Friday, August 20, 2021
Adoption of Kinderheim children that arrived by UNRRAs White Boats to Sweden.
Motek Fajner was born in Piotrkow, Poland in 1936 and sent to a concentration camp Buchenwald with his father in 1944, arriving on Dec. 2, 1944. Motek was in early January 1945 in the transport of children to Bergen-Belsen. His father stayed in Buchenwald.
In Bergen-Belsen, Motek endured in a Kinderheim in camp 2, block 211, until the liberation by the British on April 15, 1945 - the same period as Anne Frank was in the camp. MOTEK lost both his mother and father during the Holocaust. After the liberation of Bergen-Belsen in 1945, the now 9-year MOTEK had typhoid and was transported to Sweden by UNRRA White Boat mission.
Afterward, he came to Denmark where he was adopted.