Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Children from Piotrków through Theresienstadt to England - Airlift by British Lancaster bombers.

Ben (Beniek) Helfgott and his father Moszek were deported in December 1944 to concentration camp Buchenwald. His mother Sura and little sister Lusia were murdered during the Aktion in 1942. When deported from Buchenwald to Theresienstadt Ben learned that his ­father had been shot a few days earlier as he tried to escape from a death march that was headed to Theresien­stadt. His father was 38 when he was killed.

The last photo was taken in Prague in August 1945 before the transfer to England.

England - girls.


The ghetto in Piotrków was the first ghetto in occupied Poland.

Deportations to the death camp Treblinka started from the Piotrków Ghetto in October 1942. In one week approximately 20 000 Jews were rounded up and deported to Treblinka. Numerous families were split during this action and the survivors of this action lived in the compounds close to the Piotrków factories where they were slave workers. Thereafter, there was another deportation, this time not to the death camp but to concentration camps read HAASAG factories at the beginning of 1943. In other actions, Piotrków Jews were rounded up and killed in nearby woods.

In December 1944 Jews from the Piotrków factories where they worked as force labour, they were sent to the Buchenwald and Ravensbrück concentration camps. Numerous men sent to Buchenwald were divided, and part of them were sent to a subcamp och Buchenwald, the concentration camp in Schlieben (Berga). In April 1945 they were transported to Theresienstadt and liberated there after three weeks.

Airlift from Theresienstadt/Prag by British Lancaster bombers.

The British government agreed to take a thousand young survivors. However, only 732 could be found in the Prague area. The airlift was organized by the Central British Fund and by Jewish refugee organizations. On 14 August 1945 a dozen Lancaster bombers carried three hundred children, who had been incarcerated at the Theresienstadt camp, out of Prague. They were flown to Carlisle, England. Forty of them had tuberculosis. Further, transports arrived in the following twelve months, altogether 732 children, of them were only 80 girls.

I am looking for the names, and original lists from that airlift including the people from Piotrków that were inmates in Buchenwald/Schlieben and were transported to the Theresienstadt camp and also thereafter to England.

From the files available in the Arolsen Archives' collection – 0132, 0138 – 0140.

Another list concerning the Airlift from Theresienstadt to England.