Zmartwychwstanie - resurrectio mortuorum
Anka Grupińska przeprowadziła wg. informacji powyżej, wywiad z partnerką Anielewicza, Mirą Fuchrer. Czy to mały a wlasciwie duży kretynizm?Dla mnie to DUŻY KRETYNIZM!
I przykro że nikt nie poprawia od tylu lat! To samo głosiło Polske Radio w 2017 roku.
Wszystkim wiadomo że Mira Fuchrer, zginęła wraz z Mordechajem Anielewiczem dnia 8 maja 1943 roku. Grupińska urodziła sie 13 lat pózniej, wg. Wikipedi.
Unveiling of Sculptures
Sunday, December 7, 1980. One of the most moving events of the
Week of Dedication will be the unveiling
of the sculptures affixed to the exterior
of the building, the work of sculptor
Nathan Rapoport, and the gift to the
congregation of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jolson.
The congregation will first gather in
the Sanctuary at 2 P.M. to participate in
a program highlighted by an address by
Samuel Pisar, author of “Of Blood and
Hope” a book which describes his con¬
centration camp experience as well as
that of his family. His book has received
international attention.
His Excellency, The Ambassador of
Israel to the United Nations, Yehuda Z.
Blum, a scholar of international standing,
will also speak at this time of remem¬
brance. Ambassador Blum is a survivor
of Bergen-Belson.
The congregation will then move outof-doors to witness the actual unveiling of
the sculptures by Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jolson.