Monday, May 27, 2024

50 posthumous decorations to Warsaw ghetto and other Polish underground fighters, who fought Nazism. Issued on April 18, 1945. The order reads: By authority of the Order of the Polish Committee of National Liberation dated 23 December 1944 and in the name of the Presidium of the National People's Council, I make the following posthumous awards for heroic struggle with the Hitlerite invader on the occasion of the second anniversary of the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto to those who participated in this uprising. As the first on the list is Mordechaj Anielelewicz awarded Gruenwald Cross, 2nd Class.


An order of the Polish army High Command, Marian Spychalski, granting fifty posthumous decorations to Warsaw (Warszawa) ghetto and other Polish underground fighters, who fought Nazism. Issued on April 18, 1945.

The order reads: By authority of the Order of the Polish Committee of National Liberation dated 23 December 1944 and in the name of the Presidium of the National People's Council, I make the following posthumous awards for heroic struggle with the Hitlerite invader on the occasion of the second anniversary of the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto to those who participated in this uprising.

Gruenwald Cross, Second Class (Krzyż Grunwaldu)
Mordechaj Anielewicz.

Gruenwald Cross, Third Class
Andrzej Szmidt (Pinchas Kartin), Josef Levartowski - Finkelstein, Frumka Plotnicka, Josef Kaplan, Mordechai Tenenbaum - Tamaroff, Niuta Taitelbaum.
Virtuti Militari Cross, Fifth Class: Shakne - Efraim Zagan, Avraham Blum (Abrasha), Witenberg, Avraham Leibowicz (Laban), Kaganowicz, Samuel Jeger, Avraham Chwojnik, Michael Rozenfeld, Hersz Berlinski, Edward - Efraim Fondaminski, Shmuel Zimmerman, "Martik", Arie Wilner (Jurek), Shmuel Braslaw.

Walecznych Cross
Dr. Chorazycki, Rivka Glanz, Avraham Kott, Henryk Szongut, Lejb Gott, Chanoch Guttman, Josef Farber, Zecharia Artstein, Fiszlewicz, Alfred Galewski, Rubin Rozenberg, Daniel, Lusiek Blones, Elek Elkiewicz, Meir - Marek Meirowic, Israel Kanal, Ala Fondaminska, Sha'anan Lent, Aharon Liebeskind (Dolek), Avraham Schneidemil (Berek), Wolf Rozowski, Avraham Ajger, Zygmunt Frydrych, Gabriel Fryszdorf, Szlomo Szuster, Leib - Lutek Rotblat, Melech Feinkind, Marek Folman, Yochanan Morgenstern, Malinowski.

Signed: Marian Spychalski, Brigadier General; Michal Zymierski, General - At - Arms.