Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Janusz Korczaks - W słońcu (In the Sun) and Mały Przegląd (The Little Review)

As I wrote in my paper for Włocławek meeting, Janusz Korczak build four "Institutions".
One of the “institutions” established by Korczak was his children’s newspaper Mały Przegląd (The Little Review), which was issued from 1926 to 1939 as a weekly supplement to the General Zionist daily Nasz Przegląd (Our Review).
Korczak cooperation with W słońcu (In the Sun) was a kind of warming up before Janusz Korczaks own children’s weekly, Mały Przegląd.

W Słońcu
was to start with (1913-1914) a supplement to "Z Blizka i z Daleka" run by Janina Mortkowiczowa and Stefania Sempołowska.

From 1916 W Słońcu was a separate children newspaper also run by Janina Mortkowiczowa and Stefania Sempołowska. until 1927.