Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Korczak and my grandparents - So much the world knew. So little reaction or support!

So much the world knew. So little reaction or support! 
These documents were published in Australia in 1944 and previously in 1942 in London. 

My grandfather Gabriel Rozental was taken to the Umschlaplatz in the Warsaw Ghetto on July 26, 1942, when he was standing in Ogrodowa Street with a soup can. He was ca. 50 years old.
6091 persons were send to Treblinka on that day!

My grandmother, Helena Rozental, survived the first weeks of Deportation Action and managed to find the work at the brushmakers at Swietojerska Street. On August 3rd, 1942 she was taken to the Umschlagplatz.
6357 persons were send to Treblinka on that day!

Janusz Korczak entire Orphanage was taken to the Umschlagplatz on August 5th, 1942.
6783 persons were send to Treblinka on that day!