Florida Guld Coast University skriver:
The Swedish Red Cross White Bus Rescue Action was a mission undertaken by the Swedish Red Cross and the Danish government to rescue prisoners of Nazi concentration camps in the last months of World War II. Count Folke Bernadotte (co-chairman of the Swedish Red Cross) engaged in a series of clandestine meetings with Heinrich Himmler (overseer of the concentration camps and head of the SS and Gestapo) to negotiate the release of more prisoners over the course of the rescue action. The operation convened drivers and nurses, as well as 36 buses, at Malmö Castle. The operation launched on March 9, 1945. The buses were painted white and tagged with a red cross on top to signal their purpose to Allied forces.
Initially intended to rescue only Scandinavians, the White Buses ultimately liberated 15,500 Holocaust victims of over twenty different nationalities in 54 days. We honor these heroes!
Röda Korset på Facebook skriver:
När det gäller judar så har de flesta kommit med de absolut sista transporterna, den 28 april 1945 (ankomst till Malmö). Troligen transporterade Vita bussar fler tyskar (inkl. nazister) än judar. De förstnämnda kom med stor packning, hundar och papegojor.
Röda korsets skriver på FB att Vita bussar räddade 15 000 människor ur förintelseläger. Vita bussar började sina transporter i mars 1945. Sista förintelseläger befriades i mitten av januari 1945. I förintelseläger fanns huvudsakligen judar ochundantagsvis romer. Fel siffror då antalet judar som kom med Vita bussar var enbart ett par tusen 2000 - 3000.