket är att det fanns ett barnsjukhus eller barnklinik där.

Här i Sverige samarbetade Frälsningsarmén med Sigtuna-stiftelsen och tog emot patienter, överlevande judar från Bergen-Belsen som anlände med Folke Bernadottes 'Vita bussarna'. Tillsammans med röda korsläkare, sjukvårdspersonal och diakoner från Svenska kyrkan, arbetade ett antal frälsningssoldater och frälsningsofficerare under sommarmånaderna 1945 med att rehabilitera 597 överlevande kvinnor varav de flesta var bördiga från Polen, Ungern, dåvarande Tjeckoslovakien och Rumänien.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The White boat S/S Kastelholm last trip to Southern Sweden with Mengele´s twins - Weiss sisters - A 6026 and A 6027 - L: 7798 and L: 7900.

Eva Weiss during her stay at the Children's hospital in Landskrona, Sweden - summer 1945. 
Code SHMA: PHOTO A  Weiss Eva  b1932  Kinderheim.

Swedish documents of Vera Weiss including photos she used when applying for Swedish Främlingspass. Vera was at the Children's Hospital in Landskrona (top photo) and then at the orphanage at Bergsjö and Visingsö. She left with the large group of parentless children - Holocaust survivors for Eretz Israel on July 20, 1947. The photos were made for her Swedish Främling passport. Riksarkivet, Swedish National Archives, Marieberg.
Code SHMA: RASUK  Weiss Eva  b1932  Kinderheim

The back of the Swedish Entry card Inresekortet , the one with L-number was used for the Swedish police records and information about the place of stay of the immigrants. When Weiss Eva and her sister Vera left Sweden just 2 years after arrival. Probably she was in the group of children and youngsters that went to port of Calais to Paris and thereafter to Lyon and finally as legal immigrants to Eretz Israel.
The trip of the White Boat S/S Kastelholm with code name Black ship, which started on July 25, 1945, was a short trip to port of Malmö. Each child on the list has its L-number on it. L-number was the number of the Swedish Inresekortet, Entry card to Sweden. The L-number appears on numerous Swedish documents related to the Holocaust survivors brought to Sweden at the end of WWII. Eva Weiss has the L number 7900. The same number is seen in the right top corner of her DP-2 card issued in Lübeck 2 days before her departure to Sweden.
Code SHMA: UNRRASHIP  Weiss Eva  b1932  Kinderheim

Malmö port. Some children from Bergen-Belsen after their arrival to Sweden.

At the UNRRAs Lübeck Transit Hospital the the Weiss sisters, born August 8, 1932, were given Entry cards to Sweden with numbers L: 7798 and L: 7900. Also new DP-2 cards were issued there on July 24th, 1945. Both cards include information about their and their parent's fate during the Holocaust.  Arolsen archives.
Code SHMA for upper picture: DP-2  Weiss Eva  b1932  Kinderheim

Enlarged lower part of Eva Weiss DP-2 card. There is information that they were taken in July 1944 to Auschwitz, thereafter there is information about Ravensbrück and Bergen-Belsen. Here the information about death transports/marches between the camps that is present in the Swedish documents is missing. It is known that they were on the death march from Auschwitz. The final distance to Ravensbrück they were herded into open cargo wagons. Information at the bottom of the DP-2 card, "Father soldier in Serbia"  is rather characteristic as many of the Jewish men in Hungary and Czechoslovakia were recruited to forced labor in the framework of the "labor battalions" of the Hungarian Army. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany, and its army fought alongside Germany. DP-2 card from Arolsen archives.

Among the patients that arrived on the White Boat S/S Kastelholm to Malmö, Sweden were two of Mengele´s twins with tattoos A-6026 and A-6027. They were just twelve years old when they came to their first concentration camp Auschwitz where they lost their mother upon arrival. Above are two documents with the names of sisters Weiss from Auschwitz. The lower one is signed by the infamous dr. Mengele. Auschwitz Museum archives.
Code SHMA: AuschwitzA  Weiss Eva  b1932  Kinderheim

The list of the children from Kinderheim in Bergen-Belsen after the liberation. The list from the Children ward in Bergen-Belsen hospital by Dutch nurse Annie Bonsel shows the results of TBC vaccination. Annie Bonsel followed the children and arrived with them on the White Boat S/S Kastelholm to Malmö. Eva Weis is the forth name on the list. Bergen-Belsen Museum.
Code SHMA: BergenB  Weiss Eva  b1932  Kinderheim

White boat S/S Kastelholm was usually used by UNRRA to transport former inmates of the Beregen-Belsen concentration camp to the Frihamnen port in Stockholm. The trip lasted several days. S/S Kastelholm's first journey to Stockholm started on June 28, 1945, from Lübeck and the first White boat arrived to Stockholm on July 1st.

However, the transport logistics at the end of the UNRRA White Boat mission were not the best. According to the chief doctor at the UNRRA Transit Center and the Swedish Transit Hospital, Hans Arnoldsson, numerous persons were not suitable for the transport. They were dying. There was another group, fully healthy former inmates that were not fitting the aim of the mission.

The transport of children was by the White Boat S/S Kastelholm with code name Black ship. It started in Lübeck port on July 25, 1945 was a overnight trip to port of Malmö. It was the last trip of the S/S Kastelholm during the UNRRA-mission.

Among the patients that arrived on July 26, 1945, on the White Boat S/S Kastelholm to Sweden were two of Mengele´s twins with tattoos A-6026 and A-6027. They were just twelve years old when they came to their first concentration camp Auschwitz where they lost their mother (murdered) upon arrival. 

At the Lübeck Transit Hospital the sisters (now 15) were given Entry cards to Sweden with numbers L: 7798 and L: 7900. Also their DP-2 cards were issued there on the July 24th, 1945. Both cards include the information about theirs and their parents fate during the Holocaust. 

At the lower part of Eva Weiss DP-2 card (see photo above) there is information that they were taken in July 1944 to Auschwitz, thereafter there is information about Ravensbrück and Belsen. Here, the information about death transports/marches between the camps is missing. "Father soldier in Serbia" - most of the Jewish men in Hungary and Tjeckoslovakia were recruited to forced labor in the framework of the "labor battalions" of the Hungarian Army. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany, and its army fought alongside Germany.

Upon arrival in Malmö. Sweden, one of the girls, Eva, was in very bad conditions and was sent directly to the hospital in Landskrona while her sister, Vera, was to the orphanage for Jewish children. It was actually the first time since they arrived in the cattle wagon to Auschwitz they were apart.

After two years in Sweden, in 1947, the Weiss sisters decided to leave Sweden to go to Eretz Israel. They tried to get into British Mandate from France (picture) but their ship was caught by the British and both girls (now 17) were imprisoned in the detention camp on Cyprus. Code SHMA: PhotoA  Weiss Eva  b1932  Kinderheim

After two years in Sweden, in 1947, the Weiss sisters decided to leave Sweden to go to Eretz Israel. They tried to get into the British Mandate from France but their ship was caught by British and both girls (now 17) were imprisoned in the detention camp in Cyprus.

Now, in 2021, they are both living in Israel and have direct contact with the Swedish Holocaust Memorial Association.

They both married (in 1950) Holocaust survivors and created new families in Israel, and together they have 20 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Sister of Eva Weiss - Vera was twice at Israeli TV. Pictures in red dress are from Yom Hashoah 2021. 
Code SHMA: PhotoD  Weiss Eva  b1932  Kinderheim.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Det här är orginalartikel - Inte plagiat av doktoranden från Lunds Universitet - Historien om Agnes Sternberg som kom med Vita båtar till Sverige och tecknaren Edgar Ainsworth.

Tillfångatagen 23 juli 1944 i Sátoraljaújhely getto nära Kosice ankom till Auschwitz 1 augusti 1944.

Transportlistan från Auschwitz till Dachau. Agnes Sternberg transporterades tillsammans med sin ett år äldre syster Katalin vidare från Auschwitz Birkenau till Dachau den 4 augusti 1944.

Agnes Sternberg troligen på sjukhuset i Bergen-Belsen (april-juni 1945). Hon porträtteras här som A Dying Girl, som den tecknande journalisten Edgar Ainsworth beskrev henne i Picture Post.
Kanske datum längst ner är 14/4 dvs dagen då Belsen övertogs av de Brittiska trupperna. 

Från Föreningen Förintelsens Minnes arkiv om Vita båtar (från Arolsen arkiv). Agnes Sternberg kom med Vita båten Kastelholm till Stockholm den 8 juli 1945. När DP-2 kortet fylldes strax före avresan i Lübeck visste hon inget om ödet av sina föräldrar och bröder. Sista gången hon såg de var det i Auschwitz.

Originalartiklar består av redogörelser från studier där resultatet från ett forskningsarbete beskrivs för första gången. Om man skriver om samma sak som i orginalartikeln och uppger det som egen forskning begår man plagiat. Detta sk om det står klart COPYRIGHT ©.

Här följer Agnes Sternberg historia. Hon föddes i Ungern i Szeged. En vanlig familj, mor och far, en syster och två bröder. 4 161 judar som bodde i Szeged år 1941. Efter den tyska ockupationen (19 mars 1944) bildades ett getto i Szeged. Dit fördes även judarna från omkringliggande områden. Med Förintelsetågen deporterades 3000 till judar Auschwitz dit Agnes anlände den 1 augusti 1944. Andra två transporter från Szeged hamnade av misstag i Strasshof i Österrike. Det står i hennes Auchwitz dokument: Tillfångatagen 23 juli 1944 i Sátoraljaújhely getto nära Kosice ankom till Auschwitz 1 augusti 1944. Jag måste ringa till Agnes så får hon förklara det.

Det är Agnes som finns på teckning ovan. Teckningen är gjord efter befrielsen/övertagandet av lägret i mitten av april 1945. Det finns entext direkt skriven på själva teckningen. Jag har blivit tillfrågad varför står det Auschwitz på teckningen A Dying Girl, av Edgar Ainsworth.
Det var det arbetssättet journalisten och tecknaren arbetade. Han skrev den typen av "minneslappar" på sina teckningar. Auschwitz var var det första lägret som "A dying girl" transporterades till. Där såg hon för sista gången sin far, mor och två bröder. Agnes transporterades tillsammans med sin ett år äldre syster Katalin vidare från Auschwitz Birkenau till Dachau den 4 augusti 1944.

I Föreningen Förintelsens Minne arkiv har jag tyska dokument från alla läger Agnes var fånge i. 

Här en annan teckning av Ainswort - Vera Berger 13 år. På samma sätt som på Stenbergs teckning så anges "Ravensbrück" som en minnesanteckning. Innan dess var hon i Theresienstadt.
Agnes Sternberg troligen på sjukhuset i Bergen-Belsen (april-juni 1945). Hon porträtteras här som A Dying Girl, som den tecknande journalisten Edgar Ainsworth beskrev henne i Picture Post.
Kanske datum längst ner är 14/4 dvs dagen då Belsen övertogs av de Brittiska trupperna.

Trots att en doktorand från Lunds Universitet, Daniel Leviathan, plagierade mitt och FFMs arbete så känns det underbart att Agnes Sternberg med Lübecknummer - L: 2394 (som kom med Vita båten Kastelholm den 8 juli 1945 till Frihamnen i Stockholm) uppskattar vårt arbete Tack Agnes 90+.

Under andra världskriget konstredaktören för tidningen Picture Post, Edgar Ainsworth,  arbetade som krigskorrespondent och följde den 7:e amerikanska armén i hela Europa 1945.  Edgar Ainsworth besökte koncentrationslägret Bergen-Belsen tre gånger efter att den brittiska armén övertog lägret i mitten av april 1945. Flera av hans skisser och teckningar från lägret publicerades i en artikel från september 1945, under titeln Victim and Prisoner
Ainsworth skickade också konstnären Mervyn Peake till Frankrike och Tyskland i slutet av kriget och även han rapporterade från Bergen-Belsen.

Föreningen Förintelsens Minnes arkiv. Agnes kom med Vita båten Kastelholm till Stockholm. Hon mår bra trots 90+ och tyckte om

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sigtuna Hospital Memories - The patient's monotonous, unidentifiable moaning voice is barely heard... - Anamnesis - Some words the doctor does not understand. What is a Aufseherinnen or Sperre

The doctor is alone with the patient who has just been taken to the hospital by an ambulance. A short distance, just from Kajplats 2 in Frihamnen. The patient, a woman 18 years old, has survived the Holocaust and arrived with the White Boat S/S Kastelholm from Lübeck. The patient weighs 28 kg and has a tattoo on her left arm. A number starting with A-234 .... The photo above was taken at Sigtuna emergency hospital.

The doctor may repeat the patient's response a number of times while slicing. It is about the number of years in the ghetto, then in concentration and labor camps such as Auschwitz, death marches and finally the time in Bergen-Belsen. It is about the fate of parents and siblings. The text will be authentic based on a document just like the ones in the pictures above. They must contain most of the terrible logistics of the industrial Holocaust. Ghettos, transports in cattle wagons, selections, labor camps and death marches. The text must all be written by hand (or an old typewriter) and be legible to the viewer.

We do not see the patient, we only see the doctor's curved back. The doctor is sitting in a semi-dark room on a stainless steel hospital stool that can be raised and lowered by twisting. The patient's monotonous, unidentifiable moaning voice is barely heard, but it continues all the time as background (recorded). The patient lies in a white hospital bed, with plywood board behind her, separating one patient from another, see top picture.
The doctor, asks questions and gets simple, scary answers that she repeats with a voice that is clearly heard. The doctor may repeat the patient's response a number of times while slicing. It is about the number of years in the ghetto, then in concentration and labor camps such as Auschwitz, death marches and finally the time in Bergen-Belsen. It is about the fate of parents and siblings.

My idea for a short film or a theatrical performance is of the type of a "play for one actor". I see a Swedish-Jewish doctor (e.g. Jessica Zandén) at an emergency hospital such as Sigtuna writing a medical history. Dr. Esther Lamm actually worked at Sigtuna. It can be at a hospital bed at the Epidemic Hospital at Roslagstull or at the emergency hospital in Sigtuna. The emergency hospitals (Beredskapssjukhus) that received Holocaust survivors were in many places in Sweden.

The doctor is alone with the patient who has just been taken to the hospital by an ambulance. A short distance, just from Kajplats 2 in Frihamnen. The patient, a woman 18 years old, has survived the Holocaust and arrived with UNRRA White Boat S/S Kastelholm from Lübeck. The patient weighs 28 kg and has a tattoo on her left arm. A number starting with A-234 .... We do not see the patient, we only see the doctor's curved back. The doctor is sitting in a semi-dark room on a stainless steel hospital stool that can be raised and lowered by twisting. The patient's monotonous, unidentifiable moaning voice is barely heard, but it continues all the time as background (recorded). The patient lies in a white hospital bed, with plywood board behind her, separating one patient from another.

The doctor, Jessica (Esther), asks questions and gets simple, scary answers that she repeats with a voice that is clearly heard. The doctor may repeat the patient's response a number of times while slicing. It is about the number of years in the ghetto, then in concentration and labor camps such as Auschwitz, death marches and finally the time in Bergen-Belsen. It is about the fate of parents and siblings. The text will be authentic based on a document just like the ones in the pictures above. They must contain most of the terrible logistics of the industrial Holocaust. Ghettos, transports in cattle wagons, selections, labor camps and death marches. The text must all be written by hand (or the old typewriter) and be legible to the viewer.

At the same time as you look at the slicing doctor's back, you see in the background on the right or left side of the stage how a written text appears, word after word and finally shapes the entire real anamnesis. Some words the doctor does not understand. What is a Aufseherinnen or Sperre . What is the meaning of an action or selection . If you come to such an unknown word as Aufseherinnen, the written text can be interrupted against an image of an Aufseherinnen, an SS woman (perhaps with a dog).

The situation with the patient is played out a number of times - 3-4. Each time before "changing the patient" it becomes completely dark and the bed, the pillows and the "patient's" position change slightly.

The alternative, the written text appears at the same time as the doctor writes and pronounces aloud what the survivor has said: Finally, you see the whole page of the real Doctor's card that was written in the summer of 1945.

On the left side of the stage a picture from the ghetto, Auschwitz, death marches and finally Bergen-Belsen and transport to Sweden.

One can start from Professor Halina Neujahr's doctor's card and her life.

You do not see the doctor's face, you concentrate on the voice, the words and the written text.

About Anamnes, or see the link here:

You can also have a different angle and do the scenography as it would be on one of the five Swedish White Boats that were used for UNRRA transports between Germany and Sweden and have dr. Lisa Welander (from White Boat M/S Kronprinsessan Ingrid) as the one who examines the patient and writes the anamnesis.

Of course, if you make a film, you can start with the ship list of those who came with UNRRAs White Boats and "illuminate" one of the chosen people.

We do not see the patient, we only see the doctor's curved back. The doctor is sitting in a semi-dark room on a stainless steel hospital stool that can be raised and lowered by twisting. The patient's monotonous, unidentifiable moaning voice is barely heard, but it continues all the time as background (recorded). The patient lies in a white hospital bed, with plywood board behind her, separating one patient from another.

Thanks to the White Angels, will probably be the second part of this trilogy that starts with Anamnes. The second part will based on letters and notes in "memory books" addressed to the staff, mainly nurses and auxiliary nurses.

The last part of the trilogy will be about the fate of the various survivors who came to Sweden at the end of the war. That part will include information about their Last Stage, thus about the transportation from the latest concentration camp in Germany to Sweden, thus a story about White buses, White Ghost trains and the White Boats.

Thanks to the White Angels, will probably be the second part of this trilogy that starts with Anamnes. The second part will based on letters and notes in "memory books" addressed to the staff, mainly nurses and auxiliary nurses.