Wednesday, June 1, 2016

At Umschlagplatz - Korczak Martyrological Legends - Who and Why created them?

An SS officer recognized Korczak. How? There were almost no photographs of Korczak in Polish and German newspapers! Just in Jewish Nasz Przeglad.

Korczak Martyrological Legends - Who and Why created them?

According to a popular legend, when the group of orphans finally reached the Umschlagplatz, an SS officer recognized Korczak as the author of one of his favorite children's books and offered to help him escape.

By another version, the officer was acting officially, as the Nazi authorities had in mind some kind of "special treatment" for Korczak (some prominent Jews with international reputations were sent to Theresienstadt). Whatever the offer, Korczak once again refused.

By another version....

The legend is a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated.