Friday, December 16, 2022

One of the 17 documents (top photo) connected to Janusz Korczak/Henryk Goldszmit from Ringelblum Archive is the famous invitation to the "Last play in Warszawas Ghetto".

Cywia Lubetkin and Icchak Cukierman in Lodz after WWII before they left for Eretz Israel.

One of the 17 documents (top photo) connected to Janusz Korczak/Henryk Goldszmit from Ringelblum Archive is the famous invitation to the "Last play in Warszawas Ghetto". At this address, "Kitchen" (Kuchnia) the secret kibbutz of the Chaluc organization was housed. It was run a.o. by Zivia (Cywia) Lubetkin and Yitzhak (Icchak) Cukierman.

There was a regular lecture program run at 34 Dzielna street almost every day. Janusz Korczak had a lecture at the kibbutz on January 18, 1942 and Stefa Wilczyńska on January 20, 1942.

This special invitation was adressed by Stefa Wilczyńska and sent by messenger to three persons at Dzielna. It is not known who was the third person on this invitation - P. (Pani - Mrs) Sara. 34 is the number of Dzielna street and 8 is the flat number where Lubetkin and Cukierman lived.
(top picture)
There are three names there...
P. Cywia... 
P. Ichak... and 
P. Sara

P. Cywia = Pani Cywia Lubetkin.
P. Ichak = Pan Icchak Cukierman.
P. Sara = ?
Cywia Lubetkin and Icchak Cukierman in Lodz after WWII before they left for Eretz Israel.